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Lakers Roll Call Thread

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Work Hard Play Hard
Apr 17, 2013
Tracy CA
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maybe so, but it seems to me he already did this, or else how could he have figured it out and put it out there already? I saw when Hammer flat-out SAID he had alternate i.d.'s. why would he lie...?
I was thinking a snapshot of the proof. Just realized he can't do that because it would violate privacy laws. He would have to say he made a mistake if Turnup is telling the truth.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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I honestly don't think Hammer is/was lying. However, I didn't make that stupid post.
I think it was either mechanical error or whatever? Maybe a ghost logged in from my house?

NOT buying...

Now, it is 10000% clear CL looked at my page. Agree???

musta been YOU when you stole my handle...

It is 100000% clear CL picked the Lakers vs the Spurs.

picked the Lakers in a PERDICTION THREAD for the final time, dingbat. NOT posting up threads on how the Lakers would beat the Spurs. fuck off, brainless...

Anyway, regardless, I'm willing to take make all 3 wagers letting the man who accused me be judge and jury.

I think he will be fair. I have had no issues with him since that day.

Question now is , will CL?

and as always, I wipe my ass with "what you think". LOL at you thinking you can weasel me into ANY wager with you knowing you're a scumbag. when'll you get that you can NEVER manipulate me...?

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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why the fuck would you say you didn't visit my page when your user ID is plastered on it on line 3???

Put up, or shut the fuck up already. Pussy

LMAO!!! keep saying insults over your computer you'd NEVER say to my face for FEAR of having me beat the shit out of you in under 2 minutes, bitch...

too funny. figures this would be the ONLY place you'd feel even a shred of manhood...


Work Hard Play Hard
Apr 17, 2013
Tracy CA
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$ 1,000.00
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I honestly don't think Hammer is/was lying. However, I didn't make that stupid post.

I think it was either mechanical error or whatever? Maybe a ghost logged in from my house?

Now, it is 10000% clear CL looked at my page. Agree???
It is 100000% clear CL picked the Lakers vs the Spurs.

Anyway, regardless, I'm willing to take make all 3 wagers letting the man who accused me be judge and jury.

I think he will be fair. I have had no issues with him since that day.

Question now is , will CL?
Depending on what he used to come to the determination that you had alts its pretty hard for a lay person to spoof an IP. You cant miss the fact CL went to your page. Its there in black and white.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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I was thinking a snapshot of the proof. Just realized he can't do that because it would violate privacy laws. He would have to say he made a mistake if Turnup is telling the truth.

You could be right about privacy laws.
I certainly wouldn't ask him to do anything , nor would he be dumb enough to do something to get himself in trouble.

So anyway, lets move on.

Lets do the other 30 day bet as to whether you visited my site or not.
He is judge and jury. He wouldn't need violate any laws to make a ruling.

Accept that 30 day bet and I will admit to making the Jefe post (even though I didn't). I really don't give a fuck about it at this point, but I do want to see you or me take this 30 day hit.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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Depending on what he used to come to the determination that you had alts its pretty hard for a lay person to spoof an IP. You cant miss the fact CL went to your page. Its there in black and white.

thing is it wasn't ME when I first came to this site, or maybe you've forgotten someone stole my original handle from when I was back on CBS. that's why i'm saying(and maintaining) it wasn't ME. sorry...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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You could be right about privacy laws.
I certainly wouldn't ask him to do anything , nor would he be dumb enough to do something to get himself in trouble.

So anyway, lets move on.

Lets do the other 30 day bet as to whether you visited my site or not.
He is judge and jury. He wouldn't need violate any laws to make a ruling.

Accept that 30 day bet and I will admit to making the Jefe post (even though I didn't). I really don't give a fuck about it at this point, but I do want to see you or me take this 30 day hit.

another lie. if you TRULY "didn't give a fuck" you wouldn't be still here friggin' yammering about it. so do us all a favor and simply crawl back under your rock...

i'll never, EVER bet you a damn thing again...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Depending on what he used to come to the determination that you had alts its pretty hard for a lay person to spoof an IP. You cant miss the fact CL went to your page. Its there in black and white.

The software on this site (for everything I have seen) is flawless.
CL visited my site. I would bet anything on it. It's, as you say, black and white.
Like I said earlier, I have no issues with Hammer. I pissed him off. I learned my lesson.
I'm smarter for it.
I enjoy is site/. I support his site, and do/will abide by his rules.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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The software on this site (for everything I have seen) is flawless.
CL visited my site. I would bet anything on it. It's, as you say, black and white.

didn't. keep lying...

Like I said earlier, I have no issues with Hammer. I pissed him off. I learned my lesson.
I'm smarter for it.

I doubt THAT very seriously...

I enjoy is site/. I support his site, and do/will abide by his rules.

stop, i'm getting sick. talk about being a kiss-ass...:bj:

and if the site IS flawless, then you're lying through your teeth about creating alternate i.d.'s. good job ratting YOURSELF out...


Work Hard Play Hard
Apr 17, 2013
Tracy CA
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$ 1,000.00
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The software on this site (for everything I have seen) is flawless.
CL visited my site. I would bet anything on it. It's, as you say, black and white.
Like I said earlier, I have no issues with Hammer. I pissed him off. I learned my lesson.
I'm smarter for it.
I enjoy is site/. I support his site, and do/will abide by his rules.
Hammers entertaining and this is actually a good site.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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another lie. if you TRULY "didn't give a fuck" you wouldn't be still here friggin' yammering about it. so do us all a favor and simply crawl back under your rock...

i'll never, EVER bet you a damn thing again...

Only reason we are talking about the ID is because YOU brought it up.

I moved on to your new daily lie.

OBVIOUSLY you wont make any of these bets with me because you stand NO CHANCE of winning.

All you do is run your mouth then cower in the corner when challenged.

I am/was willing to let the person who accusing me be judge and jury on all bets.

Face it. you are a giant pussy and 30, 60, or 90 days ban from here would KILL you.

Your problem with these bets is that you would HAVE to honor them unlike in CBS where your losing suddenly turns into "gags".

Anyway Monsho. I knew how this would end up.
Not my first rodeo with this rodeo clown.


Work Hard Play Hard
Apr 17, 2013
Tracy CA
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$ 1,000.00
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stop, i'm getting sick. talk about being a kiss-ass...:bj:

and if the site IS flawless, then you're lying through your teeth about creating alternate i.d.'s. good job ratting YOURSELF out...

:laugh3: You guys need to stop.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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Only reason we are talking about the ID is because YOU brought it up.
I moved on to your new daily lie.

"MY" daily lie? HILARIOUS coming from you...

OBVIOUSLY you wont make any of these bets with me because you stand NO CHANCE of winning.

nope. I don't wager with dishonorable garbage. you already knew that...

All you do is run your mouth then cower in the corner when challenged.

LOL. if only you were man enough to EVER say that to my face...

I am/was willing to let the person who accusing me be judge and jury on all bets.

riiiggghhhtttt. I saw the evidence, and KNOW you'll bullshit everyone here at the drop of a dime. why would I waste my time...?

Face it. you are a giant pussy and 30, 60, or 90 days banned from here would KILL you.

face it, you'd NEVER say that to my face...or you'd be spending the weekend in I.C.U....:lol:

Your problem with these bets is that you would HAVE to honor them unlike in CBS where your losing suddenly turns into "gags".

too bad I proved you wrong on THAT account, then you tried to weasel out on a technicality. fact is you haven't a drop of honor in your body, bitch...

Anyway Monsho. I knew how this would end up.
Not my first rodeo with this rodeo clown.

LMAO!!! do tell me when I took over YOUR title, dipshit...:laugh3:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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thing is it wasn't ME when I first came to this site, or maybe you've forgotten someone stole my original handle from when I was back on CBS. that's why i'm saying(and maintaining) it wasn't ME. sorry...

Are you that ignorant?

First of all. Hammer ended/took down, or whatever the first ChiefsLakers ID.
It no longer exists does it?

If it did, and the visit to my page was from it, the link would take you back to it, correct?

You act as though he merged the 2 ID's.

So, you are fucked. If he merged them, then they had to both be yours using the same IP address. Correct?

If not, the visit to my page has to be from YOU.

And funnier yet, if you are accusing me of ever being the other ChiefsLakers, then you are saying I visited MYSELF:lol:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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here's the thing. why would Hammer not only tell everyone he did it, but why would the other admins ALSO say the same thing? conspiracy? hm...

as far as the personal insults, he can sit there with his short, fat ass and call someone a pussy when he's safely out of arm's reach. that's the kind of guy he is. it isn't on me to fix that for him. maybe his pops shoulda taught him how to fight...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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Are you that ignorant?

a queston you should OBVIOUSLY ask yourself...

First of all. Hammer ended/took down, or whatever the first ChiefsLakers ID.
It no longer exists does it?

whatta YOU think...?

If it did, and the visit to my page was from it, the link would take you back to it, correct?

hell I don't know. it isn't like I've ever professed to being a computer whiz. DO keep trying...

You act as though he merged the 2 ID's.

who knows? do YOU...?

So, you are fucked. If he merged them, then they had to both be yours using the same IP address. Correct?

oh good grief...:rollseyes:

If not, the visit to my page has to be from YOU.

And funnier yet, if you are accusing me of ever being the other ChiefsLakers, then you are saying I visited MYSELF:lol:

yep, pretty much. I always maintain you ain't the most stable individual on the planet. certainly NOT a me problem...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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stop, i'm getting sick. talk about being a kiss-ass...:bj:

and if the site IS flawless, then you're lying through your teeth about creating alternate i.d.'s. good job ratting YOURSELF out...

How is that??
I said the software is flawless.

What software did I ever see that would make me guilty of anything???

You on the other hand have your ID plastered on my visitor page.
There is no defense. You are just a flat out liar. So quit crying/lying and be a man for once.:bawling:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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$ 100.00
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keep it up, Turnip. I know you're dirty and YOU know it as well. you sit here and continue to lie and i'll keep laughing. let's face it, for someone who SAYS he doesn't care you're working awful damn hard showing it...
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