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College Athlete Compensation

Shouel they get paid?

  • NO. Free education is enough

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Have a bake sale

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Give them a small stipend

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Pay them! They are the ones bringing the school money.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters


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Jul 12, 2013
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Can't say for sure, but it sure seems to me that Napier's comments are just another stepping stone in the path to a radical change in the way that college sports does business.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
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I watch very little pro sports because an extremely large majority of the athletes are over paid for the value they provide.

I watch college sports full knowing all the money goes to the school which is used to pay salries and build facilities....which benifit every student that goes to the school.

I'm not sure when I'll say college kids make too much money. I guess when they get a free ride and still make more than me.....which is where this slope is taking us.

I don't like paying college players and if Napier is starving, he should tell potential recruits to chose a school with a better program for feeding athletes.


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Jul 12, 2013
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I watch very little pro sports because an extremely large majority of the athletes are over paid for the value they provide.

I watch college sports full knowing all the money goes to the school which is used to pay salries and build facilities....which benifit every student that goes to the school.

I'm not sure when I'll say college kids make too much money. I guess when they get a free ride and still make more than me.....which is where this slope is taking us.

I don't like paying college players and if Napier is starving, he should tell potential recruits to chose a school with a better program for feeding athletes.

I don't think that what you or any other fan likes is going to matter much longer. Rather, I think that Napier's remarks are part of a wave that is about to turn the financial tide away from schools and toward college athletes. I find it hard to believe that Napier's claim of going to bed hungry is merely coincidental to the recent Northwestern NLBR ruling and the Kessler law suit against the NCAA.


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Jul 2, 2013
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He's starving, yet his mom was at the game. Flight and hotel easily would be over $2K. Surely she can throw him a bone.....


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
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If they are all so unhappy with their situation, just eliminate college athletics completely.

Let all sports fend for themselves in the private sector like farm clubs in MLB. They'll either survive economically on their own revenue generating merit, or they can become a hobby paid for out of their own pockets.

Problem solved.


entropica robusta
Apr 29, 2013
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Can't say for sure, but it sure seems to me that Napier's comments are just another stepping stone in the path to a radical change in the way that college sports does business.

I think you're right.


La Familia Ohana
Apr 17, 2013
Northern NY
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I don't think that what you or any other fan likes is going to matter much longer. Rather, I think that Napier's remarks are part of a wave that is about to turn the financial tide away from schools and toward college athletes. I find it hard to believe that Napier's claim of going to bed hungry is merely coincidental to the recent Northwestern NLBR ruling and the Kessler law suit against the NCAA.

I almost laughed at you then I remembered back in the 80's I was convinced by now professional sports would price themselves out of a job. It isn't happening..

There are people with soooooo much money, getting mid court/field seats at a pro stadium is like pfft. The real question is where is the jet parked.

So you are right...the most likely scenario is that College football players will get paid. I'm not sure where that one stops and how athletes with the rowing team fit in. As well where does SU (private school) fit in with Alabama (State University)

And also know that people like me...the average joe....will not be able to go without major sacrifices. For sure a seasons obligation will be out of reach.


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Jul 12, 2013
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I almost laughed at you then I remembered back in the 80's I was convinced by now professional sports would price themselves out of a job. It isn't happening..

There are people with soooooo much money, getting mid court/field seats at a pro stadium is like pfft. The real question is where is the jet parked.

So you are right...the most likely scenario is that College football players will get paid. I'm not sure where that one stops and how athletes with the rowing team fit in. As well where does SU (private school) fit in with Alabama (State University)

And also know that people like me...the average joe....will not be able to go without major sacrifices. For sure a seasons obligation will be out of reach.

It's a complicated issue. No one knows how it will all play out, but if Kessler's antitrust suit against the NCAA is successful, then recruiting college athletes might look something like free agency in professional sports.


entropica robusta
Apr 29, 2013
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ramblin on...

Am I hopelessly outdated still believing that, were it not for the revenues generated by football and/or basketball, even the huge, well endowed schools couldn't afford to field...um...Field Hockey teams?; or rowingfencinggymnasticbaseballwrestlinghockeyvolleyballetc teams?

Are scholarships to football players worth any more or less than ones to tennis players or golfers? No. Should they be? Are scholarship 'packages' for athletes coming from privileged backgrounds any different than those for athletes from less privileged backgrounds? I dunno...but it seems they should be.

Would it be such an awful precedent for schools to share royalties derived from the sale of licensed merchandise featuring scholarship-superstars' numbers/names/images? Seems like an easy fix...share the royalties or don't "personalize" collegiate merchandise.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Am I hopelessly outdated still believing that, were it not for the revenues generated by football and/or basketball, even the huge, well endowed schools couldn't afford to field...um...Field Hockey teams?; or rowingfencinggymnasticbaseballwrestlinghockeyvolleyballetc teams?

Are scholarships to football players worth any more or less than ones to tennis players or golfers? No. Should they be? Are scholarship 'packages' for athletes coming from privileged backgrounds any different than those for athletes from less privileged backgrounds? I dunno...but it seems they should be.

Would it be such an awful precedent for schools to share royalties derived from the sale of licensed merchandise featuring scholarship-superstars' numbers/names/images? Seems like an easy fix...share the royalties or don't "personalize" collegiate merchandise.

I'm no expert on the subject, but I think it's relevant that money is fungible. However things work out, TV money; revenue from sales of tickets, concessions, and merchandise; and money from boosters will still support whatever system emerges, so long as that system is at least as competitive on the field as what's currently in place.


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Jul 12, 2013
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If they are all so unhappy with their situation, just eliminate college athletics completely.

Let all sports fend for themselves in the private sector like farm clubs in MLB. They'll either survive economically on their own revenue generating merit, or they can become a hobby paid for out of their own pockets.

Problem solved.

Not exactly. Do you know how much money schools earn from their athletic teams? I'm not an expert on that, but you might find this interesting:

College Athletics Revenues and Expenses - ESPN


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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I'm not saying these athletes are poor mistreated serfs but....

did you see the very first commercial that was played right after the annoying Shining Moment song at the end of the championship game?

It was advertising how you can buy UConn championship gear from NCAA.org.

How people like Mark Emmert and the rest of the old greedy hypocrite bastards running the NCAA can act all aghast and horrified at the student athletes who want a piece of that action is just freaking pathetically hilarious.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I watch very little pro sports because an extremely large majority of the athletes are over paid for the value they provide.

I watch college sports full knowing all the money goes to the school which is used to pay salries and build facilities....which benifit every student that goes to the school.

I'm not sure when I'll say college kids make too much money. I guess when they get a free ride and still make more than me.....which is where this slope is taking us.

I don't like paying college players and if Napier is starving, he should tell potential recruits to chose a school with a better program for feeding athletes.

Clearly not, since the leagues make insane profits...


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Side note, this article says their access to food ends at 7pm. I wouldn't be shocked for them to have practices go later to this, and have them legitimately going to bed hungry as he stated.


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College sports bring hundreds of millions of dollars of direct revenues, and untold millions more in in added donations to the schools.


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You keep saying you're not an expert on this or on that...I just wanted to agree with you.

I happen to think that the business of college athletics is soon going to change dramatically, though I don't have a good idea of what form it will take, if that change occurs. Are you prepared to pipe in?


Jul 2, 2013
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I happen to think that the business of college athletics is soon going to change dramatically, though I don't have a good idea of what form it will take, if that change occurs. Are you prepared to pipe in?

I think they are already paid enough and don't deserve anything more than they are receiving. If they expect monetary compensation as well as a free education, I think they should pay for their own education and be expected to actually go to class.


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I want a) the ability for them to provide an unlimited meal plan and food access to athletes and b) comprehensive insurance covering any injuries suffered as an athlete for that school for life.

As is many students are bankrupted by injuries directly from playing for their schools, while the schools make millions of dollars off of them.