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Alabama players getting paid?


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes douche I have played and have two state titles to show for it. Since you brought it up I also played high school football with a couple blue chip recruits that not only attended university of Nebraska but one played in the 95 championship game and the other was a starter at full back for three years.
High school football and college are two different animals I have seen it first hand and am here to tell you coaches and staff including Alabama and Notre dame know more than they will admit. It’s called covering your ass and that’s life you inbreed hillbilly.

ooh i am offended, Douche, really? Inbred (FIFY)Hillbilly, that hurts, talk about hitting me below the belt...not. State titles really, wow can i touch you. You know winning state titles is not that big of a deal in most states and depending on the level you played at it can be pretty easy. Point being unless you yourself have played D-1 ball, you have no point of reference. Talking to friends or acquaintances does not give you the real perspective. I played two years D-1 and two years in D-3 and believe me, its cutthroat and they will sell you out for a starting spot in a heartbeat, especially if you are breaking the rules. I lost a spot in a game one time for violating the curfew and only my backup knew because he was with me out on the town. He blew the whistle, i got benched, he got a beatdown and I got benched again. You want to think the worst and think you know everything there is you know About all football teams due to having played in high school. i have seen Alabama football for the better part of the past 40 years and I know this coaching staff would bench any player(including McCarron or Yeldon) if they knew about possible violations, even a hint of them would warrant a suspension until cleared. As i said before, you go on and believe what you want wrong though you may be and i will know what the truth is. and i did it all without retaliating for your childish name calling.


The most eubillicant poster.
Aug 5, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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lmao. after all that Auburn went through during the 2010 season, the posts by bammer fans here and on ESPN, the plains are burning website, etc. etc. ----- I hope it's true and I hope they get hammered. the only bad part is they are no longer on probation as of last year...


Never knew Notre Dame and Oregon would have so much in common.

Both SEC cheaters at that.
Yea...uh, Oregon was the cheater in that game. Nice try, though.

Umm, this is not cheating.

Cam Newton got paid to come to Auburn, that is cheating.
Oh yea? Still? lol at making baseless accusations in a thread where bama fans are busy spinning, denying, making excuses, blaming the messengers, etc. etc.

And you know i just realized something here. How many schools are mentioned in the allegations? How many are being talked about? Can anyone say hate and jealousy? One team has been mentioned in 99.9% of the posts, but its not jealousy at all? Seems we have fairweather friends who call us their second favorite team and then stab us in the back as soon as its turned. then we have haters who want us out of the way so they have a shot.
fans of those schools aren't here making excuses. fans of those schools aren't typically overally arrogant posters.
Oregon fans are experts on crooked programs and ducking NCAA sanctions.
but their school got caught. welcome to the big time. learn to cheat by not writing a check...

Joe Schad is a hack that writes opinions based solely on getting clicks. He is one unethical mother fucker and should be shot.
true story.

OH...I guess I owe an apology to Forty_Sixand2:
I apologize.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Speaking of deer antlers I had a great summer on buck shed hunting.

Got 2 antler sets matching and 7 solo antlers. Me n pops put time into though. Ice cold beer wandering the Oregon forest for antlers. Great times.

You wasnt laying up in your room sucking on those antlers trying to get a growth spurt were you? Your big enough already from what I remember you saying.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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You wasnt laying up in your room sucking on those antlers trying to get a growth spurt were you? Your big enough already from what I remember you saying.

lol . Think you need the velvet off of em to make it werk properly. Makes u wonder how they are getting the shit since it aint deer season when they have the velvet. hmmmm. Deer farm???


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Saban took the Alabama job after lying to the sports world about staying in Miami and you think he wouldn’t throw a kid under the bus to save his own ass. Please!

So if when he was asked if he was going to be the coach of Alabama and he said no and Had not accepted the job yet and then changed his mind later and decided to take the job, that makes him a liar, or does it make him a human being with the ability to change his mind. We know, you dont change yours because you have never been wrong about anything in your entire life.

I can admit i was wrong once, i got married. i married a bitch just like you, she was never wrong either. Thankfully I have a remedy for both situations, i divorced the one bitch and i can ignore the other one.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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lol . Think you need the velvet off of em to make it werk properly. Makes u wonder how they are getting the shit since it aint deer season when they have the velvet. hmmmm. Deer farm???

That would be legal and rounding up wild deer i dont think is illegal if you are penning them and feeding them. Who's to say that a few wouldnt go missing occasionally by jumping over the fence:whistle: i didnt see a thing:noidea:


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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That would be legal and rounding up wild deer i dont think is illegal if you are penning them and feeding them. Who's to say that a few wouldnt go missing occasionally by jumping over the fence:whistle: i didnt see a thing:noidea:



Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You're an idiot. You say you understand life, but you don't understand crap like this?

Ok I’m an idiot but that doesn’t change the fact that something fishy has been going on in the sec as a whole. Now there are two sec coaches under the microscope in the sec currently and countless recently Petrino, chizk, and myer. Looks like a duck walks like a duck talks like a duck it’s probably a duck. Correct me if I’m wrong here but in the saban era the NCAA has punished Alabama athletics once already and potentially a second time looming.

Look I don’t care who’s guilty or innocent in the matter and I’m well aware that other teams are not immune to these types of shenanigans and most of you have agreed with that statement. So why is it so hard to grasp the fact that any coach in the country is completely clueless? These kids were not in a titty bar after curfew they potentially broke some major rules here. The same rules many of you claim that saban does such a good job enforcing. I think he enforced them when it served him best and his history only reinforces that in my opinion.
Anyways thank for helping with the post count!


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Ok I’m an idiot but that doesn’t change the fact that something fishy has been going on in the sec as a whole. Now there are two sec coaches under the microscope in the sec currently and countless recently Petrino, chizk, and myer. Looks like a duck walks like a duck talks like a duck it’s probably a duck. Correct me if I’m wrong here but in the saban era the NCAA has punished Alabama athletics once already and potentially a second time looming.

Look I don’t care who’s guilty or innocent in the matter and I’m well aware that other teams are not immune to these types of shenanigans and most of you have agreed with that statement. So why is it so hard to grasp the fact that any coach in the country is completely clueless? These kids were not in a titty bar after curfew they potentially broke some major rules here. The same rules many of you claim that saban does such a good job enforcing. I think he enforced them when it served him best and his history only reinforces that in my opinion.
Anyways thank for helping with the post count!

You are the one who is completely clueless. Get this fact through your thick skull: AGENTS PAYING PLAYERS DOES NOT BENEFIT THE TEAM OR SCHOOL.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Look i never claimed to be a choir boy. you dont get to where i am in life and be a legal hacker by always doing things the right way. I have been in a few places i shouldnt have in my days, but I will swear i wasnt if asked by authorities and i cover my tracks very well.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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Look i never claimed to be a choir boy. you dont get to where i am in life and be a legal hacker by always doing things the right way. I have been in a few places i shouldnt have in my days, but I will swear i wasnt if asked by authorities and i cover my tracks very well.

me neither. I am a legal pot grower. :suds:


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You are the one who is completely clueless. Get this fact through your thick skull: AGENTS PAYING PLAYERS DOES NOT BENEFIT THE TEAM OR SCHOOL.

I’m clueless? When did I ever say that paying players was a good idea? All I ever said was someone knew something before they claimed to have known.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ok I’m an idiot but that doesn’t change the fact that something fishy has been going on in the sec as a whole. Now there are two sec coaches under the microscope in the sec currently and countless recently Petrino, chizk, and myer. Looks like a duck walks like a duck talks like a duck it’s probably a duck. Correct me if I’m wrong here but in the saban era the NCAA has punished Alabama athletics once already and potentially a second time looming.

Look I don’t care who’s guilty or innocent in the matter and I’m well aware that other teams are not immune to these types of shenanigans and most of you have agreed with that statement. So why is it so hard to grasp the fact that any coach in the country is completely clueless? These kids were not in a titty bar after curfew they potentially broke some major rules here. The same rules many of you claim that saban does such a good job enforcing. I think he enforced them when it served him best and his history only reinforces that in my opinion.
Anyways thank for helping with the post count!

Petrino was of his own doing and anyone who knew the man before knew that Arkansas was making a deal with the devil when they signed him. He bolted Atlanta without a goodbye in the middle of a season.

Chizik had no proof on him or Auburn(as much as i hate to say it) so rumors and allegations that have no teeth are just that.

Myer did nothing i know about except recruit questionable players with a penchant for arrests. nothing wrong according to the NCAA, so please feel free to share on these three and what they did wrong.

In the Saban era he was the coach of record when they got put on probation for the school book scandal. He had nothing to do with it and suspended players when he found out about their involvement, he even assisted the NCAA to get the matter cleared up quickly, so yeah hes a real cheater for not having a thing to do with a scandal involving kids getting free books to learn with. And you are missing the point, why would he selectively choose this one player to overlook, when he hasnt done it in similar situation in the past? He's not who you think he is and you cant see that for your inability to see reason. He doesnt believe in cheating and preaches this to his players all the time. He has done the right thing every time a situation arose and you want us to believe he chose this one time to look the other way...talk about naive.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Im out guys, got a busy day tomorrow and I am way behind my bed time. Later guys.:suds:


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I do a great job at that errr day.

Trying to start up a small business though.

I got a job right now, trying to get something for more money or maybe some leverage.

I've thought about starting my own company, but I like security of steady pay.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Surprised Smiles hasn't chimed in yet, or did he in this fast moving shit storm?
Nothing brings out the haters and the folks with a twisted agenda like a good old set of accusations. This one is right up Smile's ally. (A place I sure don't want to be)