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And the deflated balls story plot thickens

corn train

Have some of it
Mar 3, 2010
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I don't even care one way or the other but I thought this was funny

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Aug 15, 2014
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It's been talked about during these threads for days, where have you been.

A. Rogers likes his footballs inflated to a higher psi than 13.5 and leaves it up to the refs to catch it and correct it. If they don't, then so be it.

“‘I like to push the limit to how much air we can put in the football, even go over what they allow you to do and see if the officials take air out of it,'” Simms said Rodgers told them before the game.

Simms pointed out that Rodgers is the exception.

“Everybody wants it smaller and soft, so they can dig their fingers into,” Simms said. “[Rodgers is] such a feel thrower. You can tell. The one touchdown he threw down the field to the tight end is such feel; then he flicks it. That shows you he just has great control of it, with his fingers and hand.”

As opposed to the refs measuring and oking the balls correctly and then someone on the Patriots sneaking back into the bag and letting out the air.

And that's more plausible.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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Now as for proving it? Unless they find someone who squeals there is no
chance they can prove it to a degree that warrants some major repercussion. It
is the NFL so saying no penalty would be a bit premature. They like to dole out
punishment for things that aren't proven all the time anymore.

Remember Matt Walsh on Spygate? He had the videos which = fine + loss of draft pick for the Pats. "slap on the wrists"

Then the NFL destroyed the evidence.. :whistle:

This is getting buried. And more money will be made. Whatever they can to not tarnish the NFL, it will be done. If this was a regular season game, the Pats might actually be punished. But since it's a playoff game, that puts the NFL "brand" at stake.


Fly, Eagles Fly
Sep 2, 2014
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The fact that the NFL hasn't even interviewed Brady tells you this is not going to be seriously investigated. They don't want to know what happened, just like with Ray Rice.


ESPN Defector
Jul 8, 2013
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This just in...

Here's the guy the Patriots are setting up to take the fall.



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And the NFL just announced hiring a private investigating firm.

And they just announced the firm will have full access and expect full cooperation from other teams in the NFL.

Looks like the investigation just expanded beyond the Patriots.

Good thing they will have this thing sewed up in 2-3 days like promised.

My thoughts, nothing will ever be determined. Too much time has passed and people have already been paid off not to talk. Sure most don't believe anyone on the Pats who have spoken about it, but no proof will mean nothing will stick.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Blah Blah Blah....it is now the referees fault...GOOD GRIEF! Maybe the Cheatriots should just be disbanded?

well last see 3 super bowl wins .1 tuck bowl refs fault had to change a rule . sb 2 was holding on to pollard and harrison the whole game another rule change refs fault . sb 3 was spy gate stealing signs busted by their good friend ryan . also came out they would tape other teams practices . so if this is sb 4 deflate gate !!! so brady is a cheat a fake pure and simple .more rule changes after the brady effect . have to put * by all pats records .

pats fans brady has confirmed he likes his ball served up small !!!! manning is the best qb ever he didn't have to cheat .


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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Good thing they will have this thing sewed up in 2-3 days like promised.

My thoughts, nothing will ever be determined. Too much time has passed and people have already been paid off not to talk. Sure most don't believe anyone on the Pats who have spoken about it, but no proof will mean nothing will stick.

My personal hunch is that it's wide spread in the league, and the league has looked the other way for some time. Now a team complained and they are forced into looking into it and they don't want to do that.


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A post from another site. Interesting. Do we have any math geeks that can confirm the math? :noidea:

Science teacher here. Given the conditions of the game, a ball which meets specifications in the locker room could easily lose enough pressure to be considered under-inflated. Some math:
Guy-Lussac's Law describes the relationship between the pressure of a confined ideal gas and its temperature. For the sake of argument, we will assume that the football is a rigid enough container (unless a ball is massively deflated, it's volume won't change). The relationship is (P1/T1) = (P2/T2), where P is the pressure and T is the temperature in Kelvins.
The balls are inflated to between 12.5 and 13.5 psi at a temperature of 70 degrees Farenheit (294.1 K). Let's assume an average ball has a gauge pressure of 13 psi. This makes the absolute pressure of the ball 27.7 psi (gauge + atmosphere). Since these are initial values, we will call them P1 and T1.
The game time temperature was 49 degrees F (278 K). We are attempting to solve for the new pressure at this temperature, P2. We plug everything into the equation and get (27.7/294.1) = (P2/278). At the game time temperature, the balls would have an absolute pressure of 26.2 psi and a gauge pressure of 11.5, below league specifications.
*Furthermore, given that it was raining all day, the air in the stadium was saturated with water vapor. At 70 degrees, water has a vapor pressure of 0.38 psi. The total pressure of the ball is equal to the pressure of the air inside the ball and the vaporized water in the ball. At 49 degrees, the vapor pressure of water is 0.13 psi. Up to 0.25 additional psi can be lost if the balls were inflated by either the team or the refs prior to the game. Granted, it's unlikely that anyone would inflate balls from 0, but it easily could cost another couple hundredths of a psi in pressure.
For a ball that barely meets specifications (12.5 psi gauge), it's pressure would drop to 11.1 psi during the game... enough to be considered massively underinflated.

Except that a Boston College physics professor pointed out that the alleged difference between the NFL minimum and the actual difference found upon inspection could NOT be explained by the difference in conditions in the room where the balls are inspected and the conditions outside.


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Nov 1, 2014
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well last see 3 super bowl wins .1 tuck bowl refs fault had to change a rule . sb 2 was holding on to pollard and harrison the whole game another rule change refs fault . sb 3 was spy gate stealing signs busted by their good friend ryan . also came out they would tape other teams practices . so if this is sb 4 deflate gate !!! so brady is a cheat a fake pure and simple .more rule changes after the brady effect . have to put * by all pats records .

pats fans brady has confirmed he likes his ball served up small !!!! manning is the best qb ever he didn't have to cheat .

Wholly crap, if you're going to troll at least get the info straight first.:omg::wtf2:


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Good thing they will have this thing sewed up in 2-3 days like promised.

My thoughts, nothing will ever be determined. Too much time has passed and people have already been paid off not to talk. Sure most don't believe anyone on the Pats who have spoken about it, but no proof will mean nothing will stick.

OMG...they just found the equipment manager's car:



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It is demeaning to Peyton Manning to even mention him in a thread about Tom Brady cheating.


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My personal hunch is that it's wide spread in the league, and the league has looked the other way for some time. Now a team complained and they are forced into looking into it and they don't want to do that.

The interesting thing is QB's (and other players) have come out all over the place on this. From punish them to it ain't nothing.


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Nov 1, 2014
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One thing we wil all likely end up agreeing on, the NFL will yet again have fully botched and investigation. Regardless of what actually took place. :nod::doh::L


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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It's been talked about during these threads for days, where have you been.

A. Rogers likes his footballs inflated to a higher psi than 13.5 and leaves it up to the refs to catch it and correct it. If they don't, then so be it.

“‘I like to push the limit to how much air we can put in the football, even go over what they allow you to do and see if the officials take air out of it,'” Simms said Rodgers told them before the game.

Simms pointed out that Rodgers is the exception.

“Everybody wants it smaller and soft, so they can dig their fingers into,” Simms said. “[Rodgers is] such a feel thrower. You can tell. The one touchdown he threw down the field to the tight end is such feel; then he flicks it. That shows you he just has great control of it, with his fingers and hand.”

So I'm confused. You say something about what I said and plausibility and yet your counter was Rodgers admitted to cheating on ball pressure and that is supposed to back you up how? :noidea:

How the balls came to be under inflated isn't the key. It's that it was done ON PURPOSE and knowing full well that it is against the rules. The refs being known to not catch it doesn't somehow excuse it or shift blame. Whether they presented 12 under inflated balls and got away with getting them in the game or somehow deflated them after isn't the key.

Now that your golden boy has categorically denied any knowledge or involvement you can add lying to his list of charges if they were in fact presented short of their acceptable limits on purpose as you now claim might have happened?


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OMG...they just found the equipment manager's car:


The Foxboro PD concluded an exhaustive 17 min investigation and determined this was "operator failure". Assisting in the investigation was the Kraft Corporations.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Good thing they will have this thing sewed up in 2-3 days like promised.

My thoughts, nothing will ever be determined. Too much time has passed and people have already been paid off not to talk. Sure most don't believe anyone on the Pats who have spoken about it, but no proof will mean nothing will stick.

i get tired of the commish and his gang parting with owners like craft . they will role out yet another rule so it want happen again and then the master mind will come up with something else . rules are wrote for billy boy instead of getting rid of the problem .


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The Foxboro PD concluded an exhaustive 17 min investigation and determined this was "operator failure". Assisting in the investigation was the Kraft Corporations.
