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Alabama players getting paid?


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And you seem ignorant of Saban and his coaching style. Saban doesnt have a hold on Bama. We love the man and this has nothing to do with Saban at all. This has everything to do with a kid who possibly took extra benefits. You trying to make it more shows desperation and wreaks of ass ache. Kinda like rapes can happen by your own players and the coaching staff not know about them. Hell kinda like a players girlfriend dying and then not existing at all, but the coaching staff didnt know, right. Things happen and the coaches dont always know, nor does the administration, Just proved that to you with your own program

no differnt then your boys huddling in a hotel room gnawing on deer antlers with each other.

I didnt say saban knew i said someone knew. BTW


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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This wasnt lunch money exchanging hands here this was some serious cash. Rather my team does it or not has nothing to do with it. I didnt see any notre dame players listed in there.

As far as Sabans zero tolerance policy i am willing to bet its pretty lax. I have yet to see saban deliver punishment fitting of the crime. give me a break.

So you didnt see Dareus sit two games(at Sabans request) awaiting word from the NCAA on his eligibility a couple of years ago. He suspended players in 2007 that were key to the teams success and depth during the schoolbook scandal. He suspended Antoine Caldwell before the Sugar bowl against Utah due to suspected involvement with an agent. And dont even get me started on the four players this year who committed a crime on campus that were immediately suspended and then permanently released. See, knowledge is valuable and you appear to not have any about the subject you are spouting off about, best be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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no differnt then your boys huddling in a hotel room gnawing on deer antlers with each other.

I didnt say saban knew i said someone knew. BTW

No one within the coaching staff knew or they would tell Saban, this is as ludicrous a statement as the deer antler one. By the way, that spray has been approved legal by the NFL as its all natural.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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I’m sorry things have been too good to be true in sec land for far too long. Looks like this may be the beginning of the end. I find it funny that Alabama fans don’t think any of this could remotely cause problems or administration didn’t know. Bull$hit they didn’t know they just chose to look the other way and they should be punished as well. I hate to use this as an example but, penn state admins and coach knew about Sandusky and turned cheek. I have no doubt this was no secret amongst school officials and coaches. I would not want to have a title stripped form my team because of some greedy little shit breaking the rules and to make matters worse two titles could be on the line here.
With all the criticism of the NCAA by major programs I wouldn’t get to confident about nothing coming out of this. I can assure the NCAA doesn’t want to lose its position and will make an example out of someone hopefully sooner than later.

Sorry Domer, but you just aren't thinking straight.

- The case to look at here is the UNC case. The players received about the same amount of money. However, and this is the big however, there were 13 players involved (just 1 for Bama), a coach was implicated in selling access to the athletes, there was the tutor situation, and the coach and tutor didn't cooperate. The penalty involved vacating 16 winds over 2 years. Unless you see that level of connection to the university, which I seriously doubt with Saban as the head coach, there will be no Bama penalties.

This is UNC ... ACC ... if you think this only happens in the SEC, I can't imagine for a minute how you got into Notre Dame.

- Thus far, there is no evidence that the university knew about this, or had any connection with the agents. For this to fall on the university, that will have to be shown. I can't imagine for a second that Saban would have done this ... he doesn't need to. He can get all the 5 stars he wants.

- No matter how much the schools and coaches try to keep this from happening, it will always happen due to the greed of the agents, and the greed or circumstances of the players.

- Bama fans who are discounting this and saying there is no evidence, or this is like the JFF situation: think again. The NCAA moved quickly of JFF because they needed him playing or not playing this year. There is no urgency here, and the facts will come out. My guess is that the texts and bank records will be proved up ... they weren't just made up by someone. The NCAA will have time to firm up this evidence.

- I am going out on old memories here, but my recollection is that Alabama has some tough football agent laws. It wouldn't surprise me to see them come into this, and if they do, they have subpoena power and all will come out. Moreover, if these funds were wire transferred from one state to another, you will likely see the FBI involved in this. If law enforcement gets into this, you can kiss the "they can't prove it" defense.

In summary:

- I am confident that this happened.
- I am even more confident this happens all the time in all conferences ... give your anti-SEC hate a rest.
- I am confident that Bama and Saban are not involved and will be cleared, no wins vacated.
- I am less confident for MSU ... after the Scam issue, and the fact that MSU has to do things like this to get kids to come to Starkville, we might see some fire along with the smoke from an MSU perspective.
- I am guessing these sports agents will be pursued by Alabama law enforcement who want to keep this out of Alabama.
- In that 4 of the 5 players are gone, I'd bet that nothing will come of it for this year.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So you didnt see Dareus sit two games(at Sabans request) awaiting word from the NCAA on his eligibility a couple of years ago. He suspended players in 2007 that were key to the teams success and depth during the schoolbook scandal. He suspended Antoine Caldwell before the Sugar bowl against Utah due to suspected involvement with an agent. See, knowledge is valuable and you appear to not have any about the subject you are spouting off about, best be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Again suspended them briefly Punishment didn’t fit the crime. Saban is such a hard ass but yet allowed kids to jeopardize his career without his knowledge or involvement. Yeah right. I may not know football as you say but I sure am glad I understand life a lot better than you.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Again suspended them briefly Punishment didn’t fit the crime. Saban is such a hard ass but yet allowed kids to jeopardize his career without his knowledge or involvement. Yeah right. I may not know football as you say but I sure am glad I understand life a lot better than you.

What crime, Dareus was found to not have contact with the agent who threw the party he attended and left as soon as he found out. He reported it to Saban who reported it to the NCAA and Sat Dareus until it was cleared. Two games is alot to pay for not doing anything. Caldwell was suspended for his last game ever, he went into the draft after that game, that sounds pretty harsh to not get to play in your last bowl game ever and biggest of his short career at Bama. One man or an entire group of men cannot be everywhere all the time and back door deals happen all the time. You understand life about as well as you know football.


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Aug 2, 2011
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- I am confident that Bama and Saban are not involved and will be cleared, no wins vacated.
- In that 4 of the 5 players are gone, I'd bet that nothing will come of it for this year.

Why does it matter that the players left? Isn't there a rule that if you play an ineligible player you vacate wins, and if you play an ineligible player in a bowl game you receive a bowl ban? Or do you think the NCAA will just not investigate at all. The involvement of Bama and Saban are irrelevant, is it not?


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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Again suspended them briefly Punishment didn’t fit the crime. Saban is such a hard ass but yet allowed kids to jeopardize his career without his knowledge or involvement. Yeah right. I may not know football as you say but I sure am glad I understand life a lot better than you.

If you think life is this simple, you don't know anything about it either.

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
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Again suspended them briefly Punishment didn’t fit the crime. Saban is such a hard ass but yet allowed kids to jeopardize his career without his knowledge or involvement. Yeah right. I may not know football as you say but I sure am glad I understand life a lot better than you.

Right, and military company commanders know every single thing every one of their soldiers does on their off-time too, right?

Good grief, you can't be this ignorant.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What crime, Dareus was found to not have contact with the agent who threw the party he attended and left as soon as he found out. He reported it to Saban who reported it to the NCAA and Sat Dareus until it was cleared. Two games is alot to pay for not doing anything. Caldwell was suspended for his last game ever, he went into the draft after that game, that sounds pretty harsh to not get to play in your last bowl game ever and biggest of his short career at Bama. One man or an entire group of men cannot be everywhere all the time and back door deals happen all the time. You understand life about as well as you know football.

Your right no one can be everywhere at once but if you honestly believe that these 19 and 20 year old kids didnt talk and that talk didnt get back to saban or a coach on the staff your nutz. I dont know who this Dareus is but again i doubt this kid left right away and if he did what did saban have to worry about. If he left as you say he did no harm no foul why sit him? Let the ncaa look into it which would bring to question why in the hell this kid was at an agents house to begin with.

I understand the facts just fine pal and you can try and cloud them all you want whatever helps you sleep at night.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Why does it matter that the players left? Isn't there a rule that if you play an ineligible player you vacate wins, and if you play an ineligible player in a bowl game you receive a bowl ban? Or do you think the NCAA will just not investigate at all. The involvement of Bama and Saban are irrelevant, is it not?

I hate to think of it this way..but considering the possibility that even though usc didn't know about bush....and saban probably doesn't know about this. that the 2 aren't going to be similar results...most usc fans like me are bitter about the undeserved sanctions. looking around pointing fingers when other schools commit infractions. its been said the committee was just out to get USC, took the word of an ex convict etc... are they going to have that same motivation against Alabama....remains to be seen....

once its all over how many of us are going to be saying...well Alabama got a slap on the wrist..sec bias continues lol


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I hate to think of it this way..but considering the possibility that even though usc didn't know about bush....and saban probably doesn't know about this. that the 2 aren't going to be similar results...most usc fans like me are bitter about the undeserved sanctions. looking around pointing fingers when other schools commit infractions. its been said the committee was just out to get USC, took the word of an ex convict etc... are they going to have that same motivation against Alabama....remains to be seen....

once its all over how many of us are going to be saying...well Alabama got a slap on the wrist..sec bias continues lol

Actually, Alabama has already been buttfucked by the NCAA before USC did. Hell that's a big reason why I don't usually say much about this stuff with other teams because I know first hand how dumb it can be.

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
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Your right no one can be everywhere at once but if you honestly believe that these 19 and 20 year old kids didnt talk and that talk didnt get back to saban or a coach on the staff your nutz.

I served as an investigating officer in Iraq, and some of the soldiers there (19 to 22 year-olds) were having illicit drugs mailed in so they could consume them and sell them to other soldiers. Wanna guess how many NCOs, soldiers they thought were too straight-laced, and officers they told of their activities?


Their activities were discovered by other junior soldiers, who provided anonymous tips, which busted the case wide open. And these were Infantry soldiers deployed to a theater of combat, supposedly under tight supervision. Unfortunately, when they were off-duty, they were free to go to their CHUs or anywhere else on the FOB they wanted - and their activities were not monitored.

Similarly, the alleged violations in the case of the Alabama players was uncovered by reporting sources, and yes - based on human nature, there's a very good chance Saban and his staff knew nothing about it until very recently.

But just as a company commander is punished for the violations of his soldiers, even though he knew nothing about them and attempted to maintain good order and discipline within the unit, so too Saban and his team will be subject to punishment. We get that. We don't have to like it, but we get it.

What we refuse to tolerate are unfounded accusations that he knew. So either put forth evidence that he knew, or pound sand.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Your right no one can be everywhere at once but if you honestly believe that these 19 and 20 year old kids didnt talk and that talk didnt get back to saban or a coach on the staff your nutz. I dont know who this Dareus is but again i doubt this kid left right away and if he did what did saban have to worry about. If he left as you say he did no harm no foul why sit him? Let the ncaa look into it which would bring to question why in the hell this kid was at an agents house to begin with.

I understand the facts just fine pal and you can try and cloud them all you want whatever helps you sleep at night.

So you find it hard to believe that a kid who is protecting his mother, who was homeless according to someone i spoke with tonight, didnt talk to his fellow players about getting money? Why would he tell them if he knew they would rat him out? Would you spout off about it to anybody not knowing if you could trust them with that kind of information? if so then you really dont know how the world works. Just think about this for a moment, kid A is a star player and is taking money, kid B is a backup and wants that job badly but cant get past player A. B finds out about A getting money and outs him to the coaches. this is how it works pal. These are teammates but also competitors for starting positions on one of the best teams in the country and most of them are 4-5 star players, dont think their loyalty would hinder an outing for a starting spot, not to mention it would be the right thing to do. You are way too naive about how football teams work to have ever played and too naive to be very old, either that or stupid as hell.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I served as an investigating officer in Iraq, and some of the soldiers there (19 to 22 year-olds) were having illicit drugs mailed in so they could consume them and sell them to other soldiers. Wanna guess how many NCOs, soldiers they thought were too straight-laced, and officers they told of their activities?


Their activities were discovered by other junior soldiers, who provided anonymous tips, which busted the case wide open. And these were Infantry soldiers deployed to a theater of combat, supposedly under tight supervision. Unfortunately, when they were off-duty, they were free to go to their CHUs or anywhere else on the FOB they wanted - and their activities were not monitored.

Similarly, the alleged violations in the case of the Alabama players was uncovered by reporting sources, and yes - based on human nature, there's a very good chance Saban and his staff knew nothing about it until very recently.

But just as a company commander is punished for the violations of his soldiers, even though he knew nothing about them and attempted to maintain good order and discipline within the unit, so too Saban and his team will be subject to punishment. We get that. We don't have to like it, but we get it.

What we refuse to tolerate are unfounded accusations that he knew. So either put forth evidence that he knew, or pound sand.

Didn’t the military teach you common sense or were you pounding sand during that lesson. Wartime and college life are way different. Not saying it was good of the soldiers for pulling stunts like that but I’m sure it was expected and even more so being on foreign soil.
As I mentioned before there is no way second hand information slipped past saban and crew. Kids talk, brag, and impress girls at that age no way someone doesn’t hear something. Never said saban had direct knowledge but I have no doubt he wasn’t informed or suspected before the rest of us.

All bullshit aside from a military brat to a veteran thank you!


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Jul 17, 2013
North Country of Vermont
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Three NFL agents and a financial adviser told Yahoo Sports

Whats their motivation?

Not sure of the particulars of this case. But in the past, agents have turned on players if they fronted them cash during their college years, only to be dropped when the player goes pro & decides to do business with another agent

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not sure of the particulars of this case. But in the past, agents have turned on players if they fronted them cash during their college years, only to be dropped when the player goes pro & decides to do business with another agent

Can those agents then be charged with a crime or sued?