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Bruce Allen adamant that KC will be back next year


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Have you ever negotiated for anything ever??

The last time Cousins even hinted he wanted to be here the team came back and said "Great, here is an offer befitting the best paid long term backup in the league... take it and start for us."


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From the comments he said if he wants to play hard ball he can take his ass somewhere else and we will gladly take some 1st round picks

Can you give me a link to what he's saying now...Thanks, Country


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Can you give me a link to what he's saying now...Thanks, Country

Kirk Cousins: Return to Redskins is 'not in my hands'

"I don't know," Cousins told me following NFC practice on Wednesday. "I think you have to have an open mind but ultimately it's not in my hands in the sense that the team is going to make that decision and I'll react accordingly."

"There's always work to do," Cousins said. "It's always great to be believed in. You want to prove people right who believe in you and prove people wrong who don't."

Wow... Kirk is such a dick


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well those are 2 very different things now arent they ? look "luck money " is about to be obsolete just as future "KC" money will be

so many people wanted KC to prove his numbers were for real . they were, time to pay up . that was the risk taken by both parties



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Kirk Cousins: Return to Redskins is 'not in my hands'

"I don't know," Cousins told me following NFC practice on Wednesday. "I think you have to have an open mind but ultimately it's not in my hands in the sense that the team is going to make that decision and I'll react accordingly."

"There's always work to do," Cousins said. "It's always great to be believed in. You want to prove people right who believe in you and prove people wrong who don't."

Wow... Kirk is such a dick

Funny shit there @Shark.....The only thing that is not believable is that this negotiation is "ultimately not in his hands." in any sense.


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I have been critical of Cousins many times, but I realize that signing him is the key for this team unless you perhaps might enjoy watching this team go through the next few seasons w/ a losing record.

Why in the world would you state the you don't think that Cousins can get any better? He has made major strides over the past two years. In addition - he is a hard worker and very intelligent. All of this would pt to the ability to improve in other areas (e.g. red zone efficiency). BTW - your take could have also perhaps been applied to Matt Ryan. Many fans were also ready to give up on this guy & look at where he is at now.

Let's stop with the Cousins has taken a major step forward this past year thing, when in fact he did best his passing yards but took a very major step back in Red Zone efficiency. (7th in 2015 vs. 17th in 2016)


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Let's stop with the Cousins has taken a major step forward this past year thing, when in fact he did best his passing yards but took a very major step back in Red Zone efficiency. (7th in 2015 vs. 17th in 2016)

And a noticeable step in the wrong direction far as passing TDs/INTs go. While I agree that its silly to say Cuz can't or won't get better and I don't know him personally. I think he's the type of player/person that will put in any and all work, be it physical or mental, he thinks will help him get better. The real question though far as that is goes is will it help him get better or be enough? I think it will, but the bottom line at this time is I don't know.

And yes, the defense can be looked at as being more responsible for losing some games, as can Dustin Hopkins far as the Cincy game goes. If we're gonna roll like that thoiugh. Kirk was certainly the major factor in the 1st Dallas loss with at least 3 missed TD passes, 2 of which the WRs (JC and Jdox) were all alone wide open. As well as that horrid end zone INT thrown from the red zone. On an unnecessarily forced pass that was late as hell and while Kirk was under no pressure.

The red zone issues were caused by a multitude of problems. Shoddy blocking/penalties on the OL at times. Bad/weak running and at least one turnover by RBs at other times. Terrible and what looked to be at times extremely indecisive playcalling by McVay too much of the time or so it seemed to me. All of this played a role in the Redskins red zone ineffectiveness. Kirk also played a role, more than once, in the red zone issues as well.

Now I don't know if there are any posters who think we should not under any circumstances sign Kirk. As it stands right now, I'd say country and coach seem to be the posters who least want the Skins to sign him. If that's incorrect, apologies to whomever its most warranted to. I wish this bullshit far as worrying about Snyder's money would cease though. Its not about that. And despite Shark's repeated claim that signing Kirk to any contract unless its just out of this world crazy won't hurt the cap. There is a limited amount of money the Skins can spend on players. Common sense would seem to dictate that spending too much on one player. Could very well and very easily show up in the form of not having enough for another player. Maybe that player will be a border line PS player or a player barely hanging on to the 51st of 53 roster spots. OK, cool. Or maybe it will be the FA safety who can and will nocticeably upgrade the Skins defense both coverage and run defense-wise, whom the Skins have been targeting from day 1 of FA. Who they had a real opportunity to get, but a deal couldn't be reached in the end. Cuz the Skins were a few million dollars short of Snyder's money.

Do I want the Skins to go back to having a new QB every 2 or 3 years and habitual dwelling in the NFC East cellar? Nope. But being a team that can only beat bad teams consistently, good teams every blue moon. Wins the NFC East every now and then with it being more then than now. Who has very little or no shot at all at postseason success unless everything falls just right for them. But has a QB who breaks team records every other year and is fun to watch when he's on. Isn't that much more appealing than scenario #1. At least not to me.

Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
Sep 2, 2014
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look you can win a superbowl without a great qb , its harder for sure but it can be done . you cant win anything with awful qb play RW, big ben eli flacco and peyton manning (1st one yes ) werent elite when they won superbowls the list of avg to above avg super bowl qbs in the totality of the game shows there are alot of winning qbs or particpants who werent elite

Again I never said elite. I have always maintained you need a good QB, top 10-12. Often when we have this debate you bring out the names Dilfer, Brad Johnson etc to make a point but those are the rare exceptions. Or you have throw in Eli and Wilson thinking my position was you need great.. I never said that. I said Alex Smith or Daulton won't get it done and that has been proven, you have always maintained that level QB (average to pretty good) will suffice with a great team around him. Your method has not worked nearly as often as the good QB system, in fact it's not even close.

Now thw big question is will Kirk remain as a top 10-12 QB and will he improve on his inability to play well against good teams?
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And a noticeable step in the wrong direction far as passing TDs/INTs go. While I agree that its silly to say Cuz can't or won't get better and I don't know him personally. I think he's the type of player/person that will put in any and all work, be it physical or mental, he thinks will help him get better. The real question though far as that is goes is will it help him get better or be enough? I think it will, but the bottom line at this time is I don't know.

And yes, the defense can be looked at as being more responsible for losing some games, as can Dustin Hopkins far as the Cincy game goes. If we're gonna roll like that thoiugh. Kirk was certainly the major factor in the 1st Dallas loss with at least 3 missed TD passes, 2 of which the WRs (JC and Jdox) were all alone wide open. As well as that horrid end zone INT thrown from the red zone. On an unnecessarily forced pass that was late as hell and while Kirk was under no pressure.

The red zone issues were caused by a multitude of problems. Shoddy blocking/penalties on the OL at times. Bad/weak running and at least one turnover by RBs at other times. Terrible and what looked to be at times extremely indecisive play calling by McVay too much of the time or so it seemed to me. All of this played a role in the Redskins red zone ineffectiveness. Kirk also played a role, more than once, in the red zone issues as well.

Now I don't know if there are any posters who think we should not under any circumstances sign Kirk. As it stands right now, I'd say country and coach seem to be the posters who least want the Skins to sign him. If that's incorrect, apologies to whomever its most warranted to. I wish this bullshit far as worrying about Snyder's money would cease though. Its not about that. And despite Shark's repeated claim that signing Kirk to any contract unless its just out of this world crazy won't hurt the cap. There is a limited amount of money the Skins can spend on players. Common sense would seem to dictate that spending too much on one player. Could very well and very easily show up in the form of not having enough for another player. Maybe that player will be a border line PS player or a player barely hanging on to the 51st of 53 roster spots. OK, cool. Or maybe it will be the FA safety who can and will noticeably upgrade the Skins defense both coverage and run defense-wise, whom the Skins have been targeting from day 1 of FA. Who they had a real opportunity to get, but a deal couldn't be reached in the end. Cuz the Skins were a few million dollars short of Snyder's money.

Do I want the Skins to go back to having a new QB every 2 or 3 years and habitual dwelling in the NFC East cellar? Nope. But being a team that can only beat bad teams consistently, good teams every blue moon. Wins the NFC East every now and then with it being more then than now. Who has very little or no shot at all at postseason success unless everything falls just right for them. But has a QB who breaks team records every other year and is fun to watch when he's on. Isn't that much more appealing than scenario #1. At least not to me.

Agreed that any real evaluation of him must include where he actually stepped back some, but I get it some here have fear issues related to past histories of this team and supporting organization. Given that, I really don't see the improvement over the 2015 season from him in total, which to be clear, is NOT a bad thing. Bottom line for me is the same question about his ability to improve remains after a season where there was great anticipation in actually seeing that improvement. Can he?... of course!! Will he? there's no evidence to support that at this point, especially after a more of the same in passing yards and a major step back in Red Zone efficiency.

I will repeat this until somebody hears me.....I am an ACTUALIST, I don't operate on what might have been, especially when talking about professional team sports. Of course we might have fared better had we fielded a better defense, a better run game, fewer mistakes from our special teams and a more powerful offensive line. Seriously?? Seriously?? is that really how we want to roll? Well if we can why can't 31 other NFL teams use that same skewed logic? To use it a reason why Kirk didn't fare better is an ACTUAL argument against resigning him to a market based contract.

In as much as his Red Zone issues were concerned, beyond that fumble by Jones, there were absolutely NO rational reasons that don't fall directly on Kirk's shoulders. Why? Well what changed from the 2015 season where he had the same blocking team in front of him, the same guy calling plays (McVay) and that one incident where there was a fumble by the RB at the goal line? In fact if we were honest about it, we actually got the consistency that everyone has been screaming for. and he still took a giant step back in the one place where we needed to see his improvement.

I am not among those who think under no circumstances should Kirk be resigned. In fact, the actualist in me screams, when there are suggestions that this organization can't get Kirk signed to a long term contract. In fact in any two party negotiation, where there is a failure to come to terms, both sides share that responsibility. Some people say that it is "playing him cheap" to offer less than market but there are two points that I want to make about that. 1. The NFL, because of QB contracts, has become a balancing act for GM's everywhere. I wonder how many would agree that whatever Kirks final numbers are, that it cost any chance of signing Eric Berry in free agency? BTW: I too, have heard the plenty of money argument and it fails because Scott, Bruce and company have already established the need to have "carry-over" monies from year to year. They just will not exhaust the entire cap in one season. 2. Uncertainty, contrary to all opinions here, there was a publicly stated reason for not signing him after the 2015 season. We can yell, improvement!! and he's proved it!! until hell freezes over. The truth is until those who know better than any of us, how Kirk grades out, and who are paid handsomely to evaluate him, come to a consensus on whatever that number happens to be, say otherwise, with a new contract, all we actually have are those already publicly stated reasons why they haven't thus far. My position has been extremely consistent with what has already taken place. Resign him to a reasonable contract based on EVERYTHING that he's done so far vs. What he has not done based on team needs. If the sides are as far apart this year as last, then NON Exclusive Franchise tag him and prepare to move on. In any case I don't envy Scott and his team.

Going back to having a new QB every 2 to 3 years is also a specious argument, because it assumes that losing Kirk automatically means that the team takes a step back. I disagree!! In fact, the argument that an improved defense, running game and fewer ST mistakes means that less, not more will be required of Kirk or whomever mans the position. I could be wrong about that, so check my math here. If there are more running plays based upon the opportunities that we've had the last two seasons doesn't that translate into fewer passing plays? If my math is correct:hope: then all we'll need is someone who is efficient at distributing the ball, right? I want to win Super Bowls, yes plural Super Bowls!, and that includes winning the division. Unfortunately, as we currently stand, there are at least two teams ahead of us in that regard. I'm also cautiously keeping an eye on the new iteration of Andy Reid in Philly. I really don't care if Kirk breaks team or NFL records, is or isn't exciting to watch or is the highest paid player in the NFL until he retires, if it doesn't translate into wins and they translate into hoisting SB trophies.
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Again I never said elite. I have always maintained you need a good QB, top 10-12. Often when we have this debate you bring out the names Dilfer, Brad Johnson etc to make a point but those are the rare exceptions. Or you have throw in Eli and Wilson thinking my position was you need great.. I never said that. I said Alex Smith or Daulton won't get it done and that has been proven, you have always maintained that level QB (average to pretty good) will suffice with a great team around him. Your method has not worked nearly as often as the good QB system, in fact it's not even close.

Now thw big question is will Kirk remain as a top 10-12 QB and will he improve on his inability to play well against good teams?

We all wish KC gets better, but you know what's said about wishes, No one want to see him perform at a lesser level than he has, but he did. Now can he step back up to 2015 RZ efficiency levels, then improve above that, it's possible.....but......it's also possible that the step up, step back Kirk is all there is to this guy. Truth is, right now no one knows for sure what Kirk will be. Thus far we can confidently say that he's been pretty darn good between the twenty yard lines, in fact record setting, not so much where it counts most, twenty yards in...in fact worse than 2015.


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We all wish KC gets better, but you know what's said about wishes, No one want to see him perform at a lesser level than he has, but he did. Now can he step back up to 2015 RZ efficiency levels, then improve above that, it's possible.....but......it's also possible that the step up, step back Kirk is all there is to this guy. Truth is, right now no one knows for sure what Kirk will be. Thus far we can confidently say that he's been pretty darn good between the twenty yard lines, in fact record setting, not so much where it counts most, twenty yards in...in fact worse than 2015.

So the QB is the main person responsible for redzone efficiency? Disagree. Cousins is partially responsible for this, but I would put much more of the blame on the coaching staff & the other members of the offense. Kelley is a nice back & Thompson plays his role perfectly, but they need more talent at this position. They also need to run block better, and with these changes the coaches need to stress the run more in this area (w/ the problems last season & the departure of McVay I believe this is a given). Those stupid fade routes also need to be minimized.

Cousins needs to improve in this area (don't see any reason why he can't), but there is much more to this issue than him. BTW - the big difference between 2015 and 2016? The level of talent of the opposition. Time for Kirk to be extended so that he and the team can focus on improvement for the upcoming season.


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Agreed, I love and hate stats, because as you can see by this one people get to pick and choose the one that they like while ignoring the ones that they hate. For me the stats that I really take note of are those that ultimately determine wins and loses, but nobody wants to talk about those.

So how about a QB that was part of the first Redskins team that had back-to-back winning seasons for the first time in almost 20 years? I realize that the team should have finished better, but progress doesn't always go as fast as desired. However - this appears to be a good sign of long term progress. Start over again at QB & it may be a completely different story.


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Stymie - I will name two teams who put a huge hole in your argument - Texans & Chiefs. Both have outstanding talent across the board & get into the playoffs (one mainly because they are in a shit division). However - both seem to get bounced from the playoffs fairly early. The common factor? Average or worse play at QB. The importance of this position cannot be minimized.

So what if the Skins obtained a top notch defender if it means losing the QB who has been the most effective for this team in ages. If his replacement can't perform or makes mistakes it likely means being worse. If you draft a replacement - sure - he could be the next Prescott or Wentz but don't bet on it. The pick could also take away from drafting a top notch player at another position.

In the end I don't think it matters what you, I or any other poster thinks. Cousins will be extended & all statements made this week point to that taking place. Get used to it - like it or not.


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Funny shit there @Shark.....The only thing that is not believable is that this negotiation is "ultimately not in his hands." in any sense.

That is actually fairly accurate. For starters - he doesn't negotiate the contract - that is on his agent. Beyond that the Redskins can tag him (whether well advised or not) & restrict his movement for at least one more season. So the final decision (whether now or next season) is his but not necessarily the negotiation.


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Kirk Cousins: Return to Redskins is 'not in my hands'

"I don't know," Cousins told me following NFC practice on Wednesday. "I think you have to have an open mind but ultimately it's not in my hands in the sense that the team is going to make that decision and I'll react accordingly."

"There's always work to do," Cousins said. "It's always great to be believed in. You want to prove people right who believe in you and prove people wrong who don't."

Wow... Kirk is such a dick

Just the freaking media once again trying to stir up trouble where it doesn't exist. I have lost tons of respect lately for Adam Schefter & the NFL Network is also going down this road. Both are desperately trying to emulate TMZ.


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It's fun to see what KC will counter after SM's initial offer. If we get to see them.

I will go out on a limb & state that there won't be cameras in the room during the negotiations. Therefore - even if there were reports about the numbers from either side you need to take them with a pound of salt. We have seen tons of crap and rumors spewed by the media in recent years - why would this be any different?


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As an Eagles fan, please, please, please trade KC. He kills us yearly. He is not the sexiest QB in the land, but he makes the throws especially in clutch time. I did not thik he had a great arm, but I have seen him go deep accurately plenty (to Djax against the Eagles).
You never know what you are going to get when you draft a QB high. Most don't pan out. You have experienced that with RG3, who you traded the farm in order to draft, then picked his backup a few rounds later. How did that work out.
KC is a very good QB, please trade him today. Also, I would rather take Dalvin Cook than Leonard Fournette if I were making the pick. Cook is going to be special.


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Just the freaking media once again trying to stir up trouble where it doesn't exist. I have lost tons of respect lately for Adam Schefter & the NFL Network is also going down this road. Both are desperately trying to emulate TMZ.
The problem is they have nothing else to report on and the news cycle is now 24X7. They have to write something so they write speculative articles based on nothing. Then some (especially one or two on this board) take it as gospel and run with it.

The good news is we finally have a professional FO that isn't leaking every move and negotiation and neither is KC's agent. This is actually a good sign. It means that they are both satisfied with the direction of the negotiations and don't feel the need to engage the public to influence the other side.