Newly appointed fentanyl czar
Great hits by Tavares and Jumbo Joe on dirtbag Kesler tonight.
Is anyone else noticing that anytime David Amber asks Nick Kypreos a question Kyper turns to Elliotte to respond and ends his answer with "Elliotte"? Does he have beef with Amber?
there was something on twitter yesterday where one of them blocked the other, and then Kyper kept retweeting so the other would see the comments anyway
didn't pay attention enough to know who blocked whom, or why.
I'm sure he was lol.Amber blocked Elliott. Then posted an hour later that he was kidding around.
Nice sleeper holdgood pic
Nice sleeper hold
Nice sleeper hold
"I am Greg Valentine, and I approve this message"
Fantastic reference, although likely outside the main demographic that frequents this board.
I like how that German database product that I specialize in is a shoulder patch on these unis.
I know I am old, I still think the Macho Man/Ricky Steamboat match at WMIII was the best match of all time.
Time to call your sales engineer. We all want them. I'd prefer a team NA.
Well, I might have to do to Hasso Plattner directly, I called my local SAP sales guy a lying two-faced maggot.
/I stand by it to this day.