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Darqueze Dennard the "best rookie corner I've seen."


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Ok I feel like you two are intentionally outcriticizing ebron now just to one up me. I one upped lionsfansince1900 and that other guy and that should have been that.

You didn't one up anybody, junior.

Based on Mayhew's history of high 1st round picks, I never considered Ebron to be in his thought process. When they sprinted to the podium after having declined the option on Fairley's contract, and not reaching agreement with Suh, I assumed it was to draft Donald. When they announced Ebron, I felt nothing but fury.
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Apr 28, 2013
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You didn't one up anybody, junior.

Based on Mayhew's history of high 1st round picks, I never considered Ebron to be in his thought process. When they sprinted to the podium after having declined the option on Fairley's contract, and not reaching agreement with Suh, I assumed it was to draft Donald. When they announced Ebron, I felt nothing but fury.

That history belongs to Schwartz. Before Schwartz, Mayhew was right hand man to the Millen WR express. Now we've come full circle with Schwartz gone. Our DT's on on their way out and Mayhew drafted a 3rd TE with a top 10 pick. Just like the old days.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Based on Mayhew's history of high 1st round picks, I never considered Ebron to be in his thought process. When they sprinted to the podium after having declined the OPTION on Fairley's contract, and not reaching agreement with Suh, I assumed it was to draft Donald. When they announced Ebron, I felt nothing but fury.

My EXACT same thought process. My heart wanted to see Dennard drafted as he filled a major need, but talent wise, Donald seemed to be the obvious choice based on our situation at the DT position.


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Apr 19, 2013
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When they announced Ebron, I felt nothing but fury.

Fog -- I will have to say. I went back and read a couple of the draft threads and you are right. You are right there with me on hating the Ebron pick. I started multiple threads after draft trying to understand the reasoning behind the pick, including one named "it is now the morning after".

I do really hope we are both wrong on Ebron and he turns into something special. I'm not going to hold my breathe though.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
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Ebron is already improving as of last report. He is going to have to learn all the route trees not just TE and that will take time. As of last report his route running was better and he was not dropping much anymore.

That being said, Donald or a CB would have made more sense considering we may let both DTs walk and we have 2 30+ CBs in our top 4. I just dont see what crying about it now is going to do for us. We could go out in FA next year and replace all those guys if Suh is gone.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
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Also -- unless Fuller hits a growth spurt -- He is never going to be bigger than Tillman. Tillman is 6'2". Only reason I know this is because I was just talking about him with my buddy and he told me was in the "big cornerback" category and I argued he was average size, as that is how he looks to me on the field.

My buddy pulled it up on his computer and proved me dead wrong, as Tillman is 6'2", which explains why he has some success against Calvin, as 3 inches is much easier to overcome than 6 or 7.

You had the same understanding I did. I never checked his height, but Tillman looks small on the field.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
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Just for the record, Fuller is was the 12th fastest CB at the combine and one of the weakest (12) on the bench press. Not saying this makes him suck. Just saying not sure his speed and strength is what got him drafted.

He plays faster than his speed time and he was still under 4.5 straightline which is faster than Dennard who possibly ran the fastest time of his life at the combine. Fuller also had hernia surgery and probably was not in the gym much the last 6 months prior to the combine so the poor showing is not a true indicator of his strength. They will add close to 10 pounds of muscle on this kid and he will be fine.

I doubt the Bears coaches would be tabbing this guy as Peanuts replacement if he was that deficient. He just reminds me of Revis in the way he plays and I did not see that in any other CB in the draft.

For the record, I dont really think Dennard is terrible. I just don't think he will be a number 1 corner. he looks like a number 2 to me.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Sooo...a steaming pile of shit?

He didn't say he looks like a #2 for the Lions -- he just said he looked like a #2 CB in the NFL.:whistle::suds:


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Apr 19, 2013
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You had the same understanding I did. I never checked his height, but Tillman looks small on the field.

That is what I thought too. Maybe it is because the majority of the time I watch him play, he is covering Megatron and that makes him look much smaller than he is.


Apr 28, 2013
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Sad when our best CB by far is 45 year old Mathis.


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We could go out in FA next year and replace all those guys if Suh is gone.

While they could most definitely fill the roles on the DL and CB with the money freed up if Suh walks -- We need to remember -- Detroit isn't going to have the almost 23 million in cap space next year, if Suh walks. They will have 13 million in cap space, as Suh will still have a 10 million dollar cap hit in 2015, because of all the contract restructuring.

So Detroit will have to get creative with contracts with whoever they bring, if they are planning to sign quality players to fill holes.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Sad when our best CB by far is 45 year old Mathis.

I agree Mathis was our best CB last year -- I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that our best CB this year is Darius Slay. If that is the case -- i think Detroit will be able to make it work. If it is Mathis again -- we have some players who will no longer be with the Lions next year and we will be searching for replacements.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Fog -- I will have to say. I went back and read a couple of the draft threads and you are right. You are right there with me on hating the Ebron pick. I started multiple threads after draft trying to understand the reasoning behind the pick, including one named "it is now the morning after".

I do really hope we are both wrong on Ebron and he turns into something special. I'm not going to hold my breathe though.

Not that it matters but you are missing the biggest ebron hater on here pre and post draft. I might not post as many posts on here as some others but most of my posts have been ebron hate posts because he blows for a top pick.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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While they could most definitely fill the roles on the DL and CB with the money freed up if Suh walks -- We need to remember -- Detroit isn't going to have the almost 23 million in cap space next year, if Suh walks. They will have 13 million in cap space, as Suh will still have a 10 million dollar cap hit in 2015, because of all the contract restructuring.

So Detroit will have to get creative with contracts with whoever they bring, if they are planning to sign quality players to fill holes.

Also have the jump in cap space. Will not know until next spring what it jumps up to?

Could still see 20 mill or close sitting there. I myself want Suh. Just want him at respectable rate and not another cap crippling contract.

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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Also have the jump in cap space. Will not know until next spring what it jumps up to?

Could still see 20 mill or close sitting there. I myself want Suh. Just want him at respectable rate and not another cap crippling contract.

Agreed. Cant keep mortgaging the teams future for a low factor position. I still would like to keep Suh though especially after watching Fairly's fat ass flop around last night. CJ Mosely surprised me last night though. He played well and put up 3 tackles in less than a half.

I still prefer to go to a 3-4. Heck at the pace Fairly is putting weight back on he will be NT in no time.


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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Have not watched game yet. Sure seems the ONE thing Mayhew might have actaully done right is not doing 5th year option on Uto Blimperman.


Argumentum artifex
Jul 17, 2013
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Edit: Only posted this because some of your board posters have asked questions about Fuller above.

As a Bear fan I have been watching Fuller progress intently. Especially given Emery picked a not so good first rounder in Shea McClellin in his first go around (Long was better last year). Fuller is going to be a very good CB in this league for years. He is showing all the right "signs" so far in Training Camp and games. Making rook mistakes, but then also making "those" plays that tell you he can be great. Kind of like watching Long last season in preseason, where he was stoning DT's at the line and then at times making those rook mistakes.

Fuller has been so well thought of by the Bear coaching staff he is/was penciled in to be one of the two outside CB's in the nickel at the start of the season with the Bears moving pro bowler CB Jennings into the slot.

I wanted/hoped for other pics in the first, last draft, but so far the Fuller Pick, much like Long last year, he is playing like you want your first, not in the top 3 to play.

All this barring injury obviously.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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I think Fuller is the real deal. Will he be a Revis type? Too soon to tell, but I think he'll at least be a quality starter worthy of his draft position.

Still don't understand how Long made the Pro Bowl over Larry Warford, though...