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For those who think Trout over miggy

Apr 19, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Hoopla Cash
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Yup gillaspie is bad.....they tore him up in the tribune all year long. Only guy in his corner was ventura. Like i said...cant remember miggy losing us a game defensively.....but teams didnt try n bunt on him either. Maybe next year.

How would you classify "losing you a game defensively?"


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Yup gillaspie is bad.....they tore him up in the tribune all year long. Only guy in his corner was ventura. Like i said...cant remember miggy losing us a game defensively.....but teams didnt try n bunt on him either. Maybe next year.

You might be looking at it from the view of 'I don't remember him making any crucial errors late in the game that helped the team lose'....

But there also may be situations where the other team got a key hit that went through Cabrera's zone into LF that other 3rd basemen may have been able to field, but because it was a clean hit, the impression isn't given that Cabrera's limited range may have hurt the team on that play. For what it's worth, Cabrera did make the least plays per 27 outs out of the 22 guys that played significant time at 3rd this year.

It's all about the way you look at it....


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Apr 18, 2013
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Cleaves, the thing is, if you are watching the Tigers play all 162 games it leaves you very little time to watch other teams your comparison is limited. As for what games I attended, I lived in SoCal (reading comprehension) and thus saw them get their collective clock cleaned a couple of times in Anaheim. I am from Detroit and venture back there from time to time and I saw a couple games there. Also in Chicago and Seattle.

As for Miggy at 3rd, he is beyond horrible. He is a statue with stone hands and poor mechanics. Having Iggy at SS helps the overall position but does nothing to help3B. It is so bad that the Tigers can't trade Scherzer unless they package VMart or Prince because they need strikeout pitchers.


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So you watched miggy play 27 games? Out of 173? No wonder why you think hes the worst 3B......i cant see how anyone can judge someone when they barely seen him play....27 outta 173 isnt good......i think i missed 4-5 games all year.....like i said, i wonder how many miggy haters actually watched him play on a daily basis.

So did you watch the other 29 3rd basemen that you're comparing him to and that your judgment of his value is based on just as often? And if so, did you have time to bathe and sleep?


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Apr 23, 2013
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Cleaves, the thing is, if you are watching the Tigers play all 162 games it leaves you very little time to watch other teams your comparison is limited. As for what games I attended, I lived in SoCal (reading comprehension) and thus saw them get their collective clock cleaned a couple of times in Anaheim. I am from Detroit and venture back there from time to time and I saw a couple games there. Also in Chicago and Seattle.

As for Miggy at 3rd, he is beyond horrible. He is a statue with stone hands and poor mechanics. Having Iggy at SS helps the overall position but does nothing to help3B. It is so bad that the Tigers can't trade Scherzer unless they package VMart or Prince because they need strikeout pitchers.

You watched 27 games!!!!!!!!

Yeah im not going to sit here and say trout is great defensively or not,.....i dont watch him enough.....but i do watch alot as i get the package every year.....i usually dvr the tigers and watch my fantasy guys play......and trout was on my team this year. But i see and attend alot of sox games, wife gets free tickets and connar gilespie is pathetic.....his range seems bad.....alot of balls hit his gloves.....i dont know his stats off hand but i know they were calling for him to be sent down after his 3 error performance. Any way it goes 27 games is not many games to judge a player.


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Apr 23, 2013
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So did you watch the other 29 3rd basemen that you're comparing him to and that your judgment of his value is based on just as often? And if so, did you have time to bathe and sleep?

No i cant say that.....prolly seen the cubs, sox, longoria, and a handful of others alot.....i usually dvr the tigers and watch the channel with 8 games on it at once. Then rewatch the tigers fast forwarding the comercials


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May 15, 2012
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You watched 27 games!!!!!!!!

Yeah im not going to sit here and say trout is great defensively or not,.....i dont watch him enough.....but i do watch alot as i get the package every year.....i usually dvr the tigers and watch my fantasy guys play......and trout was on my team this year. But i see and attend alot of sox games, wife gets free tickets and connar gilespie is pathetic.....his range seems bad.....alot of balls hit his gloves.....i dont know his stats off hand but i know they were calling for him to be sent down after his 3 error performance. Any way it goes 27 games is not many games to judge a player.

Which is why the eye test is stupid.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Which is why the eye test is stupid.

I know because only the few on here are right, but yet the voters who get paid to do this stuff agrees with me....miggy is the MVP......maybe you should try n get paid for all this arguing you do.....you seem to take it personal.....me, id rather have a WS like ortiz and co than have miggy win MVP.....i just find it funny how the trout groupies get all upset over it......miggy is still the MVP.....deal with it.....if you knew as much as you thought, someone would be paying you for your opinion to write this BS.


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Jul 3, 2013
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I know because only the few on here are right, but yet the voters who get paid to do this stuff agrees with me....miggy is the MVP......maybe you should try n get paid for all this arguing you do.....you seem to take it personal.....me, id rather have a WS like ortiz and co than have miggy win MVP.....i just find it funny how the trout groupies get all upset over it......miggy is still the MVP.....deal with it.....if you knew as much as you thought, someone would be paying you for your opinion to write this BS.

Why do people believe that baseball writers are some baseball experts. They are great writers, that's it. It doesn't take an increase in baseball knowledge to be a baseball writer. There are plenty of posters I have encountered over the years who knew more about the sport than almost every writer who votes for the MVP.


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Apr 18, 2013
Blackhawk, CA
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No i cant say that.....prolly seen the cubs, sox, longoria, and a handful of others alot.....i usually dvr the tigers and watch the channel with 8 games on it at once. Then rewatch the tigers fast forwarding the comercials

How the heck do you do that when you are at the ballpark as much as you are. not to mention attending Lions and Spartan games. When do you have the time for your hip-hop. And troll on message boards.

27 out of 162 is a statistically sufficient number of games, meaning that suffering through watching Miggy struggle at 3rd is not going to be any different in the other 135. Miggy is a great hitter and a below average 1st baseman. His attempt at 3rd this year was laughable and likely didn't help his injury.


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The funny thing is that the trout supporters admit that miggy is the better hitter. But give it to trout because of his baserunning and defense. As stated earlier trout is one of the worst cf in baseball
by dWAR. not bottom half, he is in the bottom 10 maybe even bottom 5.
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Apr 18, 2013
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Why do people believe that baseball writers are some baseball experts. They are great writers, that's it. It doesn't take an increase in baseball knowledge to be a baseball writer. There are plenty of posters I have encountered over the years who knew more about the sport than almost every writer who votes for the MVP.

well put, and the demands on today's sportswriters makes it impossible for them to watch enough games to get a grasp. They have to rely on statistics. They just rely on the wrong statistics. It will change in time.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Why do people believe that baseball writers are some baseball experts. They are great writers, that's it. It doesn't take an increase in baseball knowledge to be a baseball writer. There are plenty of posters I have encountered over the years who knew more about the sport than almost every writer who votes for the MVP.

Yup thats what someone who wishes that was their job would say....

Ill take their words over anyones on here anyday.......thats why they get paid and we dont.

Just like all the mel kiper jr wannabees who always dog the man out come draft day...

Once you guys get a tv show, newspaper job, job for a team, become a scout.....etc etc etc.....then maybe ill take you more serious.....but until then, youre just like me, a member on a sports chat site with an opinion.

I like how you know every writer who votes on the MVP.....maybe you should get out and do something about all these so called idiots who are the ONLY ones that matter since miggy IS the MVP


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Apr 23, 2013
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How the heck do you do that when you are at the ballpark as much as you are. not to mention attending Lions and Spartan games. When do you have the time for your hip-hop. And troll on message boards.

27 out of 162 is a statistically sufficient number of games, meaning that suffering through watching Miggy struggle at 3rd is not going to be any different in the other 135. Miggy is a great hitter and a below average 1st baseman. His attempt at 3rd this year was laughable and likely didn't help his injury.

At the ballpark all the time?

I went to ONE tiger game in detroit this year...

Went to 7 here in chicago to see the tigers

Prolly seen the sox 10-12 times

Never been to a lions game in detroit.....been to 2 games here

Sparty doesnt play in the summer.....went to 2 games this year in football....will be going this sat here....didnt go to one sparty hoop game last year....went to sparty last tuesday here in chicago...

So nice way to make up shit......

27 games is not alot.....hell the tigers fans on here are on game threads every game....27? That aint shit


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Apr 23, 2013
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I like how jalopy acts like he knows me.....when did i ever claim to go see the lions and spartans? Abd how does going to see sparty bother watching baseball?

Just like he called me a detroit homer, but yet on the lions board they dont like my negativity.....

4-12 gets negativity

3 straight division titles gets praises...now its WS time......but its better than the randy smith era.


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Jul 3, 2013
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No i cant say that.....prolly seen the cubs, sox, longoria, and a handful of others alot.....i usually dvr the tigers and watch the channel with 8 games on it at once. Then rewatch the tigers fast forwarding the comercials

But if you believe that one can't properly judge a player without seeing him almost every day, how can you know how Cabrera rates as a fielder since you can't properly judge the players you are rating him against?


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Why do people believe that baseball writers are some baseball experts. They are great writers, that's it. It doesn't take an increase in baseball knowledge to be a baseball writer. There are plenty of posters I have encountered over the years who knew more about the sport than almost every writer who votes for the MVP.

In some cases, I wouldn't even go that far.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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The funny thing is that the trout supporters admit that miggy is the better hitter. But give it to trout because of his baserunning and defense. As stated earlier trout is one of the worst cf in baseball
by dWAR. not bottom half, he is in the bottom 10 maybe even bottom 5.

He only played left because Bourjos is the next Torii Hunter though, right!?! Or could it be his Jhonny Damon-esque arm? Ill never understand why so many people put in so much effort to prop a player up. Baffles me.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Yup thats what someone who wishes that was their job would say....

Ill take their words over anyones on here anyday.......thats why they get paid and we dont.

Just like all the mel kiper jr wannabees who always dog the man out come draft day...

Once you guys get a tv show, newspaper job, job for a team, become a scout.....etc etc etc.....then maybe ill take you more serious.....but until then, youre just like me, a member on a sports chat site with an opinion.

I like how you know every writer who votes on the MVP.....maybe you should get out and do something about all these so called idiots who are the ONLY ones that matter since miggy IS the MVP

What Mel Kiper does can at least be described entirely as analysis. Baseball beat writers (who I believe still do the majority of MVP voting) don't often do analysis, nor are they required to. Their value as writers isn't in their brilliant understanding of baseball (and that's not why they're generally hired), it's in their access to the team and the clubhouse. As an example Damien Cox has been writing about hockey in the Toronto Star for something like 25 years but he didn't get assigned there initially because of his vast hockey knowledge, but because the paper rejected his request to cover Queen's Park and politics but had another opening they needed to fill.


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Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yup thats what someone who wishes that was their job would say....

Ill take their words over anyones on here anyday.......thats why they get paid and we dont.

Just like all the mel kiper jr wannabees who always dog the man out come draft day...

Once you guys get a tv show, newspaper job, job for a team, become a scout.....etc etc etc.....then maybe ill take you more serious.....but until then, youre just like me, a member on a sports chat site with an opinion.

I like how you know every writer who votes on the MVP.....maybe you should get out and do something about all these so called idiots who are the ONLY ones that matter since miggy IS the MVP

The people who vote for the awards are beat writers...do you know exactly what the baseball beat writers do? Most, if not all, don't 'analyze the game'....that's not really their job. They report who's injured on the team, what player the team is thinking about targeting, etc....

Thinking they're all these expert analysts is a misperception.
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