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Judge For Yourselves

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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In response to a recent post made by a respected board member, one whom I do not know personally, I stated that I would stop my bashing of the Lions front office. I have upheld my promise to that regard.

I do not spend time looking for ways to put them down and this article is not one that I found. It was sent to me by another member of this board, who I also do not know personally.

While this may very well be the thoughts of simply a Lions fan just like you an me, I dont really care about. This board has gotten pretty boring with little to really talk about so I offer it because I think it might make for an interesting conversation.

There should be two definitive sides to the discussion, neither one necessarily being right. I think this article makes numerous very good and accurate points. Some of which are factual and some clearly opinions.

So what are your thoughts?

Can someone please explain to me why Martin Mayhew still has a job? | Yardbarker.com


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I know we're buds, so no hard feelings, but that "article" was simply an op-ed piece by a guy whose opinion is biased and jaded, nothing much factual there, save for a factoid or two he sourced to attempt to keep some legitimacy intact.

Nothing wrong with a guy giving his opinion, just don't confuse this with a respected, national-level, writer giving the same scathing review of Mayhew.

Overall the guy clearly had an agenda, and wrote to it. He dismissed all Mayhew's good work, and harped on his worst picks.

I'm not saying Mayhew has been doing great work, far from it. However, he's miles ahead of where this guy puts him. As to the title "Can Someone Please Tell Me How Mayhew Still Has a Job?" I was thinking the same thing about the writer by the end of the article. I'm guessing he' not exactly making a killing for his services...


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I don't even have to read the article (and I haven't), but I will say just from the title that I agree with the writer.

Mayhew should have been shown the door at the same time that Schwartz was fired.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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He dismissed all Mayhew's good work
For the purposes of discusson what are those?

I think its fair to say that an article titled as such isnt going to be paying the man many compliments. But thats no more so than an article entitled "Here's why the Lions are going to win the SB" would not contain a discussion about weaknesses the team might have.

The guy who wrote it actually has several Lions articles out there, so for whatever reason they keep publishing him. In the one I attached he clearly starts out the article talking about some of the most recent good things that Mayhew has done. He then goes on to point out where his errors simply outweigh the successes. I think thats more than a fair point and its what the author was trying to make.

In what areas do you feel that Mayhew has been an above average GM?


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
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So what are your thoughts?
I couldn't even get through the first two paragraphs without finding like 3-4 grammatical errors. As a writer, proof reading should be an essential part of writing an article. That put me off from the get go. I stopped after the 2nd paragraph so I'll comment more on it afterwards. ;)


Green St. Elite
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Either the article sucks or my phone is acting up but I can't copy and paste certain sentences to comment on. I'll give a try after work. I know you're waiting on pins and needles in your office.

I will say, the majority of responders commenting on the article's page are slamming the writer.
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Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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I couldn't even get through the first two paragraphs without finding like 3-4 grammatical errors. As a writer, proof reading should be an essential part of writing an article. That put me off from the get go. I stopped after the 2nd paragraph so I'll comment more on it afterwards. ;)

Pretty sad when my lysdexic ass gets a giggle from someones writing. Grammar was a a bitch as kid. Although spellcheck and proof reading have been my friend as a adult.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
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Pretty sad when my lysdexic ass gets a giggle from someones writing. Grammar was a a bitch as kid. Although spellcheck and proof reading have been my friend as a adult.

I actually thought u would reply to that. I know u have mentioned before your trouble with writing. I applaud the fact that u don't hide it. And on a message board, I've come to realize it really is the message that's important, for the most part. If shit still is unreadable, then there's a problem. But your thoughts are always understandable.

This fucker, if he's getting paid by this site, should not be writing for anyone until he fixes that shit. No paid writer should be taken seriously if he/she can't get common grammar and spelling correct. My $.02


'Tis but a scratch...
May 9, 2013
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I know we're buds, so no hard feelings, but that "article" was simply an op-ed piece by a guy whose opinion is biased and jaded, nothing much factual there, save for a factoid or two he sourced to attempt to keep some legitimacy intact.

Hell yes, the writer has some bias. But he states an undeniable truth: The Lions have a ridiculous amount of cap money tied up in two DTs, two TEs, and one now-departed cornerback. Sorry, but a lot of the blame for that falls on Mayhew.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Why is everyone so focused on the author? I addressed that even in saying he could just be some ordinary fan. It's what he had to say and what posters think about that I figured we would be discussing. Instead we are talking about the lack of spellcheck and proof reading.

Does anyone have any thoughts about what was said about Mayhew or should we move on to possible errors made in run on sentences and punctuation?


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Been busy earlier. I do have thoughts and will discuss during watching the free falling of my Tigers.
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Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
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Why is everyone so focused on the author? I addressed that even in saying he could just be some ordinary fan. It's what he had to say and what posters think about that I figured we would be discussing. Instead we are talking about the lack of spellcheck and proof reading.

Does anyone have any thoughts about what was said about Mayhew or should we move on to possible errors made in run on sentences and punctuation?

My point on all that stuff about the author is it's hard to take him seriously when he can't write correctly.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
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The real reason Houston was released is because Mayhew never was able to renegotiate Ndamukong Suh’s rookie contrac
Pure speculation. His foot injury is more likely the real reason. The staff obviously thought it wasn't going to be the same and cutting him after June 1st was better for the team, financially.

It is funny though that in one breath he claims not resigning Suh hurts and in another his massive contracts have hurt us. Which is it?

The “best player available” scenario does not work in the salary cap world
Incorrect. It absolutely does work, teams just have to hit on alotnof their BPA picks. The Lions just haven't hit on the majority of them.

The Lions are the laughing stock of the NFL
Wrong....again. We are laughed at a lot, but that award goes to the Jags, Raiders, and others.

This defense is a mess, there is obviously no long term plan
And he ends with more nonsense. The defense isn't a mess. There are plenty of very good parts. It just so happens our secondary(like most times) is the weakness. But we have some possible young players that may turn out. Our d-line is very good and our linebackers are almost there. Adding VanNoy is gonna help big time.

I simply don't read this article like you do meow. Like I said, it's hard for him to have any credibility as a writer when not only is he committing grammatical errors, but he's stating many his opinions as if they are factual. And that's another reason why I don't take this article seriously.

I hope my take on it makes sense if nothing else in your eyes.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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I simply don't read this article like you do meow.

I posted the article because someone took the time to send it to me and I thought it had some points that would generate a good discussion. I did not do it to bash on Mayhew.

I don't agree with everything he said either. While I believe the Lions knew that Houston was likely done well before his actual release I don't think the lack of a new deal for Suh had any impact whatsoever.

I do agree with what he said about the blown WR picks and the drafting of TE's. I also agree that BPA does not work.

The most interesting part of this thread is that I very specifically ask posters in what area do they think Mayhew has been an above average GM. Not one person has offered an area thus far.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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The most interesting part of this thread is that I very specifically ask posters in what area do they think Mayhew has been an above average GM. Not one person has offered an area thus far.
Did anyone say he was above average? I don't think he's terrible, but he's far from the worst IMO. U may not find many people to claim he is above average.


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I think the author nailed it, but then again I might be the one that sent it too meow.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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U may not find many people to claim he is above average.

Will average win us a SuperBowl?


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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My question is will anyone be happy if we at least make the playoffs again? I mean, this franchise hasn't seen many playoff days. And I don't mean completely satisfied just making them, but it would be a successful season in my eyes if we do. It would mean much more if we move deeper into the playoffs.