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No criminal charges for Deshaun Watson


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Nov 19, 2014
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Truth be told was thinking that, but a tad too early on that one.
You really need to stop spinning so you can focus.

Was Watson drafted by this regime?

Yet you want to continue to make shit up about whether they drafted well or not?

Oh the irony.


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The NFL doesn’t need solid evidence to suspend you.

All the NFL needs is the player was near the victem(s), and it's "likely" something happened

After two years of investigation and a half a psi of air later, Tom Brady says hold my avacado. We know he doesn't drink beer.


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Let me know if anything else you want me to answer

do you agree if he has a $30-40 mil base in 2022 whether suspended or not it leaves the Browns with a lot less money to work with in 2022?

Yes but as I said I was using $30M as an example only and said you can use whatever amount you wanted. I was originally using $10M but that seemed so low since they have $40M in cap space. But even at $10M they have plenty of space to operate even if they don't trade Baker. But use $20M if you prefer or even $10M the result is the same, just less

do you agree when they signed Watson to the deal they very possibly thought he might be suspended only a handful of games or even none?

No. I don't agree with this one at all. We all expected he was going to be suspended at that point and even before that. It was a huge part of the story

Do you agree if they don't use the cap space this season they can carry it over to next year?
Absolutely. Every teams rolls their savings into the subsequent year every year. The $40M they have right now would wipe out next years "overage" as of today (I think it's $30M). As we all know they will sign more players to increase the overage, but also do more maneuvering to reduce it.
Whew! Glad you answered it. For a while I thought you were scared of answering questions. LOL


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If I'm not mistaken they originally handed down 10 game suspension, it got reduced to 6 games on appeal. Keep in mind this was Zekes first time, and the base line for 1st time accusations is 6 games, so where in gods earth did Goodell pull 10 games from?

Anyway, there is no way to tell what Goodell and the NFL will decide.
I don't remember Zeke originally being suspended for 10 games.I thought it had t odd with the new rule and automatically being 6

Agree on Goodall. It literally can be anywhere from 6 games to indefinite, although I think indefinite would be very unlikely. I'd guess between 6 games and a full season - he probably deserves a full season. If it is a full season I think it may change all of the rules of the cap hit impact we've been discussing. I thought for some reason the contract tolls and everything just gets pushed back a year if the player is suspended for the full season, but I don't remember where I heard that and not sure it's accurate.


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I don't remember Zeke originally being suspended for 10 games.I thought it had t odd with the new rule and automatically being 6

Agree on Goodall. It literally can be anywhere from 6 games to indefinite, although I think indefinite would be very unlikely. I'd guess between 6 games and a full season - he probably deserves a full season. If it is a full season I think it may change all of the rules of the cap hit impact we've been discussing. I thought for some reason the contract tolls and everything just gets pushed back a year if the player is suspended for the full season, but I don't remember where I heard that and not sure it's accurate.
Maybe I'm confusing the Hardy suspension with Zeke.

I just looked and nothing about Zeke and 10 games.

My apologies.


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She will decide Watson's suspension not Goddell


Jul 2, 2013
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I'm not buyin that the Browns may have an out here given the new allegations that surfaced... The Browns bent over backwards to get DW in the building and let his agent control the contract. Andrew Brandt recently said that the contract featured a lot of player protection, so its unlikely the Browns created a voiding clause.

I think DW has a future in the NFL, but the current state of his case is in shambles. It's clear that his lawyer has lost control of the case, story & PR. It amazed me that the Browns only took 4-5 months to investigate a case with 22 victims. They likely adopted DW's attorney investigation, and now they're seeing the repercussions of that decision. The PR surrounding this situation has vastly turned. But I don't discount the stupidity of the NFL.


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Didn't they give Antonio Brown 8 games for 1 sexual assault incident back in 2020? NFL sticking with their inconsistencies...
I look at the 6 games as more a floor than a baseline, but I'm sure we all agree you are correct about the inconsistencies of the NFL suspensions, so who the heck knows


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Dec 25, 2018
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I never said what he will get for sure in a suspension just that he is almost guaranteed to be suspended. I always used half a season because it seemed around the average and made the math easy to explain to you because you weren't getting it. I don't think he will get a full season suspension even though I think he deserves it. But I'm not and never did argue that. It is my opinion that they structured it with a low year one base to help Watson and I think it's common sense to anyone that looks at it objectively and I think the world agrees. BUT, that wasn't my main issue with you because I can't prove that part, I can just make my case for it which you can choose to ignore. My main issue was you all along was what was not debatable; not agreeing that it hurt their cap by giving him the low year one salary as compared to a high year one salary if he was suspended, which you finally admitted to in post.#591 "2) I think this is correct." - It's fine you don't know for sure but at least you admitted it. Unless of course you reversed on it again in this bolded above...
They structured it solely to help out Watson even though this is how they structure every large deal/extension?

I mean, are you just going to ignore the notion it's certainly possible the Browns believed a much shorter suspension or even no suspension in 2022 was possible? If you say no suspension impossible, that's fine but there were certainly rumblings it would happen later like in 2023.

Are you going to ignore paying him less in base in 2022 leaves options open to use the savings on another player....perhaps a better QB should watson, in fact, get a half year suspension as you mentioned?

FYI, you, like most, originally started the debate with the simple "why would they pay him less in 2022 when they have so much cap room". Hopefully, with the same amount paid to garrett, Ward and Njoku you can at least admit you were off base on your accusation for that reasoning?


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Dec 25, 2018
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Are you still playing dumb or is it just you being you?

I told you it was easier to list the picks they hit on. Not only the current regime but the few years prior to show you, how little sense you make as you continue to spin. If you choose not to see that, not much else I can do.

Give it a rest broken record. You got smacked down, now own it Spinner.
To steal from Harold Ramos in stripes, "that's none".

If this regime missed on so many would think it would be easy to list just one....but you can't. To list bad picks by prior regimes is you just admitting you deflected/moved the goal posts as no one said prior regimes were good at drafting and most were really bad.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Read pretty much any of your posts. Again I pointed it out multiple times. But, true to yourself, you choose to cherry pick what you read and respond to.

Can we give this particular subject a rest now, Spinner?
You point it out by telling me to find what I don't believe exists.

we can give it a rest if you want but my guess is you'll keep dancing.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Really? You didn't say it wasn't important that Baker wasn't at OTAs?

Deflection in 3,2,1

Spin away my little top.
I did say that about Baker, yes. He is just one QB. But you said this. so, yes, you lied as I only said Baker in this instance.....

"QBs don't need to attend camps or OTAs just ask at comedygold88."


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Like I thought. Couldn't give it a y or n answer. Guess commitment scares you.

Nice flacid answer followed up with more defending of your hero that may be on the roster for 2 years before he sees the field. Great FO you have there.

My bad that FO was in place when the Browns actually saw the playoffs again.
I did give a Y or N answer to his questions so add another lie for ya, Tommy.


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You're so cute it's almost sinful.

All have been answered, you just choose to ignore. Just because I didn't answer it the way you wanted, doesn't mean I didn't answer it.

You know Spinner, you do it all the time. Just look back at the yes or no questioned by Jarntt.

Aren't you missing reccess?
All have been answered, eh, Tommy? Cool, who is the player picked by this regime you'd consider a bad pick?

FYI, answering by asking me to name the good picks is not an answer (though I have told you the good picks as Qs don't scare me).

You can do it, Tommy.


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Dec 25, 2018
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Oh the irony. This is rich.

Got to love this forum.
irony as I answered with a yes or no proving you lied......again?

Haven't looked at any of today's yet but hopefully you can keep your streak of at least a lie a day going.


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I can't see his lawyer or the NFLPA allowing the Clowns to get out of this contract. It's pretty straight forward. I don't think even the master spinner would have a chance at changing a judge's mind.
rent free


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Dec 25, 2018
Cleveland, OH
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You really need to stop spinning so you can focus.

Was Watson drafted by this regime?

Yet you want to continue to make shit up about whether they drafted well or not?

Oh the irony.
watson was not drafted by this regime.

Once again, can you name a player this regime drafted you'd consider a bust/bad pick?