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Lebron is a fraud

Leroy Brown

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I told you all that from the beginning - All you had to do was the math

Miami - Aging player Ray Allen's miracle shot gave Miami only the second of two championships. His tenure as relevant is limited at the best. Without him Miami wins nothing. Wade - beginning to have problems and more problems with his knees - without him Miami wins nothing. Miami had a fantastic run to the finals with four trips, but only two

Cleveland - Made to fit - the entire world except me bought into his line of bs that he was doing the right thing by going home and making it up to Cleveland. He saw Irving in the same light he saw himself four years ago or more and Cleveland convinced him they would be able to build the winning team

Make no mistake about it - greed is the only thing that drives every single player in the league and nothing more

Sooooo, by that logic, without Phil Jackson, Shaq, Pau, Bynum, Fisher, or Horry...the Lakers win nothing, right?

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Sooooo, by that logic, without Phil Jackson, Shaq, Pau, Bynum, Fisher, or Horry...the Lakers win nothing, right?

Without those two shots from Robert Horry against the Sacramento Weenies - the Lakers without a doubt would have won nothing. Without Fisher - the Lakers win nothing. It's a team sport and it takes the best combination possible.

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Yep, and there's really nothing wrong with it. Professionals bail on Company's all the time that took a flyer on them when they first get out of college. Ask why most people bail and many will say, "More money elsewhere." And that's a smart totally acceptable and GREAT decision. Somehow people critique sports players for doing this and why I can never imagine.

When A Rod left to the Rangers I was like, "Good for him." If Russell Wilson wanted to test free agency and went to the Chiefs or something, so be it. It's hard to not get upset but it's totally understandable and there's no reason to think less of the person because of it.

I agree:agree: What everyone seems to forget is that this is a business that wants to earn money in the process of providing the customers some entertainment and they know what it takes to do that. Lebron left Cleveland for titles and money and that's the reason he went back to Cleveland - Had Kobe retired and the Lakers hadn't been saddled with Nash - Easily he could have ended up Los Angeles for the right price and like you said - nothing wrong with that - It's business. We do the same thing when looking for a job


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Now there's a problem with James recruiting FA's after the fact?

Yep, met the coach.

What truth other than Cleveland was a lottery team when James said he was returning?

1. After the fact? What island are you living on? Obviously not the one he vacationed with Allen/Jones on. He enrolled his kids into Ohio schools in May. The Milker Instagram was days before he announced this decision. and that was days after he secretly met with Gilbert and paid the SI guy to write the fairy tale letter.
The letter which excluded the name Wiggins ( even though he was so looking forward to mentoring youth).

2. Finally! The man has never coached a day in any capacity in the NBA, yet James didn't even feel the need to meet him before bailing. The man is a puppet in a suit. Just like the owner and GM are.

3. True, they were a lottery team because they have had an inept FO for years.
That lottery, though, provided them with a lot of fortune and assets. It's near impossible to fuck up that up.
Don't act like James left to join a roster he didn't think could win now.


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1. After the fact? What island are you living on? Obviously not the one he vacationed with Allen/Jones on. He enrolled his kids into Ohio schools in May. The Milker Instagram was days before he announced this decision. and that was days after he secretly met with Gilbert and paid the SI guy to write the fairy tale letter.
The letter which excluded the name Wiggins ( even though he was so looking forward to mentoring youth).

2. Finally! The man has never coached a day in any capacity in the NBA, yet James didn't even feel the need to meet him before bailing. The man is a puppet in a suit. Just like the owner and GM are.

3. True, they were a lottery team because they have had an inept FO for years.
That lottery, though, provided them with a lot of fortune and assets. It's near impossible to fuck up that up.
Don't act like James left to join a roster he didn't think could win now.

Well, that's what Lebron said, so JD believes him.

Of course, as soon as he arrived in Cleveland he did see to it that the potential best of those young guys was traded away for Kevin Love and that some veteran FA's that he wanted were signed.


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Not a whole lot of thick skin going on this thread.

LeBron was by no means chasing a championship by returning to Cleveland. Always remember Kyrie Irving and Kevin have ZERO combined Playoff appearances.

Bottom line here is that he saw an opportunity to raise his kids in his homeland of Ohio, and an opportunity to succeed not only now but also in the LONG-TERM with a talented young roster. Accept it for what it is and don't make a soap opera out of it. It's called "Double Jeopardy".


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Not a whole lot of thick skin going on this thread.

LeBron was by no means chasing a championship by returning to Cleveland. Always remember Kyrie Irving and Kevin have ZERO combined Playoff appearances.

Bottom line here is that he saw an opportunity to raise his kids in his homeland of Ohio, and an opportunity to succeed not only now but also in the LONG-TERM with a talented young roster. Accept it for what it is and don't make a soap opera out of it. It's called "Double Jeopardy".

A roster of 3 all-stars (one of which being Lebron) will get you far into the playoffs. You have to be an idiot to not think the Cavs are at least in the top 4 teams in contention for the title. Outside of the Spurs, and possibly Thunder, there is not another team with a better chance to win.


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Not a whole lot of thick skin going on this thread.

LeBron was by no means chasing a championship by returning to Cleveland. Always remember Kyrie Irving and Kevin have ZERO combined Playoff appearances.

Bottom line here is that he saw an opportunity to raise his kids in his homeland of Ohio, and an opportunity to succeed not only now but also in the LONG-TERM with a talented young roster. Accept it for what it is and don't make a soap opera out of it. It's called "Double Jeopardy".

You do realize this has nothing to do with Lebron going back to Cleveland right? I started a thread before the draft started stating that he is leaving Miami.

It's the way you handle yourself when you leave a franchise. He screwed up when he left Cleveland and screwed up again when he left Miami. He did not learn anything from 2010 in terms of the right way to leave an organization

True Lakers Fan

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Well, that's what Lebron said, so JD believes him.

Of course, as soon as he arrived in Cleveland he did see to it that the potential best of those young guys was traded away for Kevin Love and that some veteran FA's that he wanted were signed.

I am wondering why all of these actions by Lebron bothers so many Miami fans now. It's no different then when Lebron left Cleveland and joined forces with Wade and Bosh in Miami beach. In fact Lebron and Wade recruited each other 9 months before they were allowed to per cba rules. I am seeing a lot of hypocrisy here. Get over it already - Lebron left Miami just like he left Cleveland and it was for a better chance to win titles. Lebron also recruited players for Cleveland just like he did for Miami. No difference whatsoever except that Miami is bitter about being on the losing end instead


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I am wondering why all of these actions by Lebron bothers so many Miami fans now. It's no different then when Lebron left Cleveland and joined forces with Wade and Bosh in Miami beach. In fact Lebron and Wade recruited each other 9 months before they were allowed to per cba rules. I am seeing a lot of hypocrisy here. Get over it already - Lebron left Miami just like he left Cleveland and it was for a better chance to win titles. Lebron also recruited players for Cleveland just like he did for Miami. No difference whatsoever except that Miami is bitter about being on the losing end instead

If James would have just left day 1 of FA and stated what you are pointing out, I don't think any Heat fans would have held it against him.

Speaking for myself, my disgust is over the story he tried to spin as the reason he left, plus the way he left Bosh/Wade hanging.

James knew that by jerking Riley around it would prevent him from mapping out a FA plan that very possibly could have made the Heat a top 1-3 team in the East.

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If James would have just left day 1 of FA and stated what you are pointing out, I don't think any Heat fans would have held it against him.

Speaking for myself, my disgust is over the story he tried to spin as the reason he left, plus the way he left Bosh/Wade hanging.

James knew that by jerking Riley around it would prevent him from mapping out a FA plan that very possibly could have made the Heat a top 1-3 team in the East.

As I said before - It's no difference then when he left Cleveland. You can take a pig out of the mud, you can wash him up, clean him and train him to be civil long enough for the judges to evaluate him for the contest at the fair, but get him home, and he will go straight back to the mud hole and wallow in the mud because he is still a pig. Lebron is not doing anything different then he did the last time around and what he did the last time around not only was okay for Heat fans, but his actions was defended by Lebron. I have waited for a long time for this day and I am not surprised at all

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You do realize this has nothing to do with Lebron going back to Cleveland right? I started a thread before the draft started stating that he is leaving Miami.

It's the way you handle yourself when you leave a franchise. He screwed up when he left Cleveland and screwed up again when he left Miami. He did not learn anything from 2010 in terms of the right way to leave an organization

As I recall everyone one of the Heat fans was okay with how he handled himself when he left Cleveland though and actually I think he handled it better this time around. Just saying

True Lakers Fan

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For the record "FRAUD" is not really the correct term for Lebron. He is a business man that made business decisions on his personal life based on what he wanted to accomplish in the future. There is nothing written down any where that says he had to or should have handled it a certain way.


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For the record "FRAUD" is not really the correct term for Lebron. He is a business man that made business decisions on his personal life based on what he wanted to accomplish in the future. There is nothing written down any where that says he had to or should have handled it a certain way.

Nobody is disputing anything about the businessman aspect.
Gilbert handed him the franchise. Of course he's going to accept it.

Here's the part your not comprehending.
In his 1 st FA he said he was going to choose based on best chance to win. He stuck to his word.

This time, he's trying to make people believe that his decision was based soley on trying to 'win one in Ohio', which is utter rubbish.
It's all about what he thinks his best to win is, but he's now afraid to say it in case he fails.
He's trying to have a built in excuse.


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As I recall everyone one of the Heat fans was okay with how he handled himself when he left Cleveland though and actually I think he handled it better this time around. Just saying

And this is a lie. Everyone heat fans included said he should have never had the stupid decision show.

Stop making up BS that isn't true

Black Adam

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Apr 17, 2013
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And this is a lie. Everyone heat fans included said he should have never had the stupid decision show.

Stop making up BS that isn't true

gotta go along with punchline on that one. most Heat fans I remember said he made a big mistake doing it...

True Lakers Fan

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And this is a lie. Everyone heat fans included said he should have never had the stupid decision show.

Stop making up BS that isn't true

For the record - I have never had a problem with His decision. Neither did the majority of the other fans. What you are not comprehending is that we had a problem with how he handled his decision. It was a "LOOK AT WONDERFUL ME PARTY". He had every right to leave the first time and I actually believe that it was the right decision. In fact I think he made a mistake to leave Miami, but I also don't see a problem in how he left Miami and don't see where he said or did anything wrong. Some times it takes more than a few days to make a decision. He never misrepresented anything - and he told everyone one once he made his decision. Like most people I expect that his decision was based on a combination of reasons which are coming out reason by reason. Just because he thinks he has a better chance to win in Cleveland(He's wrong and he doesn't) does not mean he that was the only reason. It was his perception of wanting to win and go home and all of his other reasons or excuses or whatever he comes up with.

The truth is that he handled it very poorly the first time and Miami Fans were very happy about all of it and this time Miami fans are whining about it.

That's just the truth, but I think if you relax, and wait, Miami will be better than most people expect. I still believe Pat Riley is in charge and knows how to rebuild again without Lebron