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Alabama players getting paid?

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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I know, but the JFF "evidence" amounted to him being videotaped signing autographs. The folks who were said to have paid JFF denied paying him.

In this Alabama case, as with the USC, case some of the folks who are supposed to have been paying players, are saying that they are paying players.

In the USC case, a convicted felon said he paid the Bush family and Coach McNair knew!! Coach McNair said he didn't know and the NCAA decided that the convicted felon's testimony was credible and Coach McNair's was not!!

Again, it's the NCAA and it's the ultimate kangaroo court!! I sincerely hope that nothing comes of this. I'm just telling you how the NCAA operated in the USC case!!
JFF got off because A&M would have brought up every autograph any player has made over the last 20 years and buried the NCAA and cost millions across the bd. It just wasn't worth it.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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I actually see more of an issue with OSU because their dumbass AD came out and apologized to the conference which almost like a confession. That guy should get fired.

Or T. Boone Pickens saying its not indicative of OSU now. Talk about asking for an NCAA investigation and penalty phase.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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Fluker was homeless and stuff and I think he did it to take care of his mom(assuming he did it, if I had to bet money I'd bet he took it).

The other stuff I dunno.

I was about to post this myself. Fluker had a tough deal especially going into his high school years. It's hard for somebody in that situation to not take something that can better themselves exponentially in the immediate future even if they know it could possibly hurt them down the road. That's human nature. And that is even compounded by the fact that honestly, Fluker is far from the brightest bulb in the Southern Electrical Cooperative.......he is very naïve. He is also a good person though from what I know about him, and whose character would lead to him being better than that if he were in a better situation from a few different perspectives. Not playing him to be 100% innocent here, but these agent/booster fucks like this need to be taken behind the barn and skull fucked by Hillary Clinton with a 14" pink strap on.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I thought the NCAA said he should have known based on the enormity of the benefits?

No, they said USC should have known!!

Basically, it came down to the felon saying McNair knew and McNair saying he didn't. The NCAA believed the felon. Once they decided that McNair knew, they said that USC "should have known" because he should have reported it.

Only problem was, they never proved that McNair knew, they just took the felon's word for it!!


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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I was about to post this myself. Fluker had a tough deal especially going into his high school years. It's hard for somebody in that situation to not take something that can better themselves exponentially in the immediate future even if they know it could possibly hurt them down the road. That's human nature. And that is even compounded by the fact that honestly, Fluker is far from the brightest bulb in the Southern Electrical Cooperative.......he is very naïve. He is also a good person though from what I know about him, and whose character would lead to him being better than that if he were in a better situation from a few different perspectives. Not playing him to be 100% innocent here, but these agent/booster fucks like this need to be taken behind the barn and skull fucked by Hillary Clinton with a 14" pink strap on.

I bet her dick is bigger than Bills


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I was about to post this myself. Fluker had a tough deal especially going into his high school years. It's hard for somebody in that situation to not take something that can better themselves exponentially in the immediate future even if they know it could possibly hurt them down the road. That's human nature. And that is even compounded by the fact that honestly, Fluker is far from the brightest bulb in the Southern Electrical Cooperative.......he is very naïve. He is also a good person though from what I know about him, and whose character would lead to him being better than that if he were in a better situation from a few different perspectives. Not playing him to be 100% innocent here, but these agent/booster fucks like this need to be taken behind the barn and skull fucked by Hillary Clinton with a 14" pink strap on.

:laugh3:Talk about cruel and unusual punishment!!:laugh3:


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
Hoopla Cash
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I bet her dick is bigger than Bills



This space intentionally left blank
Sep 11, 2013
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I was about to post this myself. Fluker had a tough deal especially going into his high school years. It's hard for somebody in that situation to not take something that can better themselves exponentially in the immediate future even if they know it could possibly hurt them down the road. That's human nature. And that is even compounded by the fact that honestly, Fluker is far from the brightest bulb in the Southern Electrical Cooperative.......he is very naïve. He is also a good person though from what I know about him, and whose character would lead to him being better than that if he were in a better situation from a few different perspectives. Not playing him to be 100% innocent here, but these agent/booster fucks like this need to be taken behind the barn and skull fucked by Hillary Clinton with a 14" pink strap on.

There are some things you can't unsee. :gaah:

But, I do agree.
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Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I’m sorry things have been too good to be true in sec land for far too long. Looks like this may be the beginning of the end. I find it funny that Alabama fans don’t think any of this could remotely cause problems or administration didn’t know. Bull$hit they didn’t know they just chose to look the other way and they should be punished as well. I hate to use this as an example but, penn state admins and coach knew about Sandusky and turned cheek. I have no doubt this was no secret amongst school officials and coaches. I would not want to have a title stripped form my team because of some greedy little shit breaking the rules and to make matters worse two titles could be on the line here.
With all the criticism of the NCAA by major programs I wouldn’t get to confident about nothing coming out of this. I can assure the NCAA doesn’t want to lose its position and will make an example out of someone hopefully sooner than later.


Reigning "Last to post" Champion
Aug 30, 2011
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:tsk: college football....can't we all just play fair?


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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I was about to post this myself. Fluker had a tough deal especially going into his high school years. It's hard for somebody in that situation to not take something that can better themselves exponentially in the immediate future even if they know it could possibly hurt them down the road. That's human nature. And that is even compounded by the fact that honestly, Fluker is far from the brightest bulb in the Southern Electrical Cooperative.......he is very naïve. He is also a good person though from what I know about him, and whose character would lead to him being better than that if he were in a better situation from a few different perspectives. Not playing him to be 100% innocent here, but these agent/booster fucks like this need to be taken behind the barn and skull fucked by Hillary Clinton with a 14" pink strap on.[/QUOTE]

There are some things you can't unsee. :gaah:

But, I do agree.

They are the worst thing about college athletics, imo, and have been for quite some time. In the case of these boosters...they are grown ass mean getting their jollies off of paying underprivileged (mostly) minors to hopefully help their favorite sports team out. These fucks actually feel good about themselves because they have the power to do that and influence their team's future records without playing a snap or coaching a down. They have no place in college sports and are less respectable to me than dog shit on my shoe.

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I’m sorry things have been too good to be true in sec land for far too long. Looks like this may be the beginning of the end. I find it funny that Alabama fans don’t think any of this could remotely cause problems or administration didn’t know.

It can certainly cause problems, and the administration could certainly be ignorant of what happened.

I find it funny that folks are ready to throw Saban and his team under the bus because of the alleged actions of a very few, who certainly most likely did what they could to keep their actions hidden.

Are you so butthurt over Notre Dame getting their teeth kicked in by Bama, that you're willing to assume the absolute worst without supporting evidence? If so, you sir are a sad, sad individual.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I’m sorry things have been too good to be true in sec land for far too long. Looks like this may be the beginning of the end. I find it funny that Alabama fans don’t think any of this could remotely cause problems or administration didn’t know. Bull$hit they didn’t know they just chose to look the other way and they should be punished as well. I hate to use this as an example but, penn state admins and coach knew about Sandusky and turned cheek. I have no doubt this was no secret amongst school officials and coaches. I would not want to have a title stripped form my team because of some greedy little shit breaking the rules and to make matters worse two titles could be on the line here.
With all the criticism of the NCAA by major programs I wouldn’t get to confident about nothing coming out of this. I can assure the NCAA doesn’t want to lose its position and will make an example out of someone hopefully sooner than later.

If you think Saban/staff knew then you don't know what the hell you are talking about. He has proven over and over that he has no trouble suspending and not playing even the best players before major bowl games. And he did it when there was even less talent on the team than we have had the past couple of years.

They go to great lengths to cut this kind of stuff out as much as possible.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I’m sorry things have been too good to be true in sec land for far too long. Looks like this may be the beginning of the end. I find it funny that Alabama fans don’t think any of this could remotely cause problems or administration didn’t know. Bull$hit they didn’t know they just chose to look the other way and they should be punished as well. I hate to use this as an example but, penn state admins and coach knew about Sandusky and turned cheek. I have no doubt this was no secret amongst school officials and coaches. I would not want to have a title stripped form my team because of some greedy little shit breaking the rules and to make matters worse two titles could be on the line here.
With all the criticism of the NCAA by major programs I wouldn’t get to confident about nothing coming out of this. I can assure the NCAA doesn’t want to lose its position and will make an example out of someone hopefully sooner than later.

Things have been good in the SEC, but not due to what you think is happening.

If you think Alabama's coach knew about this and did nothing, you obviously dont know shit about football. Research Marcel Dareus, or Antoine Caldwell and you will see that if Saban knows about a violation he handles it and reports it to the NCAA. It cost him a game in the Caldwell situation, Dareus was cleared of wrongdoing and go to play after a two game suspension. Saban is about ZERO tolerance and he has shown that time and again. If you dont know this then as i stated before, you dont know shit about football.

You cant take what happened at PSU and compare it even one bit to Alabama as its two different environments and JoPa had a stranglehold on that school and even the board was afraid to cross him for years. No one is afraid of Saban at Alabama(except the players) as they pay his salary and can replace him tomorrow if need be, maybe not with a good of a coach, but they would not have a problem getting another coach for the asking.


Reigning "Last to post" Champion
Aug 30, 2011
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It can certainly cause problems, and the administration could certainly be ignorant of what happened.

I find it funny that folks are ready to throw Saban and his team under the bus because of the alleged actions of a very few, who certainly most likely did what they could to keep their actions hidden.

Are you so butthurt over Notre Dame getting their teeth kicked in by Bama, that you're willing to assume the absolute worst without supporting evidence? If so, you sir are a sad, sad individual.

Lane deflections are lame. Read the article, I'd say that it's pretty good evidence. Don't act like you weren't laughing at USC when they were getting kicked in the teeth for one of their players receiving improper benefits from an agent.

UNA Lion

Roar Lions & Roll Tide!
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 756.51
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Lane deflections are lame. Read the article, I'd say that it's pretty good evidence. Don't act like you weren't laughing at USC when they were getting kicked in the teeth for one of their players receiving improper benefits from an agent.

Show me in the article evidence of your assertion that Saban, fellow coaches, or other team member knew about it.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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If you think Saban/staff knew then you don't know what the hell you are talking about. He has proven over and over that he has no trouble suspending and not playing even the best players before major bowl games. And he did it when there was even less talent on the team than we have had the past couple of years.

They go to great lengths to cut this kind of stuff out as much as possible.

Not 100% true, but I doubt myself that he knew the details of this specific situation.


Reigning "Last to post" Champion
Aug 30, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Show me in the article evidence of your assertion that Saban, fellow coaches, or other team member knew about it.

I didnt make one. It doesn't matter, you have to control your players.


Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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It can certainly cause problems, and the administration could certainly be ignorant of what happened.

I find it funny that folks are ready to throw Saban and his team under the bus because of the alleged actions of a very few, who certainly most likely did what they could to keep their actions hidden.

Are you so butthurt over Notre Dame getting their teeth kicked in by Bama, that you're willing to assume the absolute worst without supporting evidence? If so, you sir are a sad, sad individual.[/QU

not as butthurt as you will be when last years title and the one before it are stripped from the tide. Didnt say one word about the title game bama won. Just saying your coaches and admins knew what was up and nothing you say will make me change my mind. There is NO way that kind of cash is exchanging hands without word getting out no freaking way.