Village Plumber
Consider it circumcised
Gen no need. i am used to this dude.. say the yankees lost last night he would be making some excuse about it or diverting the fact that they lost to.. "strikeoutcibia" or lawrie is a pussy. or something else. just like he was doing last night when the yankees were down and he found out lawrie hit a homer. now that they won he comes in here full blow troll.. he's a front running bitch and when the yankees were stinking he hid for 3 days and blamed it on jhoo-ish holiday.. lmao.. i am cool with it cus i know his M.O
Yeah, but I'm not the one who predicts "scorch earth" for any individual series
You do that
Over and over and over and over and over
And are wrong
Over and over and over and over and over
And then when you get called out on being wrong..... "yeah but it's just April"