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Martellus Bennett ranks Rodgers ahead of Brady


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Aug 19, 2013
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What science say's that?
Is it easier to catch a beach ball thrown at you 50mph that is over-inflated and bounces off your hands when it hits them or one that has less air in it, or one with no air in it at all?

You are just being difficult and stubborn if you can't admit that a ball with less air in it is easier to catch. This is why some Pat fans on these subjects come off as thin-skinned cheerleaders. Try catching an under-inflated and then over-inflated Football with one hand and tell me which is easier. The fully inflated ball has more bounce. Now take two basketballs. One fully inflated and one under-inflated and dribble them and tell me which bounces more. Yes, that is Science. The elasticity of the ball that is fully inflated is higher

Now just so you don't get upset, my personal feeling all along was that of course Brady knowingly had the balls deflated, but also that no it wasn't a big deal and the penalty imposed was silly. It's not like the Pats won anything they otherwise wouldn't have because a couple of PSI was taken from a ball


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Is it easier to catch a beach ball thrown at you 50mph that is over-inflated and bounces off your hands when it hits them or one that has less air in it, or one with no air in it at all?

You are just being difficult and stubborn if you can't admit that a ball with less air in it is easier to catch. This is why some Pat fans on these subjects come off as thin-skinned cheerleaders. Try catching an under-inflated and then over-inflated Football with one hand and tell me which is easier. The fully inflated ball has more bounce. Now take two basketballs. One fully inflated and one under-inflated and dribble them and tell me which bounces more. Yes, that is Science.

Now just so you don't get upset, my personal feeling all along was that of course Brady knowingly had the balls deflated, but also that no it wasn't a big deal and the penalty imposed was silly. It's not like the Pats won anything they otherwise wouldn't have because a couple of PSI was taken from a ball



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Is it easier to catch a beach ball thrown at you 50mph that is over-inflated and bounces off your hands when it hits them or one that has less air in it, or one with no air in it at all?

You are just being difficult and stubborn if you can't admit that a ball with less air in it is easier to catch. This is why some Pat fans on these subjects come off as thin-skinned cheerleaders. Try catching an under-inflated and then over-inflated Football with one hand and tell me which is easier. The fully inflated ball has more bounce. Now take two basketballs. One fully inflated and one under-inflated and dribble them and tell me which bounces more. Yes, that is Science. The elasticity of the ball that is fully inflated is higher

Now just so you don't get upset, my personal feeling all along was that of course Brady knowingly had the balls deflated, but also that no it wasn't a big deal and the penalty imposed was silly. It's not like the Pats won anything they otherwise wouldn't have because a couple of PSI was taken from a ball

beach balls are not footballs and it's simple don't post things as fact you cant back. Don't proclaim therre is science to back you then lack the ability to back it. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.


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Apr 17, 2013
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beach balls are not footballs and it's simple don't post things as fact you cant back. Don't proclaim therre is science to back you then lack the ability to back it. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.

Or dont be a complete douche bag that ignores total common sense that a 6 year old could understand


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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beach balls are not footballs and it's simple don't post things as fact you cant back. Don't proclaim therre is science to back you then lack the ability to back it. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
You really are either crazy stubborn or dim. Science doesn't care if it's a beach ball or a football. That only exaggerates the effects.

Here it is in "Sciency" terms:

On this Moment of Science we answer the question: Why does a well-inflated basketball bounce higher than a ball with less air?

Air molecules are naturally elastic–they don’t stick together like water molecules, but rather bounce off each other in the open. When tightly packed together inside a basketball, air molecules form a sort of highly elastic unit of air. Think of the air inside a basketball as a tightly coiled spring. The tighter the spring, the more energy it has to bounce back up. The same applies to air: the more air inside the ball, the harder it pushes back against the ground, springing the ball into the air.

The ball’s skin, whether rubber or leather, is less springy than the air it contains. When the skin of a basketball hits the ground it deforms, or flattens. This flattening converts the ball’s energy into heat, just like how a rubber band gets hot if you quickly stretch it several times. The amount of the ball’s energy that converts to heat is lost energy–it contributes nothing to making the ball bounce.

Logically, the more the ball’s skin gets pushed in, the more energy is lost to heat. The more air inside the ball, the less the ball compresses upon impact. And the less the ball flattens, the more energy there is to make the ball rebound. Of course, an inflated ball won’t keep bouncing with the same force for very long. Each time the ball impacts the ground it loses a bit more energy, until so much of it’s energy is spent that it stops bouncing completely


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Jul 3, 2013
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At least we all can agree that Brady wants his receivers to catch the ball, while Rodgers just wants to look good throwing it. That is the reason Brady has 5 rings and Rodgers has 1. Nothing else.


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At least we all can agree that Brady wants his receivers to catch the ball, while Rodgers just wants to look good throwing it. That is the reason Brady has 5 rings and Rodgers has 1. Nothing else.



Well-Known Member
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At least we all can agree that Brady wants his receivers to catch the ball, while Rodgers just wants to look good throwing it. That is the reason Brady has 5 rings and Rodgers has 1. Nothing else.
What happened to the "useful" rating? I had to go with "winner" instead


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Apr 17, 2013
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12%? You'll be over tipping, it is a Yankee bar.

Yeah, trust me, we have plenty of Sox fans come in, this isnt the Cask and Faggon where we dont let Sox fans in, i wouldnt be bragging too much about tipping


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Yeah, trust me, we have plenty of Sox fans come in, this isnt the Cask and Faggon where we dont let Sox fans in, i wouldnt be bragging too much about tipping
I usually like to yell at the restaurant, "OKAY HONEY, I'M GOING TO PUT DOWN MY 25% TIP. OH WHOOPS MY MAGNUM CONDOM FELL OUT TOO"


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
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Is it easier to catch a beach ball thrown at you 50mph that is over-inflated and bounces off your hands when it hits them or one that has less air in it, or one with no air in it at all?

You are just being difficult and stubborn if you can't admit that a ball with less air in it is easier to catch. This is why some Pat fans on these subjects come off as thin-skinned cheerleaders. Try catching an under-inflated and then over-inflated Football with one hand and tell me which is easier. The fully inflated ball has more bounce. Now take two basketballs. One fully inflated and one under-inflated and dribble them and tell me which bounces more. Yes, that is Science. The elasticity of the ball that is fully inflated is higher

Now just so you don't get upset, my personal feeling all along was that of course Brady knowingly had the balls deflated, but also that no it wasn't a big deal and the penalty imposed was silly. It's not like the Pats won anything they otherwise wouldn't have because a couple of PSI was taken from a ball

I know you have a brain and its easir to throw a ball that is properly inflated, less wobbly. He went 11-12 in the 3rd quarter when they had the correct psi

Art Klemme

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On his list of QBS he's played with. This despite not ever actually having played with Rodgers. Ironically this is less odd than Bennett's ranking of Jay Cutler as 3rd best ahead of Eli ( 4th ) and Romo ( 5th ). Martellus needs to pay off the weed
I think you mean "lay off the weed" any how, rating QB's or any player, while based on play and stats, most people slant their thoughts based on personal feelings, and as most opinions are slightly biased, you can see some truth in what they say. If I were to list the Top five QB's I would put Rodgers at the Top, probably based on the fact I am a Packer fan, I would put Brady 2nd, Breeze 3rd, Romo 4th (although that depends if we are talking this era only), and 5th I would have a hard time with because there are several that would make good contenders.

My son had a far better handle on stats and facts, I base most of my thoughts on just watching them play, I look for things like, mobility, health, and how they handle pressure.

By the way, speaking of my son, I am trying to help him promote his sports blog. I am not sure if we can do it here, but if we can please check out s******** and leave some thought and opinions. He created a three part series profiling the coming season, of course that is base on how things stand now and will likely change as the season progresses.


Art Sr.
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