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Draft possibilities


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Aug 19, 2013
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not so sure about Dak but no way I would take him at 34 way 2 high IMHO

that could be Ramsey, Bosa , maybe even Elliot depending on Jerrys consumption of Johnny Walker Blue :nod:
Yup, or another half dozen guys. Unlike most I would still be very happy with Bosa. But if we take him I want it to be because we thought he was the best player, not because two of our idiot DEs are getting suspended...


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Jul 15, 2013
Dallas Texas
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Yup, or another half dozen guys. Unlike most I would still be very happy with Bosa. But if we take him I want it to be because we thought he was the best player, not because two of our idiot DEs are getting suspended...

yep have a clue before you fire up the 420. Hell they even know when the tests are coming just pure Dumbazz


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Jul 15, 2013
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I take the cleanest best player possible at 4. That's Ramsey as long as he's not drafted at 3

PDay some would argue that Tunsil is the best player

but Im with you on taking the cleanest player those usually equate to the smartest also IMO


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Jul 17, 2013
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I'll be honest I'm starting to like the idea of Elliot in Dallas.
Right now I'd go Ramsey, Buckner, Elliott. That's assuming Wentz is gone.


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Jul 15, 2013
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I'll be honest I'm starting to like the idea of Elliot in Dallas.
Right now I'd go Ramsey, Buckner, Elliott. That's assuming Wentz is gone.
Wentz is a pipe dream now IMHO Im going to hate seeing him in Phlithy green

I really like Ramsey but Elliot makes the most sense to me now allowing the Offense to control the clock and the rest of the draft is defense. You would really have to believe in Will McClay and the scouting dept to do it

Shoot it could go all kinds of ways
But if you go ramsey you better nab a RB later Dixon is my choice if trader Jerry gets involved who knows what could happen


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Jul 20, 2013
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I'll be honest I'm starting to like the idea of Elliot in Dallas.
Right now I'd go Ramsey, Buckner, Elliott. That's assuming Wentz is gone.
What would be the point of drafting Elliott at 4???? We have Alford, Darren, Dunbar., All the needs we have in other positions, IMO it would be stupid to take Elliott at 4. Trade down and get more picks and Elliott later I could see. I will be pissed if Elliott is 4.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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What would be the point of drafting Elliott at 4???? We have Alford, Darren, Dunbar., All the needs we have in other positions, IMO it would be stupid to take Elliott at 4. Trade down and get more picks and Elliott later I could see. I will be pissed if Elliott is 4.
A few weeks ago I was saying the same thing, but if he can be our next Murray or better, it will allow the offense to control the clock, protecting the defense.


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Jul 20, 2013
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A few weeks ago I was saying the same thing, but if he can be our next Murray or better, it will allow the offense to control the clock, protecting the defense.
If he is the next emmit, I will love it:lol:


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Aug 14, 2013
Charm City
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I take the cleanest best player possible at 4. That's Ramsey as long as he's not drafted at 3

Yes! I am sick of Dallas drafting guys with issues - be it character or injury concerns. We have acquired some great talents, but we get burned by everyone of them at some point or another. I wish this team would take a more steady approach to team building. I would like nothing more than a quality football player who does the right things and isn't hurt when we draft him. Byron Jones was a pretty solid pick, but even he has some injury concerns with his shoulder. Lawrence and Gregory both had character concerns coming out, and now look what we are dealing with. Lee, Carter, Claiborne, Dez, Bennett, etc., etc.

Smith, Frederick, and Martin are the types of prospects this organization needs to pursue. Ramsey seems like one of those type guys. I am all on board with guys like Ramsey, Hargreaves or Buckner at #4. Wouldn't be upset with Elliot either, but I am wary of players from Urban Meyer programs - never know what kind of dirt is hiding under the rug.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Yes! I am sick of Dallas drafting guys with issues - be it character or injury concerns. We have acquired some great talents, but we get burned by everyone of them at some point or another. I wish this team would take a more steady approach to team building. I would like nothing more than a quality football player who does the right things and isn't hurt when we draft him. Byron Jones was a pretty solid pick, but even he has some injury concerns with his shoulder. Lawrence and Gregory both had character concerns coming out, and now look what we are dealing with. Lee, Carter, Claiborne, Dez, Bennett, etc., etc.

Smith, Frederick, and Martin are the types of prospects this organization needs to pursue. Ramsey seems like one of those type guys. I am all on board with guys like Ramsey, Hargreaves or Buckner at #4. Wouldn't be upset with Elliot either, but I am wary of players from Urban Meyer programs - never know what kind of dirt is hiding under the rug.
I think if you look deep enough in the internet age everyone has some dirt. Here is some on Elliot and everyone at OSU if you want to believe it. I posted this a while back

Teams Have Hard-Party Drug Concerns with Joey Bosa, Ezekiel Elliott
Updated March 15, 2016
By Charlie Campbell - @draftcampbell

Eastern Kentucky edge rusher Noah Spence was a standout pass-rusher at Ohio State before positive tests for the party drug ecstasy led to him being kicked out of the program. At the Senior Bowl, teams interviewed Spence about his issues at Ohio State, and while he wouldn't name names, he said that he wasn't the only Buckeye player who was using ecstasy while partying. In speaking with sources at multiple teams, two of the players that teams suspect for that type of partying are defensive end Joey Bosa and running back Ezekiel Elliott.

To be clear, neither player had a positive drug test for ecstasy or molly (MDMA). However, Bosa was suspended for the opening game of the 2015 season. Ohio State didn't clarify the exact offense for the suspension, but Bosa told teams during the NFL Combine interviews that he was suspended because he refused to take a drug test. That counted as a positive and thus he was automatically slapped with the suspension.

Bosa told teams that he wouldn't take the test because he was going to test positive for adderall. He is said to have ADHD or ADD, so teams wouldn't have held that positive test for adderall against him and they feel he should have just gotten a prescription for the medication. Teams believe that Bosa knew he was going to test positive for worse drugs and that is why he refused to take the test. Bosa wouldn't admit to using ecstasy or molly, but he did admit that he likes to attend raves. He claimed that he likes going to raves for the "music," which teams found to be very questionable. Molly and ecstasy are common drugs used at raves.

At Ohio State, Bosa was a roommate with Ezekiel Elliott. Apparently, their shared place was a party destination, and Bosa told teams that he had to move out and get his own place to get away from all the parties that Elliott had going on. Sources say they suspect that Elliott was also using molly and ecstasy while parting. A number of Elliott's teammates in the Combine interviews told teams that Elliott was a partier, and a unique individual. They said they hung out with him some, but he rubbed some the wrong way. Sources from multiple teams said that Elliott didn't interview well at the Combine, while Bosa had mixed feedback. The skepticism of why he goes to raves and the refusal of the drug test bothered some evaluators.

Lastly, teams said they don't expect these concerns to have an impact on the draft stock of either player. They firmly expect Bosa to go in the top 10 and Elliott to be selected in the top 20. Sources don't believe either is a candidate to slide. Teams in the 20s expect Elliott to be long gone, while sources with the Titans have said that Bosa is still in the running for the No. 1 overall pick to Tennessee, but Florida State defensive back Jalen Ramsey is the current leader with the Titans (see below). While teams suspect Bosa and Elliott of using those drugs, they don't have view them as risks like Randy Gregory last year. Teams don't think that Bosa and Elliott are serious candidates to be landing suspensions and testing positive in the NFL. Thus, both should be high draft picks in the 2016 NFL Draft.
Read more at WalterFootball.com: NFL Draft Rumor Mill


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If he is the next emmit, I will love it:lol:
I hope we don't go RB at 4 and wouldn't pick him myself because I have a hard time believing he is the best player, but if the team thinks he is the best option I won't kick and scream about it.


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What intrigues me most about Elliot is his ability to pass protect. He really seems to be a do it all kind of guy. If we drafted him it would obviously create a numbers issue for us at RB. There would be no need for all of the other 3 (Dunbar is easy to cut or put on IR with knee). If we thought we wanted Elliot we knew all along we could have gotten him so why bring in Alfred Morris? It just doesn't make any sense to me that this team is planning on taking him, at least at #4. While I think he is going to be a very good RB, I think those of you that want Elliot on the Cowboys are going to be disappointed.


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Trade chances:
So we know it likely goes QB, QB. I assume it goes Tunsil next and gives us the best defender on our board (whomever that is). If some team right near us loves a particular player maybe we trade with them, but I hope we take the best defender on our board if he is available.

Where it gets interesting is if SD passes on Tunsil and takes "our guy". Pretty good chance a team is willing to give up a decent haul to us to get Tunsil (or maybe they assume we won't take him?). So if our guy is already off the board and the offer comes in, I think a trade is much more likely.


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Aug 14, 2013
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Trade chances:
So we know it likely goes QB, QB. I assume it goes Tunsil next and gives us the best defender on our board (whomever that is). If some team right near us loves a particular player maybe we trade with them, but I hope we take the best defender on our board if he is available.

Where it gets interesting is if SD passes on Tunsil and takes "our guy". Pretty good chance a team is willing to give up a decent haul to us to get Tunsil (or maybe they assume we won't take him?). So if our guy is already off the board and the offer comes in, I think a trade is much more likely.

If Ramsey is gone and Tunsil is on the board at #4, I feel pretty confident a trade will occur. Possibly Baltimore, maybe get a 3rd out of it? The Ravens could really use another franchise LT, and Jacksonville would possibly look to draft Tunsil if he slipped to #5, maybe Baltimore would look to leap frog Jacksonville?

#4 for #6 & #70 would work for me.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Baltimore I'm sure would love Tunsil, but I have doubts they'd trade up for him. SF might want him as their O-line has gone to crap lately. G-men are another one who'd probably give up a lot to get him, but I would not want to fall back that far if I were Dallas.