Sarcastic F-wad
That's cool. Once bitten by the board bug, it is hard to "retire". I guess it is different with mods, dealing with all the doodoo.
Your rep is worth about 100 points now.
Seems like the majority on the 49er board have hundreds or thousands of posts, and like 35 rep points. Do they just not rep over there? I was a newbie, but I didn't get much of a sense of "community" over there. Not a lot of crosstalk and banter, just guys posting short comments. "Oh crap!" "Nice catch!" "Missed tackle."
Nothing beats this board. Nothing.
Well, maybe the ESPN board back in the glory days, but that's history. Brute and Doyle and Balzac and Psycho and FriscoShortStop and Goldenbears the rest. I think Cal and Cam were lurkers in those days. Were you?
I was an occasional lurker, even occasional-er poster. I was never able to keep all the different posters straight, though, so I never got involved in the cross-talk. I think I became a reg-poster about '06 or so (I remember posting a lot around the Timmeh draft).