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GDT - July 1st Free Agency: I'll take Patrick Rissmiller for $4.0m Alex!


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Skinner got a nice deal in Carolina today, i wish Dwill wouldve done the same with couture


Shark Attack!
Nov 22, 2010
San Jose
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Skinner got a nice deal in Carolina today, i wish Dwill wouldve done the same with couture

I don't think it's coincedence that Couture's current deal ends the same year as Thornton's and Marleau's. When Thornton and Marleau are asked to take a paycut in order to stay with the Sharks, Couture will get his cha-ching. I just hope it's for under $6 like what Skinner got.


mmmmm fish
Feb 2, 2011
Surprise, AZ.
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I rented the movie GOON and I knew I would hate the movie, but I ended up actually liking it. The one scene that made me want to barf though was "PCIK NUMBER 69!!!"... I hated it...

On a side note, I liked the movie. Not cause it was over the top, Seann Willam Scotts performance as bscially a retard with downsyndrom was cringe worthy, and the fact that he could bag a puckbunny by being so retarded any girl would think STALKER now adays. But because the movie made me think bout the glory days of when every star had their own enforcer that skated with them. And players knew, dont check my star or I will FUCK you up! And while the stars were competing for the scoring crown, the enforcers were competing for that Heavy Weight belt... When Scott and Schreiber were talking bout how they have to fight, and Schreiber said your not a hockey player, your like me, your a goon... I yelled at the screen, YOUR A FUCKING ENFORCER!! You are a hockey player and you have a role! It was a role on every team, and its a role that should still be there to this date... But I guess when talent is so diluted and a teams top guy is a guy that gets paid $5mil to score 25 goals & 50 pts... Well then i guess, who the fuck needs to protect that... Anyway, its also cool the movie was based on an actual guy who i looked up on hockeydb.com and that guy ran up some mins in his brief minor pro stint... And he reminded me of "THE MISSING LINK!"

God i miss the sport I grew up with. No sport in the last 15 years and taken such a dive off niagra falls into the shitter as hockey... Not by a landslide.. What happened to my NHL?

i would argue with you on that last point and say the NFL has gone into the shitter since Goodell took over. i went from watching avidly every Sunday and Monday night when work permitted to only watching on thanksgiving and following the boxscores the next day. that sport has turned into melted vanilla ice cream. just bland and devoid of any personality.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2010
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i would argue with you on that last point and say the NFL has gone into the shitter since Goodell took over. i went from watching avidly every Sunday and Monday night when work permitted to only watching on thanksgiving and following the boxscores the next day. that sport has turned into melted vanilla ice cream. just bland and devoid of any personality.

I will admit that ive neevr really followed football & all the new "hitting" rules have definately made football go down hill, but not nearly as much as the NHL. New NHL vrs even as recent as mid 90s NHL is like a completely different sport.

I wonder if it would be possible to ever get rid of the salary cap?


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
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I will admit that ive neevr really followed football & all the new "hitting" rules have definately made football go down hill, but not nearly as much as the NHL. New NHL vrs even as recent as mid 90s NHL is like a completely different sport.

I wonder if it would be possible to ever get rid of the salary cap?

After the Rangers won the cup the league for most part went to shit, except when detroit and colorado was on


mmmmm fish
Feb 2, 2011
Surprise, AZ.
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I will admit that ive neevr really followed football & all the new "hitting" rules have definately made football go down hill, but not nearly as much as the NHL. New NHL vrs even as recent as mid 90s NHL is like a completely different sport.

I wonder if it would be possible to ever get rid of the salary cap?

it's not only the Brady rules that have dragged the sport down it's the ridiculous fines and penalties for players who want to have a little fun after they score too...i used to enjoy seeing some of the guys who would create their own celebration routines..goodell took the personalities out of football as well and wants this bland culture where hitting isn't allowed nor is celebration


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Dec 8, 2010
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it's not only the Brady rules that have dragged the sport down it's the ridiculous fines and penalties for players who want to have a little fun after they score too...i used to enjoy seeing some of the guys who would create their own celebration routines..goodell took the personalities out of football as well and wants this bland culture where hitting isn't allowed nor is celebration

Show boating fines are pretty stupid. You just scored, you should be allowed to have fun with it... Dont NHL players get fined tho too for doing certain celebrations, like the shotgun stick or the sniper stick at the goalie?? I always like the throw your glove in the aim & shoot it haha


Throws stuff out windows
Apr 21, 2010
Spokane, WA
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it's not only the Brady rules that have dragged the sport down it's the ridiculous fines and penalties for players who want to have a little fun after they score too...i used to enjoy seeing some of the guys who would create their own celebration routines..goodell took the personalities out of football as well and wants this bland culture where hitting isn't allowed nor is celebration

Yeah in college football now you can even have touchdowns called back if you start showboating before you cross the goal line. It's ridiculous.

How this is even showboating I'll never know.

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Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
The players have started calling the NFL the No Fun League. It's ridiculous that they can hardly celebrate at all now.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2010
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The players have started calling the NFL the No Fun League. It's ridiculous that they can hardly celebrate at all now.

I just dont get why your not allowed to celebrate and why it is penality/fine worthy... You should be happy, you just scored!! Fans love it


Jan 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
I just dont get why your not allowed to celebrate and why it is penality/fine worthy... You should be happy, you just scored!! Fans love it

I don't get it either. Takes away some of the fun of the game.
The only team I couldn't stand celebrating was Miami University. Those idiots would catch a 4 yard pass for a 1st down, and jump up and down like they scored a game winning TD. LOL.


New Member
Apr 1, 2011
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I really dont follow the nfl, but i really do hate it when show boating goes too far and some times it can. But having the play recalled because your team has made a great pass and you decide to celebrate before it is call is a bit harsh. heck did the ioc take away bolts medal in 2008 after he began to celebrate the 100ms because he started to celebrate too early hell no.

I Do remeber a celebration though in a aussie rules game, two rival team were playing, Essendon and Collingwood, which is one of the most hated teams in the league, the essendon captain has kick the go a head and ran past the collingwood cheer squad and gave them the finger. Offensive yes, too far in hind sight yes, still funny yes, the league also fined him for that stunt


mmmmm fish
Feb 2, 2011
Surprise, AZ.
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Randy Moss taking a faux dump at midfield on the Dallas star=too far (although still hilarious)...but stuff like TO pulling a sharpie out of his sock to sign a ball right after getting a TD was awesome but apparently not within the confines of "gamesmanship" blah...i like players and thus a league to have some personality and not just be vanilla...if everyone had some crazy celebration it would be a bit much but that's just the thing..it was really only a small group of guys who bothered with it so why not just let it go..the majority of the fans seem to enjoy it


Dr. Pepper is the bomb
Nov 24, 2010
Bay Area
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Well the captains practice is back on, but nothing else going on in Shark land.


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Oct 27, 2010
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Looks rather likely that all the talk of this year's team may be moot. Not much good news coming and the lockout starts in just a month. I would say that really hurts the sharks since teams with lots of young kids will be able to develop withou costing the NHL team a year on the EL or RFA contract, much like the sharks were actually helped by the 2004-5 lockout cuz they allowed michalek, bernier, and carle to develop and be ready after the lockout.

This time though, the sharks are already old and losing a year makes them even older and they will end up paying a 37 year old zues and have jumbo and patty paid big at age 36 and boyle at 38. Simply put, a CBA lost year would basically make the sharks complete fucked for two years after.

Of course, either way, I really hope the fans punish the whole league and NHLPA this time. This is fucking ridiculous.


Donkey Bonker
Nov 22, 2010
The Burbs
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Looks rather likely that all the talk of this year's team may be moot. Not much good news coming and the lockout starts in just a month. I would say that really hurts the sharks since teams with lots of young kids will be able to develop withou costing the NHL team a year on the EL or RFA contract, much like the sharks were actually helped by the 2004-5 lockout cuz they allowed michalek, bernier, and carle to develop and be ready after the lockout.

This time though, the sharks are already old and losing a year makes them even older and they will end up paying a 37 year old zues and have jumbo and patty paid big at age 36 and boyle at 38. Simply put, a CBA lost year would basically make the sharks complete fucked for two years after.

Of course, either way, I really hope the fans punish the whole league and NHLPA this time. This is fucking ridiculous.

I dont normally side with the players, but this case i am especially after the last lockout, they made HUGE concessions to the owners. This last CBA's is essentially the Owners CBA, and now they want to change it agian, sorry but the Owners need to give back to the players and the fans this go around.