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Kearse had the most targets again yesterday...


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Aug 18, 2014
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So if you don't win SBs every year start firing coaches?

If you ask me, Wilsons early turnovers and the defense not playing well is why they lost in the playoffs last year.

The horrible OL play and the defense being unable to stop the run killed us last year. Wilson had someone in his face almost immediately on every pass play and the running game was non-existent


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Aug 15, 2014
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Sorta funny....I met up with Big58 a few times in the mid-00s when I was stationed at Ft Leavenworth, KS for a year. Really cool and humble guy with a nice wife. Went to their house over Easter that year when my wife & kids happened to be back home in the PNW visiting family. Wouldn't mind catching up with him again some day...

And you guys probably remember IHT as well. I hung out with him quite a bit during that same time -- lived only about 15 minutes from me and I would go there often to play poker and smoke cigars.

Krummm was a Hawks fan on the CNN/SI boards too, and he still lives around the Tacoma area. I used to see him now and then whenever I would come back to visit family while on leave from the Army. Tried to hook up with him at a UW game earlier this year but it didn't work out.

IHT was good people, he was (at least then) in the same end of things as me (TV) except for the military. Krumm always impressed me as being funny as hell, dunno if he was like that in real life.

I always wondered if Big's internet persona could possible be as 'big' in real life.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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The horrible OL play and the defense being unable to stop the run killed us last year. Wilson had someone in his face almost immediately on every pass play and the running game was non-existent

Wilson is used to pressure. But he threw some uncharacteristic awful forced passes in that game. His play was the reason the defense had short fields, and they weren't playing any better than him in the first half. But they don't have such a large hole to dig themselves out of if he takes better care of the ball.


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If youre ok just winning regular season games, good for you, thats great.

Except that in your 'pursuit' of Lombardi's, you want to do things that successful programs don't do. (like firing coaches mid-season).


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Wilson is used to pressure. But he threw some uncharacteristic awful forced passes in that game. His play was the reason the defense had short fields, and they weren't playing any better than him in the first half. But they don't have such a large hole to dig themselves out of if he takes better care of the ball.

I think you misremembering things a bit.

Panthers got the ball, marched 75 yards for the score mostly based on a 60 yard run by Stewart.

Wilson throws a pick 6. Seahawks punt on their next drive and the Panthers march 86 yards for another score. It is now 21-0 and the Seahawks defenses has given up 150 yards on 2 drives.

Wilson's 2 picks certainly hurt. But the OL was absolutely atrocious in that game and the defense was non-existent in the first half. FTR, the 4 TD scored by the Panthers was on a 60 yard drive. The defense invisible in the first half.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I think you misremembering things a bit.

Panthers got the ball, marched 75 yards for the score mostly based on a 60 yard run by Stewart.

Wilson throws a pick 6. Seahawks punt on their next drive and the Panthers march 86 yards for another score. It is now 21-0 and the Seahawks defenses has given up 150 yards on 2 drives.

Wilson's 2 picks certainly hurt. But the OL was absolutely atrocious in that game and the defense was non-existent in the first half. FTR, the 4 TD scored by the Panthers was on a 60 yard drive. The defense invisible in the first half.

Yeah, I'd been drinking a bit. Forgot it was ThAT bad.

But still, your points just go to show how much it was a team loss, can't just put it all on the RZ play calling and oline. But everyone played well in the second half, including those units, that's a credit to good coaching.


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Yeah, I'd been drinking a bit. Forgot it was ThAT bad.

But still, your points just go to show how much it was a team loss, can't just put it all on the RZ play calling and oline. But everyone played well in the second half, including those units, that's a credit to good coaching.

Oh I completely agree with that. Blaming RZ efficiency for losing that game is absolutely ridiculous. IMO, the brutal weather the team played in the previous week was a far bigger impact, IMO.


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Apr 25, 2013
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We los sb49 due to bevells redzone dysfunction, the playoffs last year was a combo of problems andd the OL was one of them.

When you have a top qb and an historic defense, every year without a sb win is a huge disappointment. People are acting like thats outrageous. Its not, we can be the patriots once brady is gone.

But, the refusal to correct the real issues we face will roadblock us.


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We los sb49 due to bevells redzone dysfunction, the playoffs last year was a combo of problems andd the OL was one of them.

No we lost SB49 because the defense blew a 10 point lead with 10 minutes left and forced the offense to march down the field with little time to score a TD. When a team is in a situation like that there is a significant chance of failure. You want to ignore all that and focus on one play.

When you have a top qb and an historic defense, every year without a sb win is a huge disappointment. People are acting like thats outrageous. Its not, we can be the patriots once brady is gone.

Uh we have a Super Bowl win. You realize that the Patriots don't go to the Super Bowl every year, right?

But, the refusal to correct the real issues we face will roadblock us.

The Seahawks front office has made a conscious choice to go cheap on OL so that they can keep other core pieces. They are trying to build the OL through the draft but it's tough to do that.

Your arguments about RZ efficiency are silly. If our biggest problem is that we have a 55% RZ efficiency instead of a 65% efficiency, things are looking really good.


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Dec 28, 2014
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Wilson's 2 picks certainly hurt. But the OL was absolutely atrocious in that game and the defense was non-existent in the first half. FTR, the 4 TD scored by the Panthers was on a 60 yard drive. The defense invisible in the first half.
Yeah, the entire team was pretty bad in the 1st half. The D was poor, but the OL was getting absolutely dismantled. It was like they time warped right back to the first month of the season.

If the OL doesn't do that this year in the playoffs when we are up against the better Ds, then I think we have a pretty good shot...especially if RW is > 90% healthy a month from now. And looking around and likely opponents (playoffs), it doesn't seem like there are any teams that have defenses like Carolina did last year. Probably not even like what the Vikings had for that matter. This year's Vikings D is definitely tough, but it's not even really a great bet they even make the playoffs (ironically because their QB cannot overcome a terrible OL).


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When you have a top qb and an historic defense, every year without a sb win is a huge disappointment.

Again, you'd be better cut out in the pre-salary cap world. Hey, if Allen could pay what he can afford, we'd have pro-bowl level guys across the OL. Too bad we can't do that. Gotta' pay that 'historic' defense somehow.


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We lost 49 because we couldnt get 1 yard in the redzone, all else befire that us irrelevent.

The patriots have been to 7 or 8 superbowls? Are you gonna tell me their fans are content with 15 win seasons and no sb? I dont think so.

As far as redzone td %, we are 21st. Go look at the teams ahead of us. Wilson has terrible numbers inside the 10, a top qb shouldnt have the numbers he does.


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We lost 49 because we couldnt get 1 yard in the redzone, all else befire that us irrelevent.

The patriots have been to 7 or 8 superbowls? Are you gonna tell me their fans are content with 15 win seasons and no sb? I dont think so.

As far as redzone td %, we are 21st. Go look at the teams ahead of us. Wilson has terrible numbers inside the 10, a top qb shouldnt have the numbers he does.

I can't follow your logic at all. So now wilson sucks now too?

And ftr, you don't have ownership of 'discontent.' Or 'content.' Whatever makes you feel superior I guess.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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We lost 49 because we couldnt get 1 yard in the redzone, all else befire that us irrelevent.

The patriots have been to 7 or 8 superbowls? Are you gonna tell me their fans are content with 15 win seasons and no sb? I dont think so.

As far as redzone td %, we are 21st. Go look at the teams ahead of us. Wilson has terrible numbers inside the 10, a top qb shouldnt have the numbers he does.

Most top QBs also don't have an elite defense. Meaning that settling for a fg isn't an option for them as often as it is for Wilson. That's why Wilson doesn't force throws, takes the points, lets the defense play their ball and win the fucking game. Wilson only has a single RZ int this year, while these other top QBs that you're comparing him to have 3-5, and most of them have worse records. It all works together, and it's a proven formula. Why you insist on changing a winning formula is really beyond me. I swear it's like you care more about scoring points than winning games.

You want the Seahawks to be on the Pats level? Guess what... When a div round exit is incredibly disappointing, you're already there. Now give it 15 years and see what happens.

Anointed One

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Aug 29, 2014
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IHT was good people, he was (at least then) in the same end of things as me (TV) except for the military. Krumm always impressed me as being funny as hell, dunno if he was like that in real life.

IHT was one of my favorite posters... I actually kept in touch with him for a few years after CNNSI... Wish I could find out how to find him again...

I always wondered if Big's internet persona could possible be as 'big' in real life.

What? You didn't enjoy getting challenged to a fist fight every other day? :D


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IHT was one of my favorite posters... I actually kept in touch with him for a few years after CNNSI... Wish I could find out how to find him again...
He's on fb. Greg Nelson.


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IHT was one of my favorite posters... I actually kept in touch with him for a few years after CNNSI... Wish I could find out how to find him again...

What? You didn't enjoy getting challenged to a fist fight every other day? :D

We had our share of guys with what I call "internet balls" on the ESPN boards back in the day. At least one of them ended up here too. I think one of them actually offered to fly the person they wanted to beat up out to where they lived. It's easy to challenge a complete stranger to a fight over the internet when you know there's no way it's going to happen.


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We had our share of guys with what I call "internet balls" on the ESPN boards back in the day. At least one of them ended up here too. I think one of them actually offered to fly the person they wanted to beat up out to where they lived. It's easy to challenge a complete stranger to a fight over the internet when you know there's no way it's going to happen.

Yeah. ESPN was a haven of trolls with no repercussions for however stupidly they wanted to behave. The Hoop is definately better about keeping things reasonably inline without overly policing it either. For example: It is nice not to be bombarded by trolls on your team board, but still be open to a bit more conflict on the general boards. Plus if someone is just too much of an idiot on these boards they are pretty much ridiculed into obscurity.

I don't really remember too many of the names of the worst trolls but some did tend to threaten physical violence and spout off about how tough they were. Internet tough guys are pretty hilarious.


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If you want to see the exact same behavior here, just go into the politics threads.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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We had our share of guys with what I call "internet balls" on the ESPN boards back in the day. At least one of them ended up here too. I think one of them actually offered to fly the person they wanted to beat up out to where they lived. It's easy to challenge a complete stranger to a fight over the internet when you know there's no way it's going to happen.

Supers and juice both offered to fly to Seattle to fight me.