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Ohio States schedule is weaker than Bamas??


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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The thing that could kill A&M, is the what Stanford did to UO high powered offense. Won the ToP.. if UW controlled that they could handle the game with ease IMO. :noidea:

And thats a possibility, but thats hard to do for a whole game. Notice this past weekend, Bama playing LSU, Bama kept it manageable for the first half, then went to adjustments and a power running in the second half to burn the clock. Its hard to control a team like A&M with power running, I know because we have played them. They can score quickly and unless you are getting stops most of the time, its not a good formula for success to stop them. Best way is to out score them in a shootout.


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Sure when you look at stats(stats are for losers). I looked at similar offenses and who Wisky had lost to and they lost to two very similar style offenses that could score lots of points. Texas A&M has that kind of offense and can put points on the board at very high rates and very quickly. A&M is not easily stopped on offense. Defense they are not very good and I will give you that they can be scored on pretty easy, but enough to outscore A&M's offense is the question and I dont think Wisky has that in them. It would take well over 40 points to win the game.

I've also watched both teams all season. A&M wins on luck. It would run out against Wisky. Everything you stated is opinion. It means nothing more than mine. Unless they meet on the field it's all speculation.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Wisconsin lost two games at night on the road.. And Ohio State is definitely a better team than A&M. Wisconsin hasn't lost by more than a score in almost 4 seasons. I'm not saying Wisconsin would win but it'd be a damn good game. I'm a fan of JFF and the matchup of him and Borland would be fun to see.

And the funny thing is that if this game was played, it would probably be a night time matchup for primetime viewers and to showcase JFF and his Heisman run yet again. I would like to see it and especially if Wisky could beat him up a bit, I hate that little fucker, but I respect his talent immensely.


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Mar 20, 2013
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A&M = elite offense, extremely bad defense
Wisconsin - very good offense, extremely good defense

Wisky takes it. Their defense is stout, definitely one of the best A&M would see this year, and their offense can keep up.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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The points of team A, B, C may not be ranked are made because its the argument people have that when they played when they were ranked.. Sept isn't Nov.. if you played a #1-25 team game 1, beat them, and that team ends up losing 4,5,6 games.. is it really impressive? All it means is you had the barometer on them wrong. Why it stands to reason it's decided at the end of the season who is playing what games based on rankings then and not the beginning, or middle, or before the CCGames. If GA isn't ranked by Dec, it discredits the win being 'great' and you cant say GA was 'great' on game 1 of the season but now they aren't because they suffered injuries. No team is great game 1 and injuries are apart of the sport, adaptability and a team as a whole proves how good they are. Missouri had a big injury, OSU had injuries and suspensions, as have many others. Teams that are well rounded can manage it. I truly don't think if Bama lost their QB they would spiral out of control, they have talent on each side of the ball to manage the situation.
In a subjective pissing contest over whose schedule is tougher, your analysis with regard to Clemson and UGa is clearly wrong.

Anyone that knows anything about college football knows that UGa in the first 4 weeks was a totally different team than in the next 5 weeks. Clemson's win against UGa was a quality win, regardless of where UGa ends up. After week 4, UGa was a shell of the team they were in weeks 1-4. They lost their top 2 RBs, one of which is arguably the best RB in the country; they lost their top 6 WRs; and they lost most of the defensive secondary for large periods of time. On O, this is a team that lost ALL their skill players except the QB. None of the teams you mentioned had anywhere near the injuries that UGa had.

Now, keep in mind, I am saying this only as it relates to your pissing contest where you are subjectively trying to devalue Clemson's win based on a subjective poll position, but you are unwilling to try and understand exactly what caused the subjective evaluation of the team. That's just being disingenuous to try to win a stupid Internet argument. FSU's curb stomp against Clemson was a very, very quality win.


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And thats a possibility, but thats hard to do for a whole game. Notice this past weekend, Bama playing LSU, Bama kept it manageable for the first half, then went to adjustments and a power running in the second half to burn the clock. Its hard to control a team like A&M with power running, I know because we have played them. They can score quickly and unless you are getting stops most of the time, its not a good formula for success to stop them. Best way is to out score them in a shootout.

You know bo. I might take some of you comments a little more seriously if you ever seemed to be unbiased. Everything you say is favorable to tSEC. Nobody else stands a chance in your mind. I find it very hard to believe you played college ball with your view on competition.


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Aug 9, 2011
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Clemson was blown out by the only good team they've played - at home. So what else do they have to hang their hat on?

I do think Wisky would beat Clemson. They'd run them over without a doubt.


Because Wisconsin can 'hang their hat' on what exactly?

If you are going to be a blatant homer, at least use the same logic. Wisconsin has 2 losses to teams not as good, and doesn't have a win that is any better than a win Clemson has.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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I've also watched both teams all season. A&M wins on luck. It would run out against Wisky. Everything you stated is opinion. It means nothing more than mine. Unless they meet on the field it's all speculation.

Ok captain obvious, i thought thats what we were doing, was speculating by using some opinion and some facts. I dont like stats because they are built against unlike opponents and like opponents, but not accurate when comparing what two teams would do head to head. Bama is carrying the top scoring defense in the country and a top 5 defense overall, but they allowed a shit ton of yards and scoring to A&M. See, stats dont always work in your favor, there is that intangible stat that a JFF brings that simply is not definable or measurable. And i have watched a number of games by both also and its my opinion it would be a good game, but in the end Wisky would not be able to slow down JFF enough to win.


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Jul 14, 2013
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A&M = elite offense, extremely bad defense
Wisconsin - very good offense, extremely good defense

Wisky takes it. Their defense is stout, definitely one of the best A&M would see this year, and their offense can keep up.

Wisconsin gave up 30+ to both ASU and Ohio State who don't have as good as an offense as Texas A&M does. A&M would probably put up 40+ on them. Would that be enough to win. I don't know. I think it would be a close, high scoring game.

A&M does have the better resume.


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In a subjective pissing contest over whose schedule is tougher, your analysis with regard to Clemson and UGa is clearly wrong.

Anyone that knows anything about college football knows that UGa in the first 4 weeks was a totally different team than in the next 5 weeks. Clemson's win against UGa was a quality win, regardless of where UGa ends up. After week 4, UGa was a shell of the team they were in weeks 1-4. They lost their top 2 RBs, one of which is arguably the best RB in the country; they lost their top 6 WRs; and they lost most of the defensive secondary for large periods of time. On O, this is a team that lost ALL their skill players except the QB. None of the teams you mentioned had anywhere near the injuries that UGa had.

Now, keep in mind, I am saying this only as it relates to your pissing contest where you are subjectively trying to devalue Clemson's win based on a subjective poll position, but you are unwilling to try and understand exactly what caused the subjective evaluation of the team. That's just being disingenuous to try to win a stupid Internet argument. FSU's curb stomp against Clemson was a very, very quality win.

I disagree with this. I would take Carlos Hyde over Gurley any day. As far as two different UGA's. I agree. But that's a TEAM issue. Depth is part of team sports. Would liked to have seen they stay healthy though.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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You know bo. I might take some of you comments a little more seriously if you ever seemed to be unbiased. Everything you say is favorable to tSEC. Nobody else stands a chance in your mind. I find it very hard to believe you played college ball with your view on competition.

You clearly have not read all my posts then so to base this threads comments on my overall views is not looking at a big enough sample to accurately define me. I even was naysaying about Bama early in the year and claiming losses if they didnt start to play better. You see here and this thread, late in the season when I have a good base of who is pretty good, as an indicator of me being biased or if I have played college ball or not. Right thats how you form a wrong opinion for sure.

I have 7 posts in this thread and 48 in another we have conversed in recently, that around 50 some odd posts out of my over 4000 plus and you think you know me. good luck with that.


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Mar 20, 2013
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Wisconsin gave up 30+ to both ASU and Ohio State who don't have as good as an offense as Texas A&M does. A&M would probably put up 40+ on them. Would that be enough to win. I don't know. I think it would be a close, high scoring game.

A&M does have the better resume.

How so? They haven't beaten anyone of note. Hell they barely got by a bad Miss St. and a horrible Arky team. Miss St. topped 40 on them and they don't even average 30 a game. A&M's defense is atrocious, and Wisconsin would tear through it.


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Jul 2, 2013
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it must really chap your ass to know deep down that the 7th or 8th best team in the SEC is better than the 2nd or 3rd best team in some other conferences, huh?

LOL at Sakau on cue deep throating that SEC dick as usual :L


THEE Real Authoritay ©
Nov 7, 2013
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And thats a possibility, but thats hard to do for a whole game. Notice this past weekend, Bama playing LSU, Bama kept it manageable for the first half, then went to adjustments and a power running in the second half to burn the clock. Its hard to control a team like A&M with power running, I know because we have played them. They can score quickly and unless you are getting stops most of the time, its not a good formula for success to stop them. Best way is to out score them in a shootout.

If your team is disciplined to do so, its not hard to do for an entire game. You play your playbook and game plan ... dont move from it. Limit possesion and you dont have to worry about a shoot out. To me if you had the FSU/Clemson game vs a Wisc/Clemson game with Wisc winning the game say 24-7 and winning ToP by > x2-3+.. that's as dominate as FSU dropping 50+ on Clemson.

Possession17:26 vs
42:34Stanford ran the ball 52 times.... if the D can't stop you and your best bet of winning is keeping the other team's O off the field.. you play that to your advantage. It makes those 8-10 drives the other team has more important, and the % of needing to come away with 7pts over 3 drastically increases. It was almost impossible by the numbers for UO to come back and win that game at the end of the 3qtr if UO hadnt scored a point... pending Stanford imploding or just straight leaving the stadium. UO would had to of made up the 23pt difference in 3 drives that averaged no more than like 52 seconds IIRC (going for 2 pts too) and hoping that when Staford had the ball they laid a goose egg on points. None of those happened outside of Stanford almost imploding.

ToP killed UO, the play calling and game plan was perfectly executed.


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Jul 14, 2013
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How so? They haven't beaten anyone of note. Hell they barely got by a bad Miss St. and a horrible Arky team. Miss St. topped 40 on them and they don't even average 30 a game. A&M's defense is atrocious, and Wisconsin would tear through it.

Ok, if they haven't beaten anyone of note who has Wisconsin beaten?

Like I said it would be a high scoring game. They put up 42 on Bama.


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Ok captain obvious, i thought thats what we were doing, was speculating by using some opinion and some facts. I dont like stats because they are built against unlike opponents and like opponents, but not accurate when comparing what two teams would do head to head. Bama is carrying the top scoring defense in the country and a top 5 defense overall, but they allowed a shit ton of yards and scoring to A&M. See, stats dont always work in your favor, there is that intangible stat that a JFF brings that simply is not definable or measurable. And i have watched a number of games by both also and its my opinion it would be a good game, but in the end Wisky would not be able to slow down JFF enough to win.

Yes we were. It's just that you don't even "think" anything negative about anyone in the SEC. You spend too much effort on conference homerism. That's why B1G fans get so hostile towards you guys. You act like we don't know shit about the game. Like the 8th place SEC beating the 2nd place B1G team. That's just F'n stupid. Yet that's what one of you guys said. I like SEC football. I like all CFB. But the SEC isn't that much better than any other conference. Bama is on top and right now, rightfully ahead of everybody else. The rest of the SEC though is pretty much the same as the rest of ALL the other conferences.


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Wisconsin gave up 30+ to both ASU and Ohio State who don't have as good as an offense as Texas A&M does. A&M would probably put up 40+ on them. Would that be enough to win. I don't know. I think it would be a close, high scoring game.

A&M does have the better resume.

Ohio State doesn't have as good an offense as A&M? You're kidding, right?


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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I disagree with this. I would take Carlos Hyde over Gurley any day. As far as two different UGA's. I agree. But that's a TEAM issue. Depth is part of team sports. Would liked to have seen they stay healthy though.
You clearly don't know what the word "arguably" means.

You also don't seem to understand the context of my comment, even though I made it clear. I recognize that depth is a part of team sports. As are injuries. Now, go and read the context in which my statements were made about the quality of the Clemson win over UGa.


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Mar 20, 2013
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Ok, if they haven't beaten anyone of note who has Wisconsin beaten?

Like I said it would be a high scoring game. They put up 42 on Bama.

Depends if you think BYU is better than Ole Miss. They blew out Northwestern when they were healthy as well. Since Georgia counts as a good win when they were healthy, I don't see how a former 10-win Northwestern team doesn't.

You think Rice's running game looked good against A&M, what would White, Gordon and that o-line do? I know A&M would get theirs, probably in the 40s. Wisconsin could hit that by halftime.


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Jul 14, 2013
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Yes we were. It's just that you don't even "think" anything negative about anyone in the SEC. You spend too much effort on conference homerism. That's why B1G fans get so hostile towards you guys. You act like we don't know shit about the game. Like the 8th place SEC beating the 2nd place B1G team. That's just F'n stupid. Yet that's what one of you guys said. I like SEC football. I like all CFB. But the SEC isn't that much better than any other conference. Bama is on top and right now, rightfully ahead of everybody else. The rest of the SEC though is pretty much the same as the rest of ALL the other conferences.

If I had to guess I'd say LSU(8th in the SEC) vs. MSU(2nd in the B1G) would be a pick em game.