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Judge For Yourselves


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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In response to a recent post made by a respected board member, one whom I do not know personally, I stated that I would stop my bashing of the Lions front office. I have upheld my promise to that regard.

I do not spend time looking for ways to put them down and this article is not one that I found. It was sent to me by another member of this board, who I also do not know personally.

While this may very well be the thoughts of simply a Lions fan just like you an me, I dont really care about. This board has gotten pretty boring with little to really talk about so I offer it because I think it might make for an interesting conversation.

There should be two definitive sides to the discussion, neither one necessarily being right. I think this article makes numerous very good and accurate points. Some of which are factual and some clearly opinions.

So what are your thoughts?

Can someone please explain to me why Martin Mayhew still has a job? | Yardbarker.com

This guy wonders the same thing - and rightfully so - at the 33:20 mark.

Podcast: Lynch Contract, Flowers Released, Pouncey Extension, and More NFL Talk - Over the Cap


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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I am putting my thoughts on several posts. I hate the long winded posts. Easier to digest when small samples. I actually do not agree with every thing I wrote. Just showing how easy Op-eds can be rebutting. Opinions are not facts. This guy is jaded and easily I put on homer glasses and tore it down. He could have wrote one statement and stopped and sounded much smarter.

Why does Mayhew have a job? Would have sufficed...

In response to a recent post made by a respected board member,

There should be two definitive sides to the discussion, neither one necessarily being right. I think this article makes numerous very good and accurate points. Some of which are factual and some clearly opinions.

So what are your thoughts?

First if I was said poster, it was all in humor of you hating the clown show. I was aware of feelings just as Yao was with a certain WR.

I am not on a side. They should have been fired. They were not. We must deal with it now. That is on the Ford family IMO.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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"The Detroit Lions have finally signed their first round draft pick in the 2014 NFL draft, tight end Eric Ebron. They were able to do so after releasing former starting cornerback Chris Houston. The sad part is, both of sentences are loaded with miscues pertaining to general manager Martin Mayhew’s complete failure as their leader."

Houston was released due to injury and saved some money for a guy who was not going to contribute apparently this season. Feel his opinion was made in hindsight. I also seen him add Quinn and Bush. Two guys that fit the previous and future schemes.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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There are plenty of examples that you could draw up to make it look like Mayhew has done a good job. Ziggy Ansah, last year’s top pick, turned out great. He also found guard Larry Warford in the third round and he very well good have made the pro bowl last year. Those are just a few. Great, fine, but they are just masks on a clown. Mayhew really screwed this offseason up badly, and here’s how. The real reason Houston was released is because Mayhew never was able to renegotiate Ndamukong Suh’s rookie contract and Suh is currently counting as over $22 million against the Lions salary cap. To make matters worse, the Lions rejected their fifth year option on defensive tackle Nick Fairley, who they drafted one year after Suh making it by far the most expensive defensive tackle tandem in the NFL and a misuse of money that could have and should have been spent elsewhere."

Seemed to have found Waddle and Fauria UDFA costing squat last and this year. Mayhew rejecting Fairley's 5th is a good job IMO. This guy is a idiot. He would also be pissed and say Mayhew should have never gave it to him because he was lazy and under performed. I do think Mayhew seriously screwed up with Suh. In defense of Mayhew. No one knows truth of how all this has played out. The huge IF'S of negotiating. Easy to slam Mayhew, do we know Suh's intentions? Has he not wanted to sit at the table? Does he intend on testing FA market? Always easy to slam one side if you are jaded.

The guy is a moron. Just because you draft two players from same position back to back means nothing. A 2nd and 13th pick will still cost you:L Nothing wrong with building a strength. I would not hate seeing 2 CB's back to back years in 1st round. The bad contracts were mad bad by restructing them wrong. The high dollar contracts IMO are Ford's fault not releasing Millen in timely manner and drafting high 3-4 years in a row. Calling him Millenhew is stupid. How much dumber would the Lions looked if Mayhew was also released and became a great GM elsewhere? Damn if you and don't when people pick you apart.
Three times in article he slams Mayhew for Fairley, yet everytime it is a contradiction to statemnet befroe involving Fairley.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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" The “best player available” scenario does not work in the salary cap world. The Lions are paying the price for being at the bottom of the NFL before the new collective bargaining agreement changed the way rookie contracts are scheduled, but that is no excuse, the Lions earned that punishment."

There was a time when any fucker player available was better. In one paragraph he slams them for bad contracts and yet gives the reason why and says that is no excuse... they earned it... Yet he holds Mayhew accountable for Ford's letting this franchise regress year after year. You get the product on the field you pay for. Fans filled the seats he made money and was content with shit on the field.

"Carrying on with this offseason, the Lions made no move to sign a cornerback, or draft one in the high rounds despite the fact that they were obviously aware that Houston’s foot injury might not heal in time for training camp or even if it would heal at all. Instead of making a play for cornerback Darqueze Dennard who would have fit the new defensive scheme perfectly, Mayhew instead chose to draft the “best player available” and selected Ebron. Oh, and did I mention, he signed Brandon Pettigrew to an extension in the offseason. Pettigrew, by the way, happens to be the last tight end drafted that highly in the NFL until, you guessed it, Ebron."

This guy must be Rob Base... Wait a minute Houston was released because they had to sign Ebron. He said earlier. This fucker is double dipping. IMO the fact no moves were made at CB tells me they were not aware severity of Houston's issue. Dennard was a reach at #10 and a trade back can only happen if you have a taker. Yes Yes I know they ran to podium with Ebron pick. Dennard IMO was reach and could not solve world hunger or the secondary issue this season. He is idiot aagin for thinking so. I still feel that Okie Cowboy CB was the pick before Ebron and was gone. I may be wrong JMHO. That whole statement there is opinionated and not factual to me on Dennard VS. Ebron.

Hindsight easily persaudes our opinions down the road. Had Watkins fell to #10 having CJ on roster does not mean you can take him. Ebron and Pettigrew help win games than it was a great pick. Just was not HIS pick or his guy.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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"The Lions obviously needed to shore up their offensive playmakers this year to help Matthew Stafford excel and they did so by signing free agent Golden Tate. Of course, if they hadn’t wasted picks on Titus Young and the already injured before he got here Ryan Broyles, they wouldn’t have been in this position. Mayhew is a man operating with no discernible plan. The Lions are the laughing stock of the NFL and will continue to be so until major changes are made."

They did need to add WR help and a few more weapons. Pretty stupid if you think otherwise. Aside from CJ the WR core blew. They addressed a weakness. Had they addressed just defense some feel it would have worked. Sorry it would not. Stafford needed help. (Himself also) The people here who say knowing Titus and Broyles were bad picks are same as this guy. Easy to slam after hindsight takes place. Guys get picked with red flags and succeed. That kid from Rams CB busted for pot. Been clean since draft. Many of us bitched he would fail I was wrong about him.Broyles did not tear second ACL because of first. Nor his achilles. Leshoure had clean slate and tore his. ACL tears are part of sport. The ones that claim it's Mayhews fault for taking him are fools. I guess the Vikings should have cut AP after second ACL tear. After all he may be injured yet a 3rd time.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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The starting cornerbacks for your Detroit Lions fans are as follows: Darius Slay and Rashean Mathis. Congratulations, you may end up with a defense that’s even worse then last years mess.

Hey dumbass, Those 2 CB's were going to start either way this year, one at the nickel... Some stats show the defense playing decent in situations, some show not. 3rd down and red zone awesome/ plus 40 yard plays turrble just turrble...


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
Hoopla Cash
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Think ahead though, at least you won’t have to watch Fairley show up only when he wants to because he’ll be gone next year, and at this point, Suh may be as well. I guess you can look forward to having two tight ends with unreliable hands sharing a position that shouldn’t be costing any team that much money though, that’s a positive thing, right?

Again, here we go with the contradictions again. Hey Mayhew is a idiot for not giving 5th... oh wait nevermind> I get to write what suits my arguement at the time. Again do we now if Suh wants to be here? Just maybe Suh is asking for a ungodly amount of money. Mayhew still fucked up and Suh has bargaining power. I still can hear people calling him a idiot if he gives 16-17 million a year. I applaude Mayhew for saying Suh you are fucking nuts in that case and not giving in.

Mayhew needs to go

The one fact he stated. Finally something I can not debate or even try and twist to my opinion.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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". This defense is a mess, there is obviously no long term plan, and keep in mind, they couldn’t resign Shaun Hill as their reliable backup because of the Suh contract mess too."

What the fuck does Shuan Hill have to do with the defense being a mess??? IMO the Lions could not afford to keep Hill regardless of Suh's contract. That money from Suh could and should be spent elsewhere. To say no long term plan is a bit premature when new staff is here and no new vision is clear yet.

"Instead, you’re one bad play from watching that stepping out of the back of the end zone quarterback Dan Orlovsky throwing to the talent Mayhew has so aptly put together. "

One play and easy to use to make you look good. Not defending his awarness. I can't, I also do not take one play to judge a person's career. This just makes him look good. This guys sarcasm sucks. Aptly truly compliments him...


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Just for icing on top of the cake, he didn’t land the coach he wanted, instead ending up with Jim Caldwell, who started 14-0 with the Colts, and afterwards dipped to 12-22 before being fired and was also the offensive coordinator for one the NFL’s worst offenses last year with the Baltimore Ravens.

No, he didn't land the coach he wanted Mayhew to hire. Which has been noted Whis wasn't coming ever!!
Vince fucking Lombardi can start 14-0 and fail miserably after a HOF QB goes down. One question on Caldwell being OC. Is it Ozzy's fault the offense sucked or Caldwell? So is it Linehan or Mayhew? I am just showing how it fits my debate. Ravens offense blew truly before he was there. That defense carried them IMO. Always enough offense to win. Not dominate a game.

" So, can someone please explain to me why Martin Mayhew still has a job? "

Yes the Ford family is my answer.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Will average win us a SuperBowl?

I do not think average wins one. Without research I am sure it has happened.

Talent and coaching can carry a team at times and I am sure it has happened. This Lions team does have talent. Just not enough IMO. New coaches so not sure there. It has to better than old staff.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Hell yes, the writer has some bias. But he states an undeniable truth: The Lions have a ridiculous amount of cap money tied up in two DTs, two TEs, and one now-departed cornerback. Sorry, but a lot of the blame for that falls on Mayhew.

The problem there though is that it's not really all that true. We have a ridiculous amount of cap money tied up in one DT, and that's about it. Fairley doesn't have all that big of a cap number, nothing near the outrageous number Suh has. Neither TE has a high cap number. Houston is gone, so his cap number just shrank quite a bit, we're still on the hook for something like $5 million of his deal, but spread out over this year and next, that's not too bad.

Don't let writers like this guy fool you with generalizations- look at the actual numbers...

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Is there ANY area of what a GM is supposed to do that anyone believes Mayhew is in the top half of league GM's at?

I can't be the only person who is seeing this? Absolutely no one has offered anything up because it would be incredibly difficult to try and defend that position.

Forget the bias slant of the article and just focus on the title for a minute then, if no one can even think of any one aspect of the guys job that he is even above average at then it should be every single one of us asking how it is that he still has a job, and not just the author of that article.


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Apr 18, 2013
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The realist know he shouldn't have a job, and the optimist find ways to pretend it's improving with every move.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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I think the issue with the whole average/above average GM thing is what/who is above average? I can think of Ted Thompson, the Seahawks GM (Schnieder?), and the 49ers GM (whomever that is) as being the really good GMs right now. Other than that, who is "average?" What is average?

Mayhew has been really good with finding talent via trades, taking other team's miss-fit parts and swapping late-round picks to turn them into starters for us. He's also done decent with UDFAs and has been at least average in the draft.

I'm not saying he's proven to be a top-notch GM, but he's assembled more talent than a lot of teams in the league have over the same span...


Gang Member
Apr 18, 2013
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He has improved this teams overall talent. He has pushed contracts back repeatedly. That is the reason the cap is the way it is now. Drafting has also been an issue but scouting and bad luck play a part in that. Overall, my biggest complaint would be the financial side of things.


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Apr 18, 2013
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He has improved this teams overall talent. He has pushed contracts back repeatedly. That is the reason the cap is the way it is now. Drafting has also been an issue but scouting and bad luck play a part in that. Overall, my biggest complaint would be the financial side of things.

Yup, :agree: and that must be someones fault......I can take a guess, but I'm sure it would be wrong.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Incorrect. It absolutely does work, teams just have to hit on alotnof their BPA picks. The Lions just haven't hit on the majority of them.

How can I take this guy Micro serious? I do not speak Russian...
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