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Lakers Roll Call Thread

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Apr 17, 2013
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QUOTE=Vitamike;3244439]I didn't bring up a word about anyone visiting your page

Of course not. It's obvious the current ChiefsLakers visited my page. That's what started this entire series of posts though. Dumbass asked me why I visited his page, I told him. Then I asked why he visited mine and he somehow wants to claim he didn't even though it is there for the world to see in black and white.

Look bub, you're the one who was asking questions of whether or not the original CL ID existed or not and if you were correct about merging accounts and such. Sorry if you didn't like the answer pal, but it is what it is and the only one slinging bullshit in here is you and your phony bets and dumb ass bravado.

I don't give a flying fuck if it existed or not. It has nothing to do with who visited my page. If Hammer merged his account, it would have been to the other username he was using which IS the one that visited my site. Phoney bets? How about bets that were not accepted for obvious reasons?

IDK, because you're a fool? Tell me, why DID you? I mean you are the one who said you were willing to let Hammer be judge and jury and all that other BS and I called you out on it reminding you of your 'stipulations' and now here you are back peddling as fast as you can spit out your next post.

I said he could be judge and jury on every bet. You didn't call me out on anything. You are just not bright enough to understand the concept of the bets. You say that asking for actual proof is a stipulation? OK, then let's do this, let's make a bet on something, say a baseball game, I choose which team I want, and after the game I'll tell you who I chose. Should be no problem for you because that's what your asking me to do. I backpeddled?? CL was the one who said he would accept the bet and then when I agreed to do exactly what he asked, he ran with his tail between his legs.

You continue to be all over the place. Yesterday when in a post I said the Lakers currently weren't the best team in their own building, you went into some ramble about statues and banners.
What was that about? Did I ever say the Clippers were a batter franchise or had a better history?
I said they were better right now.

So you're quite sure? I find that hard to believe, since you don't have a basic concept on how the user name is the actual account ID verified by it's user's password.

I was sure enough to bet on it. He wasn't.

LOL, I know why he didn't accept your bet, it's obvious to everyone on here. What's funny is somehow you think it has something to do with him, but it doesn't, it has everything to do with you.

You KNOW? I KNOW too, and the answer is his life, or lack of one would end if he was banned for 60 days from here and he knows he would have lost. It's pretty hard/stupid to say you weren't somewhere when your username on this site shows and says you were there. Line 3 of my visitors page says ChiefsLakers67. But he says it isn't him.:laugh3:. He showed he has memory issues because he swore up and down like a 3 year old that he never, anywhere, picked the Lakers to beat the Spurs.
It's a wonder why he isn't claimng that someone logged in for him and made the post.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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good grief, i have to wake up to THIS shit? too damn funny. well, now that i KNOW what this arrogant, snidely little weasel is up to all i can say is...LMAO...!!!!

hey Vita. let this scumbag think he can out-manuever me. seems to bother HIM mor than it does me. all i know is this. it wasn't ME who got banned for being a "dick troll" and busted for having multiple i.d.'s. sorry, but that's NEVER been my schtick. i'll continue to come and go as i please and let Turnip keep crying like a little girl over it. i mean, since he think posting is my life and all(fool that he IS, though i find it VERY amusing he continues to respond to me like a yo-yo on a string). folks here have posted more than i have, but this clown wants to continue to paste his view of me...like it's somehow supposed to bother me...

so let him try to cover what was his biggest blunder since we got here and obviously his biggest source of embarrassment. it isn't like i care. he can hate me forever if he'd like. that'll SURELY make me lose sleep. he did this to himself. and i'll also continue to say this. this is my only handle. always was, always WILL be. unlike Turnip, who always tries to POST like he's above reproach, in this instance I actually am. guess all that bullshit about thinking he's better than anybody else was EXACTLY that. but hey, whatever works for the sad, short little retard. shit like this keeps him up at night. it funny. the guy who he projects as stupid and ignorant is buried deep in his skull, and it's funny as all get-out. hope he keeps up the good work around here...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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btw, Turnip. why do you think i strung your idiot ass along 'til you exposed what you were up to yesterday? guess i must be smarter than YOU...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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btw, Turnip. why do you think i strung your idiot ass along 'til you exposed what you were up to yesterday? guess i must be smarter than YOU...


I'm not wasting my time/energy with your pathological lying ass today.

One question though, I thought you blocked me ( multiple times now), or have you not said that?

So does that mean you need to keep unblocking me, and then re blocking me, then unblocking me again? Or is just another lie on your résumé? :wtf2:

Too funny. :L

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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I'm not wasting my time/energy with your pathological lying ass today.
Translation:"my plan FAILED...AGAIN!" lmao. now drag your sad, defeated ass into a corner, curl up into a ball, and cry yourself to sleep, idiot...

we BOTH know who the real liar here is. and glad to say, as ALWAYS, it isn't ME, ya wannabe slickster...

One question though, I thought you blocked me ( multiple times now), or have you not said that?

one BETTER question...what's it to you...?

So does that mean you need to keep unblocking me, and then re blocking me, then unblocking me again? Or is just another lie on your résumé? :wtf2:

Translation: "block me again please so i can get away with my comments and bullshit again. i can't deal with you". yeah, i know. it's like i said the other day. my curiosity got the better of me. it simply CAN'T be helped, ol' sock. i said i was missing a helluva lot of entertainment with your garbage around here. seems i was right. look at you. reduced to trying to outmaneuver a guy who you obviously can't stand(remember what i said about ENEMIES the other day, which you attempted to laugh at?). hey, it is what it is...

Too funny. :L

well, at least we agree on SOMETHING. and btw, i know you won't quit. yet another LIE on YOUR "resume'"...:laugh3::laugh3:


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Apr 17, 2013
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Any guesses as to how many of those instances involved a player coming off of a career-threatening injury like a torn Achilles tendon?

Richard Mackson-USA TODAY Sports
The answer is "zero."

So, even without factoring in the torn Achilles, history strongly indicates that Bryant's days as an elite player would have been coming to an end very soon. But with the injury, there's simply no reason to think Bryant will ever be a top-tier talent again.

That's not a knock on Bryant; it's just a statement of fact based on historical precedent.

There are plenty of counterarguments available, but they'll all inevitably be based on hopes and beliefs. There are no facts to support the notion that Bryant will somehow buck the trend.

This is important because Bryant seems to base his faith in a smooth contract negotiation on his ability to remain among the league's best players.

Because he almost certainly won't be an elite player this season (or in any in the future), he's going to have to adjust his contract expectations, and probably even reconsider that pay cut he so quickly dismissed.


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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Sad day in America fam... My heart is in pain... My eyes can't let my brain ever be fooled again... Protect your sons... Love your family...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Sad day in America fam... My heart is in pain... My eyes can't let my brain ever be fooled again... Protect your sons... Love your family...

I agree with you. If the man with the gun would have just stayed in his car, as the police instructed him, this kid would be alive today.

This Stand Your Ground law will probably now lead to some more unnecessary deaths because who knows what ones mindset needs to be to say they felt their life was threatened.


Just back on these boards after ESPN debacle.

Lakers have picked up a few good role players but losing Clark and Metta offsets who they picked up IMO.
As underachieving as he was. you can't replace Howard, but I happen to think Kaman is capable of more than he showed LY.
They"ll make the playoffs if Kobe fully recovers but won't go very far


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Very confused why the Lakers could not afford MWP. If they were close to being able to win it all would not you amnesty him next year at least? I was always told Lakers would pay anything to win. Not true

Now hiring Rambis?

This is a circus


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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Very confused why the Lakers could not afford MWP. If they were close to being able to win it all would not you amnesty him next year at least? I was always told Lakers would pay anything to win. Not true

Now hiring Rambis?

This is a circus

This was the last chance to use the amnesty. Why not use it on MWP? He's not that good of basketball player anymore. Funny how people's perceptions change of a player whether he's on the Lakers team or not. The Lakers will get better production, certainly offensively, at the 3-spot with Nick Young while saving some money. The Lakers would have paid a lot to compete for a title next season, but Howard chose another team. The game plan had to change.

Why is hiring Rambis a circus? He'll be the defense coach like he was under PJ. He's been around the Lakers organization for a long time now.


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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Start em young!!!



Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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I know one of our guys asked the question but... Should look to sign Beasley...? I'm sure he'd sign at a discount and if anybody can get his mind right Kobe can... If not him, what are the thoughts that we try to get the slam dunk champ Evans from Utah...? He is fast and athletic and works hard all around good kid... Could be our version of Marion...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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I know one of our guys asked the question but... Should look to sign Beasley...? I'm sure he'd sign at a discount and if anybody can get his mind right Kobe can... If not him, what are the thoughts that we try to get the slam dunk champ Evans from Utah...? He is fast and athletic and works hard all around good kid... Could be our version of Marion...

k, no to Bustley. Evans? him i wouldn't mind getting a look at in our line-up...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I know one of our guys asked the question but... Should look to sign Beasley...? I'm sure he'd sign at a discount and if anybody can get his mind right Kobe can... If not him, what are the thoughts that we try to get the slam dunk champ Evans from Utah...? He is fast and athletic and works hard all around good kid... Could be our version of Marion...

Beasley would be your 2nd or 3rd best shooter and a top 5 player on the Lakers.

They should sign him.

Get him a pot license in Ca.

Perfect fit.

Hopefully Riley brings him back here though!:yahoo:


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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k, no to Bustley. Evans? him i wouldn't mind getting a look at in our line-up...

Yeah I'm very unsure about Beasley... I mean there has to be a point when you man up and say I'm grown and it's time... He is 24 years-old now... I think that was about the age I started to wake up, by 28 I was married... I still smoked weed from about 19 until about 33 but then my time and responsibilities become more of a priority... Now he has more money and I suppose more free time but it's becoming clear his basketball life is in jeopardy... Is it time that he wakes up...? If you recall Lamar Odom had problems with the chronic when he was with the Clipps the first time... He straightened up and became a solid player... I know LO has since fell off but that's now... So my question is really do you think 1) Beasley is at the turning point or is he still a dipshit who thinks he can continue down this path...2) would Kobe's influence be enough to turn this guy into what people thought he could be... Kobe was great for guys like Shannon Brown, Sasha Vujacic, Trevor Ariza and Jordan Farmar... But all those players "wanted it" if you know what I'm saying... A one year non-guaranteed league min. offer wouldn't hurt IMO... But Hammerdown might ban us all if we did sign him...:lol:


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 168,223.71
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Beasley would be your 2nd or 3rd best shooter and a top 5 player on the Lakers.

They should sign him.

Get him a pot license in Ca.

Perfect fit.

Hopefully Riley brings him back here though!:yahoo:

Yeah I'm not sure he would work in Miami... He has the mind set of the #1 type guy on the court but doesn't put enough in to be that and I think that when he gets bumped down it affects his game... He has to turn that potential into reality or he will never make it and time is ticking...:noidea:
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