Unreliable Narrator.
I'm amazed my workplace did this so well. They told us we had to go to a facility nearest to where we lived. We could go online and pick a time. I was early for both appointments but didn't have to wait. The only bottleneck was the post shot waiting room - they asked us to hang around 15 minutes in case there was a reaction.So, Mrs 43 just told me of the Vaccine Distribution plan for the Columbus area teachers.
They have designated two separate sites for teachers to come to over the span of five days to get the shot. This is for 30+ school districts. And the method is for each teacher to go onto a website and get their appointment. the site went live this morning and, as you would expect, has been pretty well destroyed all day. Of the 45 teachers at just her school ONE has managed to get an appointment and that was on the last day.
Even if the site had worked, that leaves each school in the area to deal with random numbers of teachers being out of the building at varying times over a period of five different days.
Why not just contact each school, get the number of doses needed, and go to each school or designate one school in each district to deliver them? I mean really they could vaccinate her entire school in less than an hour with no disruption to classes. 5 teams of people moving from school to school delivering could easily do it in 5 days.
How can they keep getting this so wrong?
Crappy place to work, at least my immediate department, but the health care they provide seems to be solid.