I mean the funny thing is that it's probably somebody here who is a good poster who made a second account and is just trying to get under our skin...........but dammit that shit pisses me off! And it does get under my skin.
You would be the only one to come over and bitch about it.
TM likes to bitch
TM is a mod.........
huskerbuck has been reporting all of our posts which have "bad language" in them
I've already given the little fruitcake an infraction.........I suggest you guys take my advice and do the same.
globe boy..............
I can't be wrong sir, not possible
Does anyone else have an issue with 666 references? Kids sometimes read this site. I'm aware there is some off color language, but the blatant posting of brash topics such as 666 should be discouraged. As a Christian, it offends me. I'm sure it offends others.
I don't be wrong never before neither en sech
You've disagreed with a few times, therefore you were wrong...
Now THAT is funny, TM.