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Lebron is a fraud

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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gotta go along with punchline on that one. most Heat fans I remember said he made a big mistake doing it...

Go along with him all you like, but it still sounds like sour grapes for Heat fans to me. I remember a lot of arguments about Lebron my friend and I saw them defending Lebron. That doesn't does stop them from thinking he made a mistake by coming to Miami though. I disagree with that and I think he's made a mistake by leaving Miami. In a true comparison after his career is finished, Kobe is going to end up being the comparison to Michael Jordan for winning 5 championships with one team and not jumping ship every four years. I seriously doubt Lebron winning a championship in Cleveland even though I think he is convinced that it will happen. Who knows though - Obamacare might be a success too - Fantasyland is a great place to dream


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For the record - I have never had a problem with His decision. Neither did the majority of the other fans. What you are not comprehending is that we had a problem with how he handled his decision. It was a "LOOK AT WONDERFUL ME PARTY". He had every right to leave the first time and I actually believe that it was the right decision. In fact I think he made a mistake to leave Miami, but I also don't see a problem in how he left Miami and don't see where he said or did anything wrong. Some times it takes more than a few days to make a decision. He never misrepresented anything - and he told everyone one once he made his decision. Like most people I expect that his decision was based on a combination of reasons which are coming out reason by reason. Just because he thinks he has a better chance to win in Cleveland(He's wrong and he doesn't) does not mean he that was the only reason. It was his perception of wanting to win and go home and all of his other reasons or excuses or whatever he comes up with.

The truth is that he handled it very poorly the first time and Miami Fans were very happy about all of it and this time Miami fans are whining about it.

That's just the truth, but I think if you relax, and wait, Miami will be better than most people expect. I still believe Pat Riley is in charge and knows how to rebuild again without Lebron

The "look at me" party was a Heat team, planned event. The players were obligated to be there.
The Akron ' look at me party', was just that.

For the record, I have no problem with either. People need to have fun/ good times in their lives.

Also, there is ZERO evidence to suggest James mind wasn't already made up before FA ever started.
He dragged it out because he loved the attention, he wanted to screw Riley, and he wanted to be on a plane to Brasil to avoid any live questions about his bullshit SI letter.


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Apr 18, 2013
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1. After the fact? What island are you living on? Obviously not the one he vacationed with Allen/Jones on. He enrolled his kids into Ohio schools in May. The Milker Instagram was days before he announced this decision. and that was days after he secretly met with Gilbert and paid the SI guy to write the fairy tale letter.
The letter which excluded the name Wiggins ( even though he was so looking forward to mentoring youth).

2. Finally! The man has never coached a day in any capacity in the NBA, yet James didn't even feel the need to meet him before bailing. The man is a puppet in a suit. Just like the owner and GM are.

3. True, they were a lottery team because they have had an inept FO for years.
That lottery, though, provided them with a lot of fortune and assets. It's near impossible to fuck up that up.
Don't act like James left to join a roster he didn't think could win now.
Yes, mentoring youth. He didn't specify a single player. LeBron has played more years in the NBA than Irving, Bennett, Waiters and Tristan Thompson combined.

Win now meaning what? Win a title, make the playoffs?

Before James said he was going back, the Cavs had added Wiggins and Joe Harris to last years lottery roster. So adding those 2 players, plus himself...... was a title winning / contending team?.....hardly. Maybe after a few years together, though.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Yes, mentoring youth. He didn't specify a single player. LeBron has played more years in the NBA than Irving, Bennett, Waiters and Tristan Thompson combined.

Win now meaning what? Win a title, make the playoffs?

Before James said he was going back, the Cavs had added Wiggins and Joe Harris to last years lottery roster. So adding those 2 players, plus himself...... was a title winning / contending team?.....hardly. Maybe after a few years together, though.

Enough already.

Wiggins, by many peoples opinion, was the best prospect since James.
The fact others were named, yet his excluded meant that James knew Love would come and that Mn. would receive no better offer.

The NBA store didn't even bother making Wiggins Cavs jerseys, if you recall.

So, in the real world, James knew Love was coming, and he knew that veterans would follow him to Cleveland just as was the case in Miami.

What you are saying is true in face value, but the wheels were in motion for all of the changes that occurred, and his decision was based and made on that.


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Well, that's what Lebron said, so JD believes him.

Of course, as soon as he arrived in Cleveland he did see to it that the potential best of those young guys was traded away for Kevin Love and that some veteran FA's that he wanted were signed.
If they made no trades, who would be the one playing out of position considering Wiggins and James are both SF's?


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If they made no trades, who would be the one playing out of position considering Wiggins and James are both SF's?

James can could play any position 1-5 on the Cavs.

You are really starting to reach.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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If they made no trades, who would be the one playing out of position considering Wiggins and James are both SF's?

Considering how versatile they both are, it wouldn't be a problem. Wiggins can play the 2 or the 3 and Lebron can pretty much play any position.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Gotta disagree with TLF. The majority of Heat fans (at least here and on cbs) thought that "The Decision" was a bad move by Lebron. They didn't defend it, they just told folks to get over it as a reason to hate on him.

They did defend "The After Party" because, as turnup pointed out, it was an even planned for Heat fans (season ticket holders, if memory serves). ESPN decided to televise it. If memory serves, while most Heat fans defended "The After Party", they did agree that the Heat shouldn't have let ESPN televise it.


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Apr 18, 2013
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James can could play any position 1-5 on the Cavs.

You are really starting to reach.
When James first announced, the starting line-up looked like this. Kyrie, Waiters, James, Thompson and Bennett.

Irving is the best PG he's ever played with so no reason for Kyrie to take a lesser role or play out of position. No reason for others to do so either, unless you're going to bench Thompson and replace him with James and Wiggins plays his true position at SF. Or does Wiggins come off the bench?

It's a no brainer to try to trade Wiggins so he doesn't create the problem of people having to play out of position. The only reason the trade gets done is because of LeBron "being back in Cleveland." Cause once that happens, you or I could negotiate a trade with Minny using the 1st overall picks of the last two drafts pick for a great PF who's in the last year of his contract and wants out of Minny. It's not like James commanded something so obvious to do if you have the opportunity.

Kevin Love starting with Thompson coming off the bench and with no players playing out of position > over trying to fit an un-proven Wiggins in for the sake of doing so.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Gotta disagree with TLF. The majority of Heat fans (at least here and on cbs) thought that "The Decision" was a bad move by Lebron. They didn't defend it, they just told folks to get over it as a reason to hate on him.

They did defend "The After Party" because, as turnup pointed out, it was an even planned for Heat fans (season ticket holders, if memory serves). ESPN decided to televise it. If memory serves, while most Heat fans defended "The After Party", they did agree that the Heat shouldn't have let ESPN televise it.

History being re-written, but that's okay - I expected as much.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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The "look at me" party was a Heat team, planned event. The players were obligated to be there.
The Akron ' look at me party', was just that.

For the record, I have no problem with either. People need to have fun/ good times in their lives.

Also, there is ZERO evidence to suggest James mind wasn't already made up before FA ever started.
He dragged it out because he loved the attention, he wanted to screw Riley, and he wanted to be on a plane to Brasil to avoid any live questions about his bullshit SI letter.

The "Look At Wonderful Me Party" was meant to be what it was - a party for Lebron and it's strange that until now I have never seen or heard any Heat fan saying it was a mistake to leave Cleveland. I heard a lot of "Lebron was his own coach" - and "Lebron had every right to leave Cleveland" and both were correct just Lebron had every right to leave Miami and he didn't have to leave right away like so many of you are suggesting he do. He had every right to wait and here different offers and then make his decision. The fact is that Riley got Lebron to begin with because he colluded ahead of time before the guy or Bosh were free agents - so it's pretty hard for me to feel sorry for a person who has been screwing the rest of the league with under-handed deals merely because he got screwed this time around and considering how arrogant Heat fans have been the last four years - I don't even feel sorry for them. Sorry, but that's just the way I feel. I don't think Lebron is a fraud because he has never suggested this time around that he was going to do something different. He merely took care of his personal business the way he wanted to. It's just sour grapes for the Heat organization and their fans


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Apr 17, 2013
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Gotta disagree with TLF. The majority of Heat fans (at least here and on cbs) thought that "The Decision" was a bad move by Lebron. They didn't defend it, they just told folks to get over it as a reason to hate on him.

They did defend "The After Party" because, as turnup pointed out, it was an even planned for Heat fans (season ticket holders, if memory serves). ESPN decided to televise it. If memory serves, while most Heat fans defended "The After Party", they did agree that the Heat shouldn't have let ESPN televise it.

I for one, had no problem with The Decision, because regardless of what James profited from it, the kids he's donating to are still profiting from it.
Plus, the only person it negatively affected was himself.
The way Cleveland welcomed him back proves they were just upset he left. If would have been the same initial reactiion however he left.

And, you are slightly off on your recollection of the Fan Celebration.
1. Only Premium STH/ sponsors had a guarantee in. The rest of the tickets were given to mostly inner city locals so they could prob get the only up close look at the players in that setting.

2. I'm almost positive that it was only shown on local TV, and then ESPN ran with the footage.
The reason I'm so sure is that the starting time was subjective, and I remember it started at least an hour later then initially advertised.


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The "Look At Wonderful Me Party" was meant to be what it was - a party for Lebron and it's strange that until now I have never seen or heard any Heat fan saying it was a mistake to leave Cleveland. I heard a lot of "Lebron was his own coach" - and "Lebron had every right to leave Cleveland" and both were correct just Lebron had every right to leave Miami and he didn't have to leave right away like so many of you are suggesting he do. He had every right to wait and here different offers and then make his decision. The fact is that Riley got Lebron to begin with because he colluded ahead of time before the guy or Bosh were free agents - so it's pretty hard for me to feel sorry for a person who has been screwing the rest of the league with under-handed deals merely because he got screwed this time around and considering how arrogant Heat fans have been the last four years - I don't even feel sorry for them. Sorry, but that's just the way I feel. I don't think Lebron is a fraud because he has never suggested this time around that he was going to do something different. He merely took care of his personal business the way he wanted to. It's just sour grapes for the Heat organization and their fans

Who is sour?
Nobody said he couldn't leave, nor did he owe Riley and thing.
We are just saying that he intentionally jerked him around vs making some tough decision.

Truth be told, I'm more excited about this season then last ( except for personally wishing Beasley was still here).

Excited doesnt mean I think we're better.
It means the regular season will be more fun to watch.
The players will need to bring it for 48, every night vs the shit we were subjected to watching most of last year.

We can really now see what Wade has left.
We can see Bosh play to his strengths vs sacrifice his game for James.

We can really see if our PG can play PG.
We can begin to see an infusion of youth.
We can see Spoelstra actually coach.

As always, you can't predict health, but if the Heat stay relatively healthy, they will be a big factor in settling the East IMO.
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True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Who is sour?
Nobody said he couldn't leave, nor did he owe Riley and thing.
We are just saying that he intentionally jerked him around vs making some tough decision.

Truth be told, I'm more excited about this season then last ( except for personally wishing Beasley was still here).

Excited doesnt mean I think we're better.
It means the regular season will be more fun to watch.
The players will need to bring it for 48, every night vs the shit we were subjected to watching most of last year.

We can really now see what Wade has left.
We can see Bosh play to his strengths vs sacrifice his game for James.

We can really see if our PG can play PG.
We can begin to see an infusion of youth.
We can see Spoelstra actually coach.

As always, you can't predict health, but if the Heat stay relatively healthy, they will be a big factor in settling the East IMO.

Real simple - Heat fans are sour with threads like "Lebron is a fraud" and you said it best yourself as a typical Heat fan when you said you had no problem with "The Decision"


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Apr 17, 2013
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Real simple - Heat fans are sour with threads like "Lebron is a fraud" and you said it best yourself as a typical Heat fan when you said you had no problem with "The Decision"

Ok, TLF. What you want us to tell you? You seem to have an axe to grind and this is going nowhere fast. Please dig up all of the posts where we defended the decision saying it was a great idea.

I'll come out and say it, I though the Heat party was a bad idea, until I found out that it was only meant for season ticket holders. It's a pep rally, that ESPN decided to televise. I blame the Heat organization for not thinking that ESPN would use that video to add fuel to the fire.

Lebron was free to make his own decision, there's not one Heat fan that will come out here and say Lebron was obligated to stay. We defended his decision to leave Cleveland the first time as they had 7 years to put a competitive roster around him, and the best they could do throughout his years there was Larry Hughes, a 38-year old Shaq, Antwan Jamison (who actually was still decent), and/or Mo Williams. During his time at Miami, he's made it to the Finals every year. You simply can't even compare both the Cavs and Heat in terms of how a proper organization is ran.

However, as turnup mentioned, Lebron had his decision made long ago. This is why we're upset in how he handled his free agency. From a business perspective it was a smart power move by Lebron. He knows full well that Riley is capable of adding legit pieces along with Bosh and Wade so he drug this along until the top tier free agents were off the board (Melo, Gortat, Lowry). The narrative of him winning in Cleveland was an opportunity given that the youth they have in Cleveland and the pieces they had to trade for Kevin Love. Part of me knew Lebron was gone once Cleveland got the number one pick for the third team in 4 years.

It will be a fun season for Heat fans. I'm eager to see how this team turns out. We won't be better than last year, as you simply can't get better when the best player in the league and this generation leaves. But I think we'll be more competitive and less complacent, making the regular season much more fun to watch. It's time to see how the new era begins.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I personally believe the Heat will still be in the top five teams in the Eastern Conference and the only obstacle that can stop them will be Cleveland if they are as good as expected. That is something that could turn out like Dwight Howard and Kobe Bryant turned out, so you have to see.

Mecca of the “B” Team

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I personally believe the Heat will still be in the top five teams in the Eastern Conference and the only obstacle that can stop them will be Cleveland if they are as good as expected. That is something that could turn out like Dwight Howard and Kobe Bryant turned out, so you have to see.


Look, nobody can replace Lebron.

But, the Heat did about the best they could do to salvaging the situation.

I really like the Bobkitties and Wizkids.

But, they are still young.

The Heat should be top 5 this year.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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I find myself aligning with TLF. We will never know what heat fans were happy with the way LBJ left Cleveland, and what does it matter?

Live by the sword (Free Agency), die by the sword.

When you die, get up, get reborn, and move on. Otherwise, despite any best intentions, its viewed as sour grapes.

The Post CBA is a new world. Free agency is a big risk, and few teams build sustainability down that path.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I will be honest. I thought the way LeBron left Cleveland was great. The nationally televised dumping of a fan base to come to my team? AWESOME!!!

In all reality, I loved the decision for the power it showed an athlete has. I like that stuff, I know I am in the minority on that. But just being honest. I also love ESPN televising the Miami party. I think it was great. I loved how mad everyone else got about it. No one should ever apologize for having a good time. No one got hurt by that party, no need to apologize. The rest of the nation got their jimmies rustled. So what.. their problem. Not ours. The Lakers felt disrespected as two time defending champions... their problem. I loved everything about the decision and after party. I am that Heat fan. I loved the last 4 years. The highs. The lows. Being the center of the basketball universe. Game 6 2013 Finals was the greatest game I have ever seen. Emotional rollercoaster. Wouldn't trade it for anything. Wish we could do it all again. LeBron... could always opt out.. just saying :)