Stance: Goofy
Ohio doesn't require helmets and I worked with a guy who rode to work every day he could, helmetless. He was always bitching about cars and how something like 5 of the 10 most dangerous highways for motorcyclists are in Ohio. But he never wanted to hear that maybe there were so many more deaths on motorcycles in Ohio because so many people ride without helmets. No. It's because car drivers are bad.Totally. It would also impact your friends and family if anything happened to you, but that is truly the extent. No matter what it is a selfish decision to not take safety precautions in any manner.
My sister in law and her boyfriend were out on their bike in Florida and got cut off and went down. She always wears a helmet, but he never does. Even after bouncing his face off the side of a minivan, he refuses to wear one. And even when he goes somewhere that requires it, he wears one of those thin ones that wouldn't protect me from a tree branch on a mountain bike. I just don't get it.