Wouldn't she have had to pass a COVID test before having surgery?We had dinner with my wifes nurse friend last night and she was telling us a story of a woman who had vascular surgery so she was going to go into the high acuity unit instead of icu post surgery for monitoring.
they have covid patients in that unit so they have split the floor … one side is the covid side and one side is called the clean side lol
so the lady had to take and pass a covid swab test in order to be put in the clean side post surgery
this dumb twat held the belief that the swabs have been contaminated by covid on purpose by governments so she refused to take the test ??? Even though she was told that not taking the test would result, post surgery, in being put in the covid portion of the unit surrounded by all the covid patients.
My wifes friend is thinking hard about going back to school to become a vet since she now has all this experience treating animals
She relented and took a gargle test pre surgery but that was sent offsite and it was 10 hours before they got the results in hospital. So they did the surgery anyways as scheduled and after the surgery she spent half a day amongst the 10 covid patients … all of them between 20 and 40 years old … all unvaccinated males …. All “shitheads” (as per our friend)Wouldn't she have had to pass a COVID test before having surgery?
She relented and took a gargle test pre surgery but that was sent offsite and it was 10 hours before they got the results in hospital. So they did the surgery anyways as scheduled and after the surgery she spent half a day amongst the 10 covid patients … all of them between 20 and 40 years old … all unvaccinated males …. All “shitheads” (as per our friend)
Like any other government ran item. It takes forever and Mitch McConnell will fuck it up at some point.Not effectively enough.
Stupid sheepleOne guy died and his family would not accept he died of covid and got into arguments with the doctors about what the cause of death would be on the death certificate.
At least he was worm free before he goes on to be worm food.
At least he was worm free before he goes on to be worm food.