Harbor Center
Nice Pic IPW.
lol Shanny is awful
Then I just grab the entire cash register and a fifth of Windsor and make my getaway on my three speed Huffy
Using the fact that Schenn turned at the last minute to excuse the act is preposterous. Maybe even blasphemous or something like that. (I haven't seen the video yet, but I'm guessing that is the only way he could get off the hook on this)
It's like saying I was in the process of an armed robbery at a liquor store and the clerk saw me approaching the front door, ski mask on and gun in hand, and the clerk went to lock the door, but couldn't get there quite in time - I violently swing the door open and it knocks the clerk out cold. Then I just grab the entire cash register and a fifth of Windsor and make my getaway on my three speed Huffy.
So a few blocks later I get nabbed by the fuzz as it's rather difficult to ride a bike while trying to balance a full cash register on the handle bars while swigging Windsor at the same time.
Anyways, the clerk wants to sue me for his medical bills and lost wages from the door hitting him - is my defense the clerk shouldn't have ran for the door at the last second legit? It doesn't matter that I was already involved in something illegal (armed robbery in my case, charging in Wilson's case)? If I wasn't already doing something illegal, then the whole incident wouldn't have happened, correct? Or is my logic flawed?
It wasn't the only reason. The video is still pretty interesting. I would watch it.
That's what I saw at first too. Hard to tell with a still like that; need to see it in motion.
To me it looks like Brown goes to hit him, and then bails at the last second. Meanwhile, Hertl looks like he's attempting to brace for impact, but he also throws his leg out to trip him.