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And the deflated balls story plot thickens


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Those guys in hard hats are known associates of La Cosa Nostra and the Castalano "family."


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Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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So I'm confused. You say something about what I said and plausibility and yet your counter was Rodgers admitted to cheating on ball pressure and that is supposed to back you up how? :noidea:

How the balls came to be under inflated isn't the key. It's that it was done ON PURPOSE and knowing full well that it is against the rules. The refs being known to not catch it doesn't somehow excuse it or shift blame. Whether they presented 12 under inflated balls and got away with getting them in the game or somehow deflated them after isn't the key.

Now that your golden boy has categorically denied any knowledge or involvement you can add lying to his list of charges if they were in fact presented short of their acceptable limits on purpose as you now claim might have happened?

No what it does is expose that it happens and the league looks the other way.

No one knows what happened at this point, we are all debating on a handful of media reports from sources unnamed.

I investigate as part of my role for the company I work for, and I'm actually enjoying what looks like to be a complete debacle of an investigation from what we have heard thus far. That may change but at this point it's a joke. Even if the Patriots are actually at fault the league is Fning up the investigation.


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It's believe the 12th ball is gone, ie given to a fan on a play, and if the Colts had started with a higher pressure level there balls would likely still be in compliance.

I'm not saying it's the reason, I'm suggesting we need to look at all posible manners in which it could have happened prior to coming to a conclusion.

The alleged difference between the minimum PSI demanded by the NFL, and the PSI found in the Patriots balls was well OVER 1 PSI.

Assuming the Colts inflated their balls to the maximum PSI, and the Patriots to the minimum, there would be a MAXIMUM difference of ONE PSI between the balls, and the deflation was all due to natural circumstances, there should have been at least some Colts' balls that were found to be under-inflated. There were none.

So so far we have:

1) A Boston College professor who has stated that changes in climate in which the ball operated could NOT explain the alleged minimum loss of pressure, assuming the balls were correct upon the inspection. My guess is that said professor has a whole lot better understanding of thermodynamics than that school teacher has.

2) The alleged minimum change of pressure of the Patriots balls is due to natural circumstances should also have led to Colts' footballs being found to be underpressured - which they apparently were not.

3) The Colts already in November found two balls the Patriots used to be underpressured. Both balls were surfaced when Brady was intercepted. Allegedly they even voiced concerns about cheating back then.


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Nov 1, 2014
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The Foxboro PD concluded an exhaustive 17 min investigation and determined this was "operator failure". Assisting in the investigation was the Kraft Corporations.

The local coroner was qouted as saying "the John Doe's teeth had been removed and all toes and fingers were cut off."


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Did anyone else think Brady looked awfully uncomfortable at the podium during his presser?

Bellicheat was looking side to side the whole time, trying to figure out how to smooth this thing out. Pretty good indication of lying.


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As opposed to the refs measuring and oking the balls correctly and then someone on the Patriots sneaking back into the bag and letting out the air.

And that's more plausible.

Except that after the check the game balls are returned to the respective teams - no need at all to sneak around. The only balls kept under close supervision of the refs until the game starts are the kicking balls.


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The alleged difference between the minimum PSI demanded by the NFL, and the PSI found in the Patriots balls was well OVER 1 PSI.

Assuming the Colts inflated their balls to the maximum PSI, and the Patriots to the minimum, there would be a MAXIMUM difference of ONE PSI between the balls, and the deflation was all due to natural circumstances, there should have been at least some Colts' balls that were found to be under-inflated. There were none.

So so far we have:

1) A Boston College professor who has stated that changes in climate in which the ball operated could NOT explain the alleged minimum loss of pressure, assuming the balls were correct upon the inspection. My guess is that said professor has a whole lot better understanding of thermodynamics than that school teacher has.

2) The alleged minimum change of pressure of the Patriots balls is due to natural circumstances should also have led to Colts' footballs being found to be underpressured - which they apparently were not.

3) The Colts already in November found two balls the Patriots used to be underpressured. Both balls were surfaced when Brady was intercepted. Allegedly they even voiced concerns about cheating back then.

And we don't know at this point what the actual pressure readings were.

Again for example, it was reported they were 2.0 psi under. We don't know if that report is accurate. What if they were actually .2 psi and the leaked information was flawed?

We just need to wait till all the information is out, if ever.

There are lots of questions.

What was the chain of secured evidence, ie the balls?
How were the balls tested? Methodology?
What type of gauge was used? Was it ANSI rated? (If it's not then the readings are for reference and not considered accurate.)
Where the balls of both teams tested pregame by a gauge? Were they given only the squeeze test?

etc, etc, etc.

It's all part of doing and investigation. You follow where the evidence takes you without regard of what the final conclusion might be.

I'm not suggesting the Pats are innocent, I'm suggesting a thorough investigation needs to take place. Because if it's flawed, it's worthless in determining a result in any direction.


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Except that after the check the game balls are returned to the respective teams - no need at all to sneak around. The only balls kept under close supervision of the refs until the game starts are the kicking balls.

they are returned 10 minutes prior to kick off is my understanding.


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The local coroner was qouted as saying "the John Doe's teeth had been removed and all toes and fingers were cut off."

"...and there's no reason to suspect foul play. mr. Kraft is so benevolent he paid for the autopsy and funeral."


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Did anyone else think Brady looked awfully uncomfortable at the podium during his presser?

Bellicheat was looking side to side the whole time, trying to figure out how to smooth this thing out. Pretty good indication of lying.

Yes and no. To get a good read on body language you have to first have a baseline of the person in question.


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Did anyone else think Brady looked awfully uncomfortable at the podium during his presser?

Bellicheat was looking side to side the whole time, trying to figure out how to smooth this thing out. Pretty good indication of lying.

Oh, their body language was screeeeeeeaming deception. :nod:


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"...and there's no reason to suspect foul play. mr. Kraft is so benevolent he paid for the autopsy and funeral."

"Donations can be made to the MBBOA Fund." (Missing Ball Boys Of America)


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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When BB says he doesn't know about a rule where it involves the actual football... Man I have a hard time with that.


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Oh, their body language was screeeeeeeaming deception. :nod:

Always a bad lead to follow till you get more information. A good example is most peoples body language is deceptive in apprearance when being questioned by an investigator, regardless if they are guilty or not.


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That's the umbrella fund which it falls under, same thing.

"Mr. Kraft respectfully requests his privacy as he mourns deeply for the deceased equipment mgr. this is a grievous loss for the organization."


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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The alleged difference between the minimum PSI demanded by the NFL, and the PSI found in the Patriots balls was well OVER 1 PSI.

Assuming the Colts inflated their balls to the maximum PSI, and the Patriots to the minimum, there would be a MAXIMUM difference of ONE PSI between the balls, and the deflation was all due to natural circumstances, there should have been at least some Colts' balls that were found to be under-inflated. There were none.

So so far we have:

1) A Boston College professor who has stated that changes in climate in which the ball operated could NOT explain the alleged minimum loss of pressure, assuming the balls were correct upon the inspection. My guess is that said professor has a whole lot better understanding of thermodynamics than that school teacher has.

2) The alleged minimum change of pressure of the Patriots balls is due to natural circumstances should also have led to Colts' footballs being found to be underpressured - which they apparently were not.

3) The Colts already in November found two balls the Patriots used to be underpressured. Both balls were surfaced when Brady was intercepted. Allegedly they even voiced concerns about cheating back then.
3 is really the key here. If those stories are correct (and I'm not saying they are) then you can't begin to suggest what Tommy told us yesterday was true. Add fucking liar to the charge.

Putting this on BB is questionable. Not that he doesn't micro manage, but this could well be Brady alone if he did have it done on purpose.

The only question to me is can this be proven as some sort of natural or accidental thing because if not it's cheating and they should be held accountable for it.


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Did anyone else think Brady looked awfully uncomfortable at the podium during his presser?

Bellicheat was looking side to side the whole time, trying to figure out how to smooth this thing out. Pretty good indication of lying.

Brady looked uncomfortable at first...then started to get more comfortable when he realized how easy it was to play dumb...then, of course, got so comfortable he became his normal smug self.

I get the ball...I drop back and I throw it. I don't sit there and squeeze it.

No f'ing shit you douchebag.


Well-Known Member
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3 is really the key here. If those stories are correct (and I'm not saying they are) then you can't begin to suggest what Tommy told us yesterday was true. Add fucking liar to the charge.

Putting this on BB is questionable. Not that he doesn't micro manage, but this could well be Brady alone if he did have it done on purpose.

The only question to me is can this be proven as some sort of natural or accidental thing because if not it's cheating and they should be held accountable for it.

If it's the Pats it will be on Brady. Every former QB I have heard have all said the same thing, no coach ever gets involved with the ball and what the QB wants.

This thing could end up inconclusive due to the leage fning it all up.