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10 Reasons why an Appeal Overturns TB12 Suspension


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Fair enough it must have been some other Pats fan. Pretty sure someone said they "make arguments for a living".

None the less, you are right, we absolutely don't know 100% for sure what the context is, but most reasonable people can connect the dots. I know prosecutors in the past have taken what mobsters were saying while on the phone and then determined what they really were saying by breaking their mob lingo code. If they can make the connection that "taking a guy to the car wash" really meant "burying him in the desert" then I'm fairly certain they can look at "the Deflator's" texts and figure out, with reasonable certainty, what the context was. Maybe I'm wrong. We'll find out soon enough as this plays out over the next few weeks.

I have said "I conduct investigations as part of my job" if that helps. And BigRed went around for a few months claiming I was a lawyer.

I've tried to approach this using what I have been taught, and this investigation stinks to no end. It's flawed at it's core and goes out of its way to create facts instead of follow the facts.


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Well I'm no rocket surgeon, but I think given this whole big deflating the balls fiasco and the equipment guy calling himself the deflator just looks incredibly suspicious and guilty. I believe you once said you are an attorney, or something like that, so you'd know that in a civil suit something like this might be enough to sway a jury to find a guilty verdict. Same with the NFL. Their burden of proof isn't as rigid as a criminal court. They just need to have enough circumstantial evidence to believe there was guilt and that's it.
Yeah. I think that Brady should just suck it up and take the penalty in order to try to save some of his credibility. I mean, four games? C'mon Man! You've got millions of dollars and a hot girlfriend, go take a vacation or something.


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Yeah. I think that Brady should just suck it up and take the penalty in order to try to save some of his credibility. I mean, four games? C'mon Man! You've got millions of dollars and a hot girlfriend, go take a vacation or something.

But for arguments purposes, what if he is in fact innocent? Would you still advise him the same?


Livin' la vida loca
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Brady already has a lawyer. Why would an innocent guy need such a "big gun" lawyer instead of his usual guy? It almost makes him look more guilty in a way.


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Brady already has a lawyer. Why would an innocent guy need such a "big gun" lawyer instead of his usual guy? It almost makes him look more guilty in a way.

The guy you are thinking of is his agent I believe. And if you are going to appeal you hire someone that is specialist in that particular area.


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Well since none of us were there I will speculate on how Brady and the two knuckleheads coukd easily explain them to an imparial party.
The texts are two disgruntled employees being pissed and joking about their boss.
What I think helps is the one text talking about tge NYJ game where the balls were around 16 psi. If that was the case and Brady's terrible performance that game. I could certainley se Brady cussing them out and telling them to ensure from now on the balls will always be at the league min.
The gifts? Easily explained do you have employees? Employees are always being rewarded for good work whether that be $, watches, trip, sports memorabilia.
Not saying I believe this but again I don't have to but it could be enough to sway a decision.

And who said the balls were at 16 pounds the ball boys? The refs checked the balls before the game and approved them so how did they get to 16 pounds? The 16 pound quote is BS


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You should watch this video, it's a great explanation of why you never talk to police, but more importantly in regards to investigations it shows how what is said can be twisted to mean whatever the investigator wants.

(You only need to watch the first 10-15 or so.)

Deflection. You can't explain away those texts and nobody is claiming they are inaccurate. Interesting that they were deleted isn't it?

The song by Shaggy really does reflect this case. Tell her it wasn't me, regardless .

I find Brady guilty, guilty, guilty!


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And who said the balls were at 16 pounds the ball boys? The refs checked the balls before the game and approved them so how did they get to 16 pounds? The 16 pound quote is BS

So in your world their quotes are bs as to the 16 psi, but their texts are gospel?

Don't look down, your bias is showing.:pound:


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I'm a roofer by trade, and I would never pretend to be a scummy lawyer. :nod:

It does look bad, I agree; however without the context it's useless as evidence.
The context is there damn it! It's a couple of equipment dudes talking about their Prima Donna QB.

Case closed!


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And who said the balls were at 16 pounds the ball boys? The refs checked the balls before the game and approved them so how did they get to 16 pounds? The 16 pound quote is BS
This part puzzled me as well. But it was said prior to the investigation so that's why I think it could be used as a defense?


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Deflection. You can't explain away those texts and nobody is claiming they are inaccurate. Interesting that they were deleted isn't it?

The song by Shaggy really does reflect this case. Tell her it wasn't me, regardless .

I find Brady guilty, guilty, guilty!

I delete texts everyday, what exactly is your point?


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So in your world their quotes are bs as to the 16 psi, but their texts are gospel?

Don't look down, your bias is showing.:pound:

No my thoughts are the gauge if they used one was fucked up as we all know the refs approve all the balls for each team before the game.

My guess is the refs follow the rules when checking the balls.

The rules state the air pressure for the balls is:

Polyvinyl chloride or leather laces are inserted through the perforations, to provide a grip for holding, hiking and passing the football. Before play, according to the NFL rules, the ball must be inflated to an air pressure between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch (86 and 93 kilopascals).

You are saying the refs added air and set them at 16 pounds. I call BS on that. First off why would the refs have to add air to any of the Patriot balls? Oh yes because they were under inflated to start out because Brady likes them that way. SO the refs added air to get them in the proper range.

After that Mr Deflator took over

That is what happened

yes it was BS that they were at 16 pounds the refs would not fill them that full do you have any idea how hard those would be?


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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I delete texts everyday, what exactly is your point?

Shannon Sharpe was on NFL radio this morning saying that when he was accused of sexual assaulting a woman a bunch of years ago Police wanted to see his texts. He said he happily gave them his phone, with his lawyer present to protect any info not relevant to what the police were looking for, because he knew he was innocent. He was baffled as to why Brady wouldn't have done the same thing to protect his integrity. Not that that proves anything. It was just an interesting anecdote from someone who did give his cellphone when requested.


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No my thoughts are the gauge if they used one was fucked up as we all know the refs approve all the balls for each team before the game.

My guess is the refs follow the rules when checking the balls.

The rules state the air pressure for the balls is:

Polyvinyl chloride or leather laces are inserted through the perforations, to provide a grip for holding, hiking and passing the football. Before play, according to the NFL rules, the ball must be inflated to an air pressure between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch (86 and 93 kilopascals).

You are saying the refs added air and set them at 16 pounds. I call BS on that. First off why would the refs have to add air to any of the Patriot balls? Oh yes because they were under inflated to start out because Brady likes them that way. SO the refs added air to get them in the proper range.

After that Mr Deflator took over

That is what happened

yes it was BS that they were at 16 pounds the refs would not fill them that full do you have any idea how hard those would be?



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Apr 19, 2013
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According to data presented by Warren Sharp, of Sharpfootballanalysis.com, the Patriots have, by a whopping margin, the best fumbles-to-play ratio since the start of the 2007 season, after Brady and Peyton Manning petitioned the league - to allow each team to supply its own footballs.

It's not only a whopping differential over those seasons, but a whopping differential measured against all of the teams in NFL history. After an 0-2 record in wet-weather games at Foxborough in 2006, the Patriots have a 14-1 home record playing in those games since.

Sharp asked a data scientist the chances of all that being coincidence. He was told it would be "like winning a raffle where you have a 0.0000616 probability to win."