Well-Known Member
“I’ve always said this – when the value is similar, you’re going to go with the need,” Baalke said. “When the value is not similar, if there is a guy you have rated extremely high and the next guy is a tier down from that or two tiers down, you’re not going to take that two-tiered guy that’s two tiers below because you need that position.”
yes, yes, yes!
unfortunately for us, we'll never know who our BPA's are? We're not 49er Assistant Coaches, not in the Personnel Department, don't know the schemes in detail, are not experience talent evaluators, ie simply not qualified despite what we think.
So for all the months leading up to the draft, all we can do is use Need.
My guess here cause I am not a football GM, but I don't think in football it is a simple choice between need and BPA. Teams always have more than a couple of needs, some needs are higher than others. I think it comes down to where a player fits on team needs versus how much better the other players are that are less of a need. Gms must develop some sort of a ranking system. I was a GM, I would try to do that. You don't always draft BPA. If you had a 25 year old Aaron Rodgers or Andrew Luck on your roster, would you use a top 5 pick on a QB if he was the BPA, of course not.