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OT Cowboys


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May 17, 2012
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No they shouldn't.....they had plenty of opportunities to have won that game and - if I'm reading you correctly - you're basing Detroit's "should have" based on one play with 4 minutes left to go in the game. Their QB had lead them to 6 points in the final 3 quarters. That's a problem, much more so than one blown call - YES it was a horrid call. But it didn't cost them the game IMO.

And no they shouldn't either......they had so many opportunities to have scored and didn't it was amazing. When you have 1st and goal at the one with the best QB in ball and come out with a FG, that isn't good. Or if their running dumb-ass DL doesn't get a 15 yd penalty for taunting when your team had the ball at the 4 for a first down, and again only came away with a FG, as two of several examples.

Ok, you are way over-analyzing my statement there. And you could say "no they shouldn't have" about any game ever played if you use the whole "well, team X didn't execute and therefore they didn't win" argument. But when someone says that team X should have beaten team Y, he means that team Y caught a lot of breaks.

So yes, given normal circumstances, Detroit should have beaten Dallas. That flag being picked up was a random occurrence and a big deal. It didn't beat Detroit, but it did shift momentum. And Detroit then failed to stop Dallas and then fumbled twice on the attempted game-winning drive. In other words, a lot went wrong for them that normally probably wouldn't. If any of those things don't happen, Detroit wins.

If the TE for Green Bay follows his simple assignment on that onside kick attempt and blocks instead of trying to catch the ball, Jordy Nelson likely makes the easy uncontested catch, Seattle doesn't recover, and Green Bay is in the Super Bowl. 99 times out of 100 that would have happened. Seattle caught a major unexpected break, just like Dallas did.

If you want to get technical about things, then no loser ever should have won because that's not what happened. I was speaking more in general terms and referring mostly to teams having a win within their grasp and letting it slip away.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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From Will the Thrill.........If you want to get technical about things, then no loser ever should have won because that's not what happened. I was speaking more in general terms and referring mostly to teams having a win within their grasp and letting it slip away.

Oh, OK then.....you're a 100% correct.....congrats on making a superb point.
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May 17, 2012
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From Will the Thrill.........If you want to get technical about things, then no loser ever should have won because that's not what happened. I was speaking more in general terms and referring mostly to teams having a win within their grasp and letting it slip away.

Oh, OK then.....you're a 100% correct.....congrats on making a superb point.

Not sure why you're coming at me with the testy and combative attitude. I was just saying that it's interesting that Detroit let the win against Dallas slip away, then Dallas followed suit by letting the win against Green Bay slip away, and then Green Bay followed up by letting their almost-win slip away against Seattle. It's not that often that a team steals a win one week and then semi-chokes one away in similar late-game fashion the following week and the chain continues on.

I wasn't trying to make some "superb" point or start a debate. Just an interesting story line to the NFC Playoffs so far I was noting, and not one that I thought needed explaining or debating.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Not sure why you're coming at me with the testy and combative attitude. I was just saying that it's interesting that Detroit let the win against Dallas slip away, then Dallas followed suit by letting the win against Green Bay slip away, and then Green Bay followed up by letting their almost-win slip away against Seattle. It's not that often that a team steals a win one week and then semi-chokes one away in similar late-game fashion the following week and the chain continues on.

I wasn't trying to make some "superb" point or start a debate. Just an interesting story line to the NFC Playoffs so far I was noting, and not one that I thought needed explaining or debating.

Testy? Combative? Jesus fella, lighten up.

I disagreed with your point and wasn't trying to turn this discussion into anything more than "just another discussion point." You seem to be taking this personal.

If I came across as a smart-ass, so be it. I tend to do this sometimes. But it's certainly nothing personal.


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Testy? Combative? Jesus fella, lighten up.

I disagreed with your point and wasn't trying to turn this discussion into anything more than "just another discussion point." You seem to be taking this personal.

If I came across as a smart-ass, so be it. I tend to do this sometimes. But it's certainly nothing personal.

"Congrats on making a superb point". Not really sure how else you'd expect anyone to take a comment like that, other than being mocking and derisive. I'm not taking anything personally.

Whatever. It doesn't matter. Not worth a stupid argument. :suds:


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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"Congrats on making a superb point". Not really sure how else you'd expect anyone to take a comment like that, other than being mocking and derisive. I'm not taking anything personally.

Whatever. It doesn't matter. Not worth a stupid argument. :suds:

Agreed....And like I said, I can certainly be a smart-ass.

Actually, I enjoy your banter here. You normally bring something to the party.

Notice I did say, "normally." :pound:


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Agreed....And like I said, I can certainly be a smart-ass.

Actually, I enjoy your banter here. You normally bring something to the party.

Notice I did say, "normally." :pound:

Well if Seattle blows a late 4th quarter lead to the Patriots, then my observation will ring true.

Truth be told, I could not care any less which team wins. I despise them equally.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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I just heard on the NFL Today on ESPN that the Detroit center (think it's Raiola) is not welcome back next season.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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Well if Seattle blows a late 4th quarter lead to the Patriots, then my observation will ring true.

Truth be told, I could not care any less which team wins. I despise them equally.

Couldn't be much worse of a SB for me personally, however as long as there is a football game on, I am likely watching. Unless the wife is cracking the whip


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Couldn't be much worse of a SB for me personally, however as long as there is a football game on, I am likely watching. Unless the wife is cracking the whip

Yeah, I'll watch just to see what happens too. But my enjoyment will probably come mostly from the commercials and the potential for something bad to happen to Bill Belichick, Tom Brady, Richard Sherman, or Marshawn Lynch. Or maybe a Katy Perry wardrobe malfunction at halftime.


In Beltre we trust.
Apr 27, 2013
Houston, Texas
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Yeah, I'll watch just to see what happens too. But my enjoyment will probably come mostly from the commercials and the potential for something bad to happen to Bill Belichick, Tom Brady, Richard Sherman, or Marshawn Lynch. Or maybe a Katy Perry wardrobe malfunction at halftime.

I am afraid hers are one pair we may never seen...unless there is another leak and she had some photos. The Kate Upton photos were heavenly....


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May 17, 2012
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I am afraid hers are one pair we may never seen...unless there is another leak and she had some photos. The Kate Upton photos were heavenly....

I'm sure Russell Brand probably has some pictures stashed away somewhere. Maybe he'll go flat broke and sell them to the highest bidder.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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I'm sure Russell Brand probably has some pictures stashed away somewhere. Maybe he'll go flat broke and sell them to the highest bidder.

Come at me Russel, I am loaded with cash for disposal


In Beltre we trust.
Apr 27, 2013
Houston, Texas
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I'm sure Russell Brand probably has some pictures stashed away somewhere. Maybe he'll go flat broke and sell them to the highest bidder.

If he relies on his ability to make people laugh to make a living, then we should see some appear in the next 5 years...

ESPN Refugee

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Jul 21, 2013
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Once again you take the worst possible opinions. I question any man who says Kate Upton isn't anything but perfection in the looks department.

I'm certainly not saying I wouldn't rip the living crap out of her and I'm not saying she's ugly by any means but I regularly see better and I don't thinks the be all end all many guys claim.

And There's no doubt the majority of my opinions are in the weird and wheels off classification.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
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Once again you take the worst possible opinions. I question any man who says Kate Upton isn't anything but perfection in the looks department.

If I had to base it on those commercials she's done recently, then yes meh, those commercials have done her no favors

She's hot but not "perfection" slow down with the hyperbole, there are definitely chicks I'd rather see naked before her


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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If I had to base it on those commercials she's done recently, then yes meh, those commercials have done her no favors

She's hot but not "perfection" slow down with the hyperbole, there are definitely chicks I'd rather see naked before her

Never been a fan of blondes and while she has a giant rack, she seems a bit thick at times. I am straight so Im not saying I wouldn't but......more of a Katy Perry, Jennifer Love type myself