Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
That is how the books will end. Because at the end of the day, its all about the Benjens.
That is how the books will end. Because at the end of the day, its all about the Benjens.
OK this is my LAST (well until Monday morning) set of predictions:
Tyrion Targeryn, bastard son of Rhaegar Targeryn, takes the throne.
Sansa is his wife
Jon retreats to the North, semi-retired, to take up hunting and fishing with his old pals, Tormund and Ghost
Of course, the Dany forces defeat Cersei (more below), but sadly, Dany succumbs in a tragic one-dragon accident. Kingsguard cannot fathom why she wanted to park in the Throne Room.
During the battle, Yara makes a surprise appearance and attacks Euron from behind. He says "I like that" as he dies.
Now the rest of these will happen in quick succession
Bronn kills Jamie with the crossbow
Arya sees the incident, and waits for Bronn to leave. She proceeds to add some inventory to her bag of faces
The Hound watches and pukes. Apparently more than fire unnerves him
The two sneak into Cersei's chambers. Cleganebowl ensues, with the Hound dying first, then Arya with more foresight than Oberyn Martell, finishes off the Mountain.
Arya then slips on Jamie's face and kills Cersei. Just before cutting her throat, Arya reminds Cersei "when you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die".
Arya takes Cersei's face, puts in on, enters the Throne Room, then gives the order to Cersei's armies to stand down.
Arya peels off Cersei's face, tosses it at Tyrion and walks out like a boss. Never to be heard from again, except in whispers
Oh, then Bronn enters the Throne Room still holding the crossbow. Threatens Tyrion, who pays him double, and Bronn also walks out like a boss. He is heard from again. as he is quite legendary in Fleabottom. But not as legendary as Podrick.
Who have I left out? Hmmm. Bran is left forgotten under the tree at Winterfell. He slowly morphs into the tree, replicating the last three eyed raven. Sam becomes Lord Tarly, and sends his soon-to-be-born son to Winterfell to be raised by Jon. Oh, and Brienne. How could I forget Brienne. She becomes Captain of the King/Queens Guard, continuing to "defend" Sansa, as was her vow to Lady Catelyn.
So aside from some shit the writers could make up.... who are the legit heirs (blood right) to the throne at this point in order:
Tyrion (as brother to the queen who does not have an heir)
Danny and Jon (what is the order?)
Gendry (next in line Baratheon who was legitimized by Dany)
Anyone else? Do i have those right? What would the order be?
Besides the observation that the actress (who is now over 21) is looking good there, did anyone else get the sense that perhaps Arya is dead and the horse is taking her to the afterlife?
I kind of thought that, if it was the episode and/or if we never see her again that will be my take.Besides the observation that the actress (who is now over 21) is looking good there, did anyone else get the sense that perhaps Arya is dead and the horse is taking her to the afterlife?
I completely disagree, the episode was a mess. 7 years of character development just thrown out the window.
So very disappointed. Apparently I'm not the only one, since this is now the lowest rated season of all.
Guessing you are referring to Dany?
and Jamie
But now im reading the forboding white horse was an uber sent by Bran so![]()
I kind of wished they would have done the same with Aaron Rodgers. Slowly gets up, checks his horse insurance, gets on and rides away.
Bran's business card now says...
Fortune Teller - Animal Trainer - Uber Driver
In other words, unemployed.
I completely disagree, the episode was a mess. 7 years of character development just thrown out the window.
So very disappointed. Apparently I'm not the only one, since this is now the lowest rated season of all.
Bran's business card now says...
Fortune Teller - Animal Trainer - Uber Driver
In other words, unemployed.