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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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One week for every post here or PM to a mod whining about it? :noidea: :whistle:


Active Member
May 4, 2013
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I don't think we've gotten that far yet. :D

It was a week for the worst troll on the boards OD but then again he's an Oregon fan, Pacster and west of the Mississippi. About as preferential as you can get! :nod:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.35
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Fav. Team #3
It was a week for the worst troll on the boards OD but then again he's an Oregon fan, Pacster and west of the Mississippi. About as preferential as you can get! :nod:
There were a ton of people pushing for his release including some of the people he disliked the most.

I'm just not seeing that line forming for you. :whistle:


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May 4, 2013
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Originally quoted by WizardHawk:

it appears got very very butt hurt when I kept putting you back in your place.

Put me in my place? I abused you so bad with facts it was almost embarrassing! All you did was list the SEC teams bowl games which unless you are a moron are ten times the match ups and much more attractive games. You talked about how the PAC teams didn't pick their opponents. What does that sound like to you? Sounds like someone justifying one weak ass schedule. You want to try again? The PAC has a pussy bowl schedule!!! I'm in here because you're a little sissy boy that had to whine about me making a factual statement about a team in that conference, which was participating in that game thread, and then you went on and on and on which, by the way, is another sign you were getting abused!
Me being in here has absolutely nothing to do with who put who in their place. Pretty simple, you're in the west with your Huskies, Beavers, Ducks, Trojans,Broncos, Sun Devils. Then the next level is the Ohio St and OU posters who have posted so much because they have no life they've built immunity to most anything. Check where the mods are from and how they manage. Pretty simple to see. I've seen one who was getting abused in an argument about football threaten to ban the guy. That's pathetic!

As for your statement the PAC didn't lose the game, WSU did and since the PAC is all about ONLY their team I better not hear one peep from a PAC fan saying how strong the conference is because a good bowl record. Now where you go wrong in believing your lies since every major sports media will update bowl standings daily and tell you, whether you want to hear it or not, what conferences kicked ass. The PAC doesn't count because they have one game on paper. One! Michigan ST vs Stanford! Having a strong conference helps win 7 straight National Championships games. Bowl games help! It's not our fault down south you idiot Yankees and westerners can't figure that out! :L It might help them get in but then the SEC teams do the rest and kicks the other conferences asses! Quite embarrassing and I can see where so many of you, especially in the west wouldn't want to claim any of those other teams. What the fuck have they done? :laugh3:


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May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There were a ton of people pushing for his release including some of the people he disliked the most.

I'm just not seeing that line forming for you. :whistle:

West, Oregon, been on here forever, preferential treatment. Shocking! :noidea:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.35
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West, Oregon, been on here forever, preferential treatment. Shocking! :noidea:

lol at whatever you typed above that (stopped at first sentence when I was laughing too hard to go on) and yet you can't handle the FACT that OcD had people standing up for him and asking for him to return, even many posters who hate his team the most while you have ZERO standing up for you and yet you claim some preferential treatment. You ONCE AGAIN ARE SERVED and put back in your place. Let me guess, you won't see that obvious FACT will you? :lol:

So now I've embarrassed you on the public boards before you got banned and now demasculated you in your own dungeon. And not one person who has ever posted on any site your stank has been on feels for you one bit.

On another unrelated note. Over under on number of days before he lands back here again if/when he is let out now that he has been neutered in here? I'm going with 4 hours and taking the under.


Active Member
May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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lol at whatever you typed above that (stopped at first sentence when I was laughing too hard to go on) and yet you can't handle the FACT that OcD had people standing up for him and asking for him to return, even many posters who hate his team the most while you have ZERO standing up for you and yet you claim some preferential treatment. You ONCE AGAIN ARE SERVED and put back in your place. Let me guess, you won't see that obvious FACT will you? :lol:

So now I've embarrassed you on the public boards before you got banned and now demasculated you in your own dungeon. And not one person who has ever posted on any site your stank has been on feels for you one bit.

On another unrelated note. Over under on number of days before he lands back here again if/when he is let out now that he has been neutered in here? I'm going with 4 hours and taking the under.

First of all you did read it and had no response so that's all your dumb ass could come up with. Very creative. I can not even think of one person who would come to my defense. I don't even know what that is suppose to mean? A icon of a goofy poster who is laughed at for years and becomes a symbol they laugh at and posts 50,000 times has support and the guy whose been here 6 months, pulls for the #1 program (jealousy) and doesn't kiss ass has no supporters? :omg: Some of us don't need some false reinforcement on a sports board to have confidence and to bolster our self esteem. You don't even realize when you say you got me put in here it just shows what a little sissy pussy boy you are. Did my post on your exciting game thread about PAC's truthful weakass schedule bother you? Give me a break! You have nothing...:L If i never posted on this board again my life would be just fine. In fact it's a shame CBS closed down where I did post because this board is so out of balance it's ridiculous! CBS didn't have power hungry mods threatening posters everytime they disagreed. That's what the fuck football is about. It's a constant debate. Except when gheys likes you boohoo because a poster mentioned the PAC had a weak bowl schedule during a PAC game! :doh:


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
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First of all you did read it and had no response so that's all your dumb ass could come up with. Very creative. I can not even think of one person who would come to my defense. I don't even know what that is suppose to mean? A icon of a goofy poster who is laughed at for years and becomes a symbol they laugh at and posts 50,000 times has support and the guy whose been here 6 months, pulls for the #1 program (jealousy) and doesn't kiss ass has no supporters? :omg: Some of us don't need some false reinforcement on a sports board to have confidence and to bolster our self esteem. You don't even realize when you say you got me put in here it just shows what a little sissy pussy boy you are. Did my post on your exciting game thread about PAC's truthful weakass schedule bother you? Give me a break! You have nothing...:L If i never posted on this board again my life would be just fine. In fact it's a shame CBS closed down where I did post because this board is so out of balance it's ridiculous! CBS didn't have power hungry mods threatening posters everytime they disagreed. That's what the fuck football is about. It's a constant debate. Except when gheys likes you boohoo because a poster mentioned the PAC had a weak bowl schedule during a PAC game! :doh:




2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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lol at whatever you typed above that (stopped at first sentence when I was laughing too hard to go on) and yet you can't handle the FACT that OcD had people standing up for him and asking for him to return, even many posters who hate his team the most while you have ZERO standing up for you and yet you claim some preferential treatment. You ONCE AGAIN ARE SERVED and put back in your place. Let me guess, you won't see that obvious FACT will you? :lol:

So now I've embarrassed you on the public boards before you got banned and now demasculated you in your own dungeon. And not one person who has ever posted on any site your stank has been on feels for you one bit.

On another unrelated note. Over under on number of days before he lands back here again if/when he is let out now that he has been neutered in here? I'm going with 4 hours and taking the under.

Not that i am joining the argument or want to be a part, but this statement is not entirely true as he has been mentioned on the other board and a few have hoped that he will be allowed to re-join us all at some point as we all deserve a chance to interact, talk football and have some fun on this site. Frankly his behavior is being nudged on by a few people who seem to know the buttons to push and their behavior is no worse or better than his is at this point(my opinion). I have known BT since the old CBS days and while his demeanor has changed as of late, he is still a pretty good football poster and has something to offer much the same as you or any other poster does, he just needs to reign in some of his more demeaning comments and make it about football, and ignore the ones who are pulling his strings trying to get him angry. I would be in support of a pardon for BT, especially as a New Years gift to him(with stipulations of course).


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
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Hey bamatee, :csb:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.35
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Not that i am joining the argument or want to be a part, but this statement is not entirely true as he has been mentioned on the other board and a few have hoped that he will be allowed to re-join us all at some point as we all deserve a chance to interact, talk football and have some fun on this site. Frankly his behavior is being nudged on by a few people who seem to know the buttons to push and their behavior is no worse or better than his is at this point(my opinion). I have known BT since the old CBS days and while his demeanor has changed as of late, he is still a pretty good football poster and has something to offer much the same as you or any other poster does, he just needs to reign in some of his more demeaning comments and make it about football, and ignore the ones who are pulling his strings trying to get him angry. I would be in support of a pardon for BT, especially as a New Years gift to him(with stipulations of course).
I'll accept that there may be some bama fans (I'm guessing) who want him back. Guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that you guys stand up for one of your own. Heck, most of us in the Pac fight to keep wallace on the board so maybe this is similar? :noidea:

But as for your opinion that he has been being pushed into his poor behavior? :wtf: Are you high? BT as been a major troll for years. He intentionally creates shit storms and pushes buttons wherever he can. No one came after him in this case, he came after everyone else. He doesn't engage in football conversations, at least not with the general population. I have no idea what he says on your boards as I've never read a thing on them. He is purely the poster child for team SEC and has been for as long as I've ever seen him post anything. You telling us he didn't create hundreds of troll threads on cBS? You telling us he doesn't still create drama for his own amusement here now? If that is your assertion then I'm afraid we will have to agree to disagree. I'd bet if you polled the general population you would find yourself in an extreme minority.

I didn't ask for him to be banished to here and as I've said I have never PM'ed a mod to ask for anyone to be handled. I don't care one way or another if they let him back in. I still bet he doesn't last long because he lacks any sort of self filter and can't help posting his delusional rants. Just can't stop himself. I have absolutely no doubt he ends up back here again.

BT, I assure you I only read your first sentence or two at most so make your points count. You can pound your chest all you want that it means I have nothing to counter you on, but I have no need to counter you. I laid you out pretty well and it was obvious to anyone not otherwise biased who read it. I'm just not going to get sucked into another exchange with you no matter what you type. Why? Because your shtick is tiring and boring. I had enough of squashing team SEC back in the cBS days and you will notice I don't normally get into those battles here. I simply choose to ignore your mental disease. I have exchanges and discussions with all sorts of bama fans or other posters from SEC teams, but I choose to do so with those who actually talk about football, not simply post just to goad people into pointless troll wars.

You are free to go back to your paranoid delusions and your fictitious SEC vs Pac bowl battle. As far as anyone who actually knows football goes you can't compare two conferences that don't even have one common bowl game. There isn't a single Pac team playing any SEC team in any bowl and yet you are trying to create some sort of battle between them. Why? Your need to have team SEC mean something. You clearly wanted to preemptively setup any SEC team losses as not meaning team SEC wasn't still dominate and that was your ONLY purpose of being in that thread. PERIOD. It's obvious and not debatable. I clearly pointed that out and laid your inaccurate rantings to rest. There is no need for more discussion about it. There is no team Pac to have a need to counter it with and you are incapable of seeing that so any attempt to have a normal conversation with you just ends in :frusty: which is EXACTLY what you are trying to do so why bother?


Unexpected Member
Jul 19, 2013
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Now playing at SportsHoopla:

The Silence of the Trolls

Starring BamaTee



Aces & eights
Apr 18, 2010
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Frankly his behavior is being nudged on by a few people who seem to know the buttons to push and their behavior is no worse or better than his is at this point(my opinion).

This is more of an issue than the mods let on sometime. I have seen certain posters who take delight pushing buttons and then act all innocent about it. It has also led to some posters being banned/restricted while the button pusher goes on to find their next victim. More people need to just use the ignore feature and a lot of that would stop.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.35
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Fav. Team #3
This is more of an issue than the mods let on sometime. I have seen certain posters who take delight pushing buttons and then act all innocent about it. It has also led to some posters being banned/restricted while the button pusher goes on to find their next victim. More people need to just use the ignore feature and a lot of that would stop.
So you believe those who respond to obvious trolls like this should be held responsible for shit storm that happens as a result of their troll bait? :scratch: I know you can't be talking about me as maybe I did put him back in his place with this event, but I haven't been involved with anything else with him since the cBS days. I find his one dimensional material to just be boring. If you are blaming cam and romeo then I can't speak to their battles as I don't read it. I stay out of any of the typical team SEC threads on this site so I hardly ever read any of it.

I guess I just see your comments as the equivalent as the refs always flagging the guy who retaliates after being pushed first. Just as that is wrong, so is your assertion here IMO.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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First of all you did read it and had no response so that's all your dumb ass could come up with. Very creative. I can not even think of one person who would come to my defense. I don't even know what that is suppose to mean? A icon of a goofy poster who is laughed at for years and becomes a symbol they laugh at and posts 50,000 times has support and the guy whose been here 6 months, pulls for the #1 program (jealousy) and doesn't kiss ass has no supporters? :omg: Some of us don't need some false reinforcement on a sports board to have confidence and to bolster our self esteem. You don't even realize when you say you got me put in here it just shows what a little sissy pussy boy you are. Did my post on your exciting game thread about PAC's truthful weakass schedule bother you? Give me a break! You have nothing...:L If i never posted on this board again my life would be just fine. In fact it's a shame CBS closed down where I did post because this board is so out of balance it's ridiculous! CBS didn't have power hungry mods threatening posters everytime they disagreed. That's what the fuck football is about. It's a constant debate. Except when gheys likes you boohoo because a poster mentioned the PAC had a weak bowl schedule during a PAC game! :doh:

sounds threatening.


try me.