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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.35
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ok, after mamba replied to it I did read the last part of that post BT. Go ask the mods who got you put in here. Call me names all you want but it wasn't me. If I made the claim I haven't EVER asked a mod to put someone in here and was lying you can believe they would call me out on it. I had no involvement in you being here and really don't care if you are here or not. You can keep trying to make this personal between us, but that is just more of you trying to stir up shit and create troll wars and I'm not biting on it.


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
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ok, after mamba replied to it I did read the last part of that post BT. Go ask the mods who got you put in here. Call me names all you want but it wasn't me. If I made the claim I haven't EVER asked a mod to put someone in here and was lying you can believe they would call me out on it. I had no involvement in you being here and really don't care if you are here or not. You can keep trying to make this personal between us, but that is just more of you trying to stir up shit and create troll wars and I'm not biting on it.

Every person who has posted here or ever posted in a thread with bamatee has been accused of putting him here.

Dude has issues.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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First off. The report was just icing on a giant hhhhwhite cake that we all will enjoy in the parlor later.


and it came from a well respected moderator that has been here for quite a while and I imagine he has seen quit a bit in his days at SportsHoopla. It is the first report II have ever seen him make. So there is that.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.35
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Fav. Team #3
Every person who has posted here or ever posted in a thread with bamatee has been accused of putting him here.

Dude has issues.

Yeah, I do have to remember who we are dealing with here. I honestly believe he is not in our reality. Most of the trolls are simply playing games and trying to have fun up here. Heck, even breaker on the NFL boards probably falls in that category, but some actually believe the nonsense they spew so any attempt to reason with them is futile. Best you can do is point out their factual inaccuracies and try not to get sucked into a protracted war with them. I admit I fail on that second part way too often.



2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'll accept that there may be some bama fans (I'm guessing) who want him back. Guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that you guys stand up for one of your own. Heck, most of us in the Pac fight to keep wallace on the board so maybe this is similar? :noidea:

But as for your opinion that he has been being pushed into his poor behavior? :wtf: Are you high?

As for your other diatribe, I will not respond to that as part was for BT and the rest is simply your opinion and not any more valuable than mine or someone elses.

My comment on his recent antics was more to outside this board life changes that may be affecting his attitude and demeanor in general. You seem narrow minded as to feeling that this board is the only thing in a persons life, while I see that maybe he could be going through some personal trials and tribulations that could reflect in his frustrations and writings on this board. I have seen his postings over several years on this and the CBS boards and he has changed as of late to an even more irritated person in his writings and seems to be taking things a bit more personal than he used to. I and other fans(not just Bama fans) on here have noticed this and have agreed he has changed recently to a more irritated, looking for a fight style of posting. If you feel differently, that is just one persons opinion, but I can assure you I am not high, nor am i crazy or delusional. His status as a Bama fan holds no significance for me except that we are brothers in that sense, but right is right and wrong is wrong and to exile him here permanently would be wrong. I would not wish that on even Sakau or OD, and they are clearly some of the worst trolls we have on this site.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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As for your other diatribe, I will not respond to that as part was for BT and the rest is simply your opinion and not any more valuable than mine or someone elses.

My comment on his recent antics was more to outside this board life changes that may be affecting his attitude and demeanor in general. You seem narrow minded as to feeling that this board is the only thing in a persons life, while I see that maybe he could be going through some personal trials and tribulations that could reflect in his frustrations and writings on this board. I have seen his postings over several years on this and the CBS boards and he has changed as of late to an even more irritated person in his writings and seems to be taking things a bit more personal than he used to. I and other fans(not just Bama fans) on here have noticed this and have agreed he has changed recently to a more irritated, looking for a fight style of posting. If you feel differently, that is just one persons opinion, but I can assure you I am not high, nor am i crazy or delusional. His status as a Bama fan holds no significance for me except that we are brothers in that sense, but right is right and wrong is wrong and to exile him here permanently would be wrong. I would not wish that on even Sakau or OD, and they are clearly some of the worst trolls we have on this site.

You can make all the excuses you want for him. There's.no excuse for acting like a grade A ass hole, and the board instantly got better when the mods stopped letting him shit on it. The board is far better off with him in here.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
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For the record, I must state, it is fucking retarded to take anything on the internetz personally. Also, having bitch fights constantly is pointless. - No one ever wins a bitch fight online because nobody ever loses.

Also, if you're gonna troll other folks at least make sure it is funny. This way too serious shit is getting out of hand.

I've got to take a dump. BRB.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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I agree not to take stuff too personally. I do like everyone else, it happens; but you have to know how to deal with it.

Btw...whatever someone has in their personal life should have nothing to do with taking it out on posters here. We are hear to talk, argue, and debate sports. Some can take it more serious than others.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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As for your other diatribe, I will not respond to that as part was for BT and the rest is simply your opinion and not any more valuable than mine or someone elses.

My comment on his recent antics was more to outside this board life changes that may be affecting his attitude and demeanor in general. You seem narrow minded as to feeling that this board is the only thing in a persons life, while I see that maybe he could be going through some personal trials and tribulations that could reflect in his frustrations and writings on this board. I have seen his postings over several years on this and the CBS boards and he has changed as of late to an even more irritated person in his writings and seems to be taking things a bit more personal than he used to. I and other fans(not just Bama fans) on here have noticed this and have agreed he has changed recently to a more irritated, looking for a fight style of posting. If you feel differently, that is just one persons opinion, but I can assure you I am not high, nor am i crazy or delusional. His status as a Bama fan holds no significance for me except that we are brothers in that sense, but right is right and wrong is wrong and to exile him here permanently would be wrong. I would not wish that on even Sakau or OD, and they are clearly some of the worst trolls we have on this site.

you don't fucking get it do you? I don't understand, maybe you have a different term of a "troll" I go crazy for my team and think they can beat anyone anywhere anytime. Excuse me for having faith in my team. My fandom might be different than your fandom, im sorry I don't come across in your Alabama Southern eyes as a calm, confident yet grounded fan. Like apparently all you rammer jammer fuck faces think you are.

You guys want everyone to have southern hospitality type etiquette when it comes to rooting for your team, and if someone is out of compliance with that they are instantly a troll? Fuck off. You haven't been here for even a full year yet, nor has your buddy that just got put in here or the other fan you clumped me into as calling us the biggest trolls of this site.

Be here for awhile before you feel like you have the entitlement to go around stating bullshit.


Active Member
May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What the hell! I'm in here, might as well have fun!

I have never and will never admit to starting shit. I only respond to the posters who make smart ass posts. The problem is they can't hang and get frustrated. They, like me, go on and on and on but since I'm new and don't kiss ass I get the reputation. Have I ever made a comment to start with? Probably, but very few. I will even say my comment about the PAC having the weakest bowl schedule was probably posted in the wrong place but damn, did WizardHawk go off or what? You would think he is captain of Team PAC, which doesn't exist. :whistle: I still believe 100% about the PAC bowls. :nod: All the damn threads and posts are available just go read em. Not difficult.

Now what I do find humorous is it is the VERY EXACT people (or at least 80%), that I do not get along with, who come in here and try to twist and turn the story to their benefit. I promise it's not difficult to see why! Lets see, by last count it was about 8 to 1 blasting me.

Romeo- He's like the little nerd that tries to hang with the cool kids. They let him so he will do all the grunt work! Can not stand this dweeb. Seen him get so personal with people it should be rated X. Has he ever been put in here? He has trolled SEC threads too many times to count as has many! That's ok though. This is a very west coast heavy sports board.

Cam- He's like immature punk who tries so hard to be cool. Him and Romeo are like Beavis and Butthead!
Always seems to show up with Romeo or vice versa, They love to give each other the thumb. Now where they put it I don't know but it's usually up.

Mamba- Tries to be the cool kid. Get along with him 50/50.

WizardHawk - Just a nerd and nothing will really change that

Fordman- He got his feelings hurt so he turned. He said I sent him a rant on PM. Isn't that against the rules? I was told you could never reference a PM. Never! hmm

HammerDown- Mod who has to be here and tries to fit in

Red_Alert- There are some Nebraska fans I don't click with but they all look alike to me. Pretty sure he's one!

Shanesmansj13- Think he came in to give The Authority more shit then me! OSU is like Nebraska. Get along with some. Some I don't but they all look a like so I never remember which one.

There have been a few others that just came in and made friendly, humorous or generic comments while the above have attacked and attacked and attacked personally. Wonder why I decide to attack back. :scratch:

Summary-It's kind of funny that this thread is probably the most popular thread going right now, from here and the other board! Getting more posts! You get abused and walk away but just can't stay away. Something makes you come back to try and get one more shot in then leave wounded again and the cycle goes on and on. :clap:

As for bandwagonbo, thanks for the ringing endorsement, I think? :noidea:


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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July -2013. no you don't. so don't act like you do.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 3,441.75
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Fav. Team #3
What the hell! I'm in here, might as well have fun!

I have never and will never admit to starting shit. I only respond to the posters who make smart ass posts. The problem is they can't hang and get frustrated. They, like me, go on and on and on but since I'm new and don't kiss ass I get the reputation. Have I ever made a comment to start with? Probably, but very few. I will even say my comment about the PAC having the weakest bowl schedule was probably posted in the wrong place but damn, did WizardHawk go off or what? You would think he is captain of Team PAC, which doesn't exist. :whistle: I still believe 100% about the PAC bowls. :nod: All the damn threads and posts are available just go read em. Not difficult.

Now what I do find humorous is it is the VERY EXACT people (or at least 80%), that I do not get along with, who come in here and try to twist and turn the story to their benefit. I promise it's not difficult to see why! Lets see, by last count it was about 8 to 1 blasting me.

Romeo- He's like the little nerd that tries to hang with the cool kids. They let him so he will do all the grunt work! Can not stand this dweeb. Seen him get so personal with people it should be rated X. Has he ever been put in here? He has trolled SEC threads too many times to count as has many! That's ok though. This is a very west coast heavy sports board.

Cam- He's like immature punk who tries so hard to be cool. Him and Romeo are like Beavis and Butthead!
Always seems to show up with Romeo or vice versa, They love to give each other the thumb. Now where they put it I don't know but it's usually up.

Mamba- Tries to be the cool kid. Get along with him 50/50.

WizardHawk - Just a nerd and nothing will really change that

Fordman- He got his feelings hurt so he turned. He said I sent him a rant on PM. Isn't that against the rules? I was told you could never reference a PM. Never! hmm

HammerDown- Mod who has to be here and tries to fit in

Red_Alert- There are some Nebraska fans I don't click with but they all look alike to me. Pretty sure he's one!

Shanesmansj13- Think he came in to give The Authority more shit then me! OSU is like Nebraska. Get along with some. Some I don't but they all look a like so I never remember which one.

There have been a few others that just came in and made friendly, humorous or generic comments while the above have attacked and attacked and attacked personally. Wonder why I decide to attack back. :scratch:

Summary-It's kind of funny that this thread is probably the most popular thread going right now, from here and the other board! Getting more posts! You get abused and walk away but just can't stay away. Something makes you come back to try and get one more shot in then leave wounded again and the cycle goes on and on. :clap:

As for bandwagonbo, thanks for the ringing endorsement, I think? :noidea:

:laugh3: at thinking anyone is going to read this