The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Thanks Sick for you effort. Here's to the Niners hitting gold in the 2nd the 3rd rounds. (No pun intended).

Will those guys even wanna come back though?
Can't blame them if they don't. Hammer and whoever else it could have been seemed to be on a power trip last night. A bit unnecessary if you ask me.
Really? I know Clyde was posting during the Draft and I thought Ray was as well.
Hey, if I can get reinstated...
Glad to hear Sick is a mod.
Good choice.
Will those guys even wanna come back though?
Can't blame them if they don't. Hammer and whoever else it could have been seemed to be on a power trip last night. A bit unnecessary if you ask me.
Not me. I hope its not true. He has threatened me several times on this board. I hope he doesn't get any power because I refuse to take any shit from him.
Exactly what I saw. Along with Toby trying to stir the pot and make it about him.
Not me. I hope its not true. He has threatened me several times on this board. I hope he doesn't get any power because I refuse to take any shit from him.
Sick will be a good mod. I've always kinda defended you but it's time for you to be an actual fan. Your gloom and doom is what people don't like. We have had one of the best teams in recent memory. Honestly, we should have at least two Super Bowls in the last three years but we don't, for whatever reason. You are safe but don't troll your own board, bro. That's not going to work for you anymore. Sick will go through Hammer but if a multitude of our board support it, people are going to get displaced. Don't let it be you, man.
Not me. I hope its not true. He has threatened me several times on this board. I hope he doesn't get any power because I refuse to take any shit from him.
Sick will be a good mod. I've always kinda defended you but it's time for you to be an actual fan. Your gloom and doom is what people don't like. We have had one of the best teams in recent memory. Honestly, we should have at least two Super Bowls in the last three years but we don't, for whatever reason. You are safe but don't troll your own board, bro. That's not going to work for you anymore. Sick will go through Hammer but if a multitude of our board support it, people are going to get displaced. Don't let it be you, man.
I never looked at Toby to be anything but a 9er fan. He is vocal when he disagrees with decisions made upstairs. As long as he has a foundation for his argument (and I think he usually does) he should be allowed his voice. Maybe I read him wrong, but his concerns have a lot of validity to me. He calls it as he sees it whether it ruffles feathers or not.
Then again, I'm probably out to lunch on this, as usual.
Bullshit. I was the only voice of moderation in the whole thread.
So things went to total shit today here, but I'm working on a compromise with Hammer to reinstate everyone who was banned including Ray.
I'm constructing a letter & working on getting it to them ASAP, and I'll update everyone as soon as I hear back. I'm hoping to put all this mess behind us & get back to watching the Niners kill it in round 2 of the draft tomorrow!
Stay tuned. I'll let you know regardless as soon as I hear anything.
Was AC banned?
Was AC banned?
A thread asking where Ray, clyde, imac and pozz were at on draft day disseminated into something ugly and some people were banned. Hammer, the owner of SportsHoopla, agreed to an arrangement where if yesterday's stuff doesn't spill over to today, clyde, Ray, AC, RVnight, and possibly others, will only receive temp bans because Sickness offered to watch the board and convince former mods Ray & clyde to play ball without yesterday/the past being brought up again.
Yesterday got REALLY ugly, and it was thought best to delete/hide the aforementioned thread because it wasn't helping anyone.