Resident Fake Asian!
I’ll disagree with @seahawksfan234 and @NWinAZ I think if this group was in charge in 95, I think all (including Tino) but Randy and ARod would’ve been resigned. ARod wanted to be the highest paid player as did Junior, doesn’t seem smart to have 2 of the 3 highest paid players when you have 23 other spots to fill out. I still don’t completely fault them for not resigning Randy, he had back problems so they didn’t want a long term contract and he did. Where I blame them is because they made it public essentially burning the bridge to negotiate. I don’t think they meant it malicious but you cannot openly say stuff like that.
Since Safeco Field/The Pink opened up I don’t really think payroll has been an issue. It’s ownership making wrong decision time and again on GM’s and Managers.
Yeah I think back then the front office was looking to keep Griffey here and make him the highest paid player in the MLB and they actually bought into ARod's crap about a home town discount and commitment to stay here as well.
The reality should've been trade ARod for a bag of prospects and resign Randy, bad back or not he put everything he had into 95 for you. He would've been the plus reaction of the Felix deal.