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Alabama players getting paid?


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Can those agents then be charged with a crime or sued?

In Alabama they can, there are laws on the books to stop just this thing and LawDawg was saying if the money was wired as a transfer, then the FBI can get involved also. This could turn bad for the people with the money.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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No one within the coaching staff knew or they would tell Saban, this is as ludicrous a statement as the deer antler one. By the way, that spray has been approved legal by the NFL as its all natural.

hgh is technically natural

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Didn’t the military teach you common sense or were you pounding sand during that lesson. Wartime and college life are way different. Not saying it was good of the soldiers for pulling stunts like that but I’m sure it was expected and even more so being on foreign soil.
We're discussing young 19 to 22-year old men under tight supervision, doing illegal or illicit things and hiding them from both their cohorts and their superiors. Which part of the analogy confuses you?
As I mentioned before there is no way second hand information slipped past saban and crew.
Sure there is, assuming the perpetrators wanted to keep what they were doing a secret, and it appears they wanted to do just that, based on what we see in the article.
Kids talk, brag, and impress girls at that age no way someone doesn’t hear something.
Yet in this case, the information was apparently leaked by three NFL agents. Can you think of a reason they'd have wanted to squeal?
Never said saban had direct knowledge but I have no doubt he wasn’t informed or suspected before the rest of us.
While you may have your doubts, think we'll see he and his fellow coaches vindicated - at least in their lack of knowledge regarding these particular alleged violations.

All bullshit aside from a military brat to a veteran thank you!
Retired now, but you're welcome.

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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In Alabama they can, there are laws on the books to stop just this thing and LawDawg was saying if the money was wired as a transfer, then the FBI can get involved also. This could turn bad for the people with the money.

Good. I'd like to see all of those agents put permanently on the streets with nothing but the clothes they're wearing.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So you find it hard to believe that a kid who is protecting his mother, who was homeless according to someone i spoke with tonight, didnt talk to his fellow players about getting money? Why would he tell them if he knew they would rat him out? Would you spout off about it to anybody not knowing if you could trust them with that kind of information? if so then you really dont know how the world works. Just think about this for a moment, kid A is a star player and is taking money, kid B is a backup and wants that job badly but cant get past player A. B finds out about A getting money and outs him to the coaches. this is how it works pal. These are teammates but also competitors for starting positions on one of the best teams in the country and most of them are 4-5 star players, dont think their loyalty would hinder an outing for a starting spot, not to mention it would be the right thing to do. You are way too naive about how football teams work to have ever played and too naive to be very old, either that or stupid as hell.

[FONT=&quot]Now you are reaching. Teammates very rarely rat on each other and I would find it hard to believe if a backup knew about playa getting money would he ruin his own chance for the same handout. Greed is a disease and spreads like one. So yes I do think they would stay quiet if they thought the benefits are worth the wait. It’s not like two seniors are competing for the job most recruits know before they step on campus they will have to wait their turn and pay their dues.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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hgh is technically natural

sure it is, but I dont think the NFL thinks so. They did rule on the deer antler formulas by that one company and found them to be no threatening and legal under their testing procedures. From what I heard they found them to be of little benefit too, but thats another story.

I saw that spray in a sports and health magazine recently and had to laugh that its now becoming common place among lifters and sports people.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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[FONT=&quot]Now you are reaching. Teammates very rarely rat on each other and I would find it hard to believe if a backup knew about playa getting money would he ruin his own chance for the same handout. Greed is a disease and spreads like one. So yes I do think they would stay quiet if they thought the benefits are worth the wait. It’s not like two seniors are competing for the job most recruits know before they step on campus they will have to wait their turn and pay their dues.

You have never played have you? if you say you have you are lying through your teeth. Teammates will rat on each other if its a detriment to the team, especially on a team that the coach preaches teamwork and being a part of something great. You believe what you want, but I know Saban well enough to know if he or his staff knew at anytime other than just recently, this kid would have not seen another game and they would have informed the NCAA of possible violations immediately. I have seen it happen in the past and nothing has changed. I am just glad i dont see things in such a twisted manner that i can see the facts of the past and believe that a coach would not do the right thing in this situation also, had he known.


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Jul 17, 2013
North Country of Vermont
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I am skeptical that what the agent did was wrong. What the agent did is front money to the player, in expectation that he will financially benefit when the player goes pro. It is just the same as if you or I put seed money down in a friends new business, in the hopes of realizing returns further down the road when our buddy has his business up & running

So I think the question is this: Is it legal for an agent to have a relational with a player prior to his graduation?
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2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I am not enttirly sure what the agent did was wrong. What the agent did is front money to the player, in expectation that he will financially benefit when the player goes pro. It is just the same as if you or I put seed money down in a friends new business, in the hopes of realizing returns further down the road when our buddy has his business up & running

So I think the question is this: Is it legal for an agent to have a relational with a player prior to his graduation?

Not in the State of Alabama, they frown on that involvement from past experiences that got Alabama into hot water with the NCAA and had no involvement themselves. boosters or Agents are covered under this law as well as anyone found to have improper contact or relations with a player that constitutes and violation of NCAA rules.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You have never played have you? if you say you have you are lying through your teeth. Teammates will rat on each other if its a detriment to the team, especially on a team that the coach preaches teamwork and being a part of something great. You believe what you want, but I know Saban well enough to know if he or his staff knew at anytime other than just recently, this kid would have not seen another game and they would have informed the NCAA of possible violations immediately. I have seen it happen in the past and nothing has changed. I am just glad i dont see things in such a twisted manner that i can see the facts of the past and believe that a coach would not do the right thing in this situation also, had he known.

Yes douche I have played and have two state titles to show for it. Since you brought it up I also played high school football with a couple blue chip recruits that not only attended university of Nebraska but one played in the 95 championship game and the other was a starter at full back for three years.
High school football and college are two different animals I have seen it first hand and am here to tell you coaches and staff including Alabama and Notre dame know more than they will admit. It’s called covering your ass and that’s life you inbreed hillbilly.


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Jul 17, 2013
North Country of Vermont
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Not in the State of Alabama, they frown on that involvement from past experiences that got Alabama into hot water with the NCAA and had no involvement themselves. boosters or Agents are covered under this law as well as anyone found to have improper contact or relations with a player that constitutes and violation of NCAA rules.

thanks bandwagon. So any agent in the state of Alabama that has a business relationship with a player prior to graduation is running amok of the law. But this is what gnaws at me. How can the state declare illegal a simple business relationship? In other words, how can the State of Alabama use its authority to enforce NCAA rules? Again, I am not a lawyer, just trying to understand this


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
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I imagine the state of Alabama has a shit load of agents that are balls to the wall ready to investigate this shit now-a-days....or not. :llama:


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes douche I have played and have two state titles to show for it. Since you brought it up I also played high school football with a couple blue chip recruits that not only attended university of Nebraska but one played in the 95 championship game and the other was a starter at full back for three years.
High school football and college are two different animals I have seen it first hand and am here to tell you coaches and staff including Alabama and Notre dame know more than they will admit. It’s called covering your ass and that’s life you inbreed hillbilly.

Yep, if you've seen it once 20 years ago it's obvious everyone else is just like it.

Wait, what?


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There is one thing some people here don't seem to get.

Agents do not benefit the schools at all.

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not in the State of Alabama, they frown on that involvement from past experiences that got Alabama into hot water with the NCAA and had no involvement themselves. boosters or Agents are covered under this law as well as anyone found to have improper contact or relations with a player that constitutes and violation of NCAA rules.

Found this with a google search. Is that what you meant?


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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thanks bandwagon. So any agent in the state of Alabama that has a business relationship with a player prior to graduation is running amok of the law. But this is what gnaws at me. How can the state declare illegal a simple business relationship? In other words, how can the State of Alabama use its authority to enforce NCAA rules? Again, I am not a lawyer, just trying to understand this

If they are signed and giving them money. I believe i heard that agents can have inadvertent contact with a player, but they cannot correspond or negotiate a deal until after they are officially not part of the team anymore. The state is not enforcing the rules in that sense. A few years back a booster paid a large sum for a player to be steered towards Alabama. The kid was not worth the money, but the booster payed it anyway. He died before he served a day in jail, the player(if memory serves me) never played a down and transferred to a smaller college and is now a high school coach i think. The coaches who got the money i think did some time in Tennessee. At any rate, Alabama takes a dim view of this activity and has taken steps to prosecute those who would involve themselves in this manner.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yep, if you've seen it once 20 years ago it's obvious everyone else is just like it.

Wait, what?

Saban took the Alabama job after lying to the sports world about staying in Miami and you think he wouldn’t throw a kid under the bus to save his own ass. Please!


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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sure it is, but I dont think the NFL thinks so. They did rule on the deer antler formulas by that one company and found them to be no threatening and legal under their testing procedures. From what I heard they found them to be of little benefit too, but thats another story.

I saw that spray in a sports and health magazine recently and had to laugh that its now becoming common place among lifters and sports people.

Speaking of deer antlers I had a great summer on buck shed hunting.

Got 2 antler sets matching and 7 solo antlers. Me n pops put time into though. Ice cold beer wandering the Oregon forest for antlers. Great times.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Saban took the Alabama job after lying to the sports world about staying in Miami and you think he wouldn’t throw a kid under the bus to save his own ass. Please!

You're an idiot. You say you understand life, but you don't understand crap like this?