Lifelong Cynic
We just finished a two week road trip that saw us go through both Texas and Tennessee also. The worst we saw was actually Georgia.Just finished a 3-week road trip across the country. I can't tell you how much easier it was in the blue states having a standard protocol (even as someone fully vaccinated) than some of the red states where you have some people wearing masks, some without, and even a few giving you weird or rude looks if you wore a mask.
It was pretty shocking coming from a place where usage is pretty regular (and infection rates are super low...weird) to seeing large crowded spaces and full restaurants in Tennessee with NOBODY wearing a mask and knowing even thinking about 6-foot distancing. Texas was easily the worst in terms of people giving you dirty looks for wearing a mask. There are a lot of dumb states out there... but I don't think anyone combines dumb and asshole quite as well as Texas does. Fuck Dallas.
We didn't spend a lot of time in TX (well, as little as you can when you have to drive across that fucking place) or TN so my sample size was probably smaller, but even just passing through GA with bathroom and food stops, the difference was stunning. And this was even fairly close to Atlanta instead of way out in the sticks. Then again given how little their governor did, I shouldn't be surprised.