Once the Mariners reach a point where they're contenders, I have no issue with supplementing the team through free agency.
Well there is the problem. There is no contending with what we currently have or will have via the minors. This whole place holding until kids are ready is just BS. You build the best team possible and if the kids in the minors can help then you are only stronger. Nats didn't hold a spot for Soto and other pups. They made them earn it and had vets around them to teach and show them the way. They let Harper go when they thought the kids were ready to take over which was the right move, but they never reserved spots for them. They also bought free agents year by year until they built a damn good starting rotation. They could have never added them all in one year because they all wouldn't be available in the same year. In order to add future studs, you first have to have current studs to attract them.
People use Felix's long term deal as a cautionary tale, but they only see the last few bad years and tend to forget the 15 great years or whatever it was. The contract they gave him was never the issue. The issue was, like the Cano deal, they never added to the talent pool afterwards.
You can say they got lucky with the Cano deal but luck plays no part. There are dumb GM's out there all the time willing to make a splash. We found the right one which is rare because we are usually the one. His signing never hurt us nor did it keep us from going forward. Only a self imposed spending limit stopped us and an inability to draft and develop for decades. You get what you pay for with GM's and we tend to search for them on the sale rack.