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POLL Who will win the NFC East?

Who will win the NFC East?

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Fountain City Blues

Love Everybody
Jul 2, 2013
The Gates of Hell
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So do you see Washington's defense as headcand shoulders over any other NFCE team? Do you see it as a difference making defense?
Depends what happens in Philly. I think it will definitely make it difficult for a guy like Dez Bryant or Odell to just run roughshod on the defense. Gives them a nice trump card in the division. In a playoff scenario, it helps them considerably as well. Dallas will be better than last year, but I am not sold it'll be enough.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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Depends what happens in Philly. I think it will definitely make it difficult for a guy like Dez Bryant or Odell to just run roughshod on the defense. Gives them a nice trump card in the division. In a playoff scenario, it helps them considerably as well. Dallas will be better than last year, but I am not sold it'll be enough.
I do see Philly as the best D in the NFCE, and the Giants D line can cause problems.


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Jul 19, 2013
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I do see Philly as the best D in the NFCE, and the Giants D line can cause problems.

Philly? Besides Cox and Jenkins I don't see much talent. Worst CB's in the division. No true pass rusher. Plus they are running a whole new defense this year. So their will be growing pains.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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Philly? Besides Cox and Jenkins I don't see much talent. Worst CB's in the division. No true pass rusher. Plus they are running a whole new defense this year. So their will be growing pains.
You should change your name to SkinHomer


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Jul 19, 2013
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You should change your name to SkinHomer

Not at all just my opinion. Even an Eagle fan on here admitted that the Eagles wont so anything this year.


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Jul 19, 2013
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Philly? Besides Cox and Jenkins I don't see much talent. Worst CB's in the division. No true pass rusher. Plus they are running a whole new defense this year. So their will be growing pains.

Huhh? Michael Kendricks is an above average LBer. Our rookie LBer (Hicks) last year is looking like a complete star. Bennie Logan should have been a pro bowler but lacks name recognition. Conner Barwin is a great pass rusher and had 17 sacks in 2014. Vinny Curry is a best who was great in the 4-3 but was out of position in Chips 3-4 and will put up double digit sacks. Brandon Graham is a solid player and would start on any DLine in the east but won't in Philly. You just don't know the Eagles well. Not to mention the 2nd best DT in the entire NFL. The Eagles are loaded with pass rushers.


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
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Not at all just my opinion. Even an Eagle fan on here admitted that the Eagles wont so anything this year.

You're not a Skins homer because I said the Eagles will come in last place?

I think everyone is trying to be honest here. I'm adamant that the Eagles will have the best D YET still come in last and your replies are... The Skins have the best O and the Skins have the best D. Ask any fan who has the most talent in the NFC East and everyone will say Dallas... Except you and I freaking hate the Cowboys but the proof smacks me in the face Dez, Witten, T. Smith, Fredricks, Zeek, Z. Martin, Lee are all All Pro candidates. Not to mention Romo came in 2nd in MVP voting in 2014.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Kerrigan is a franchise player and is getting paid like one. Only Cowboy fans are defending there defense as just as good or better than Washington's. That is being a homer.
Kerrigan is a solid NFL player to date....nothing at this time say's franchise player. It's funny you can't handle the description of solid. It appears to me that you haven't a clue what a homer is and now just lashing out.

and again....what is so shocking to think Dallas's D will be as good as what Washington fields this season? Last year say's they were up to the task. Perhaps, you're putting all this stock on Norman, which again supports who the homer is in this thread. I love it those every five years are so when redskin fans assume. Your front 7 are suspect as is your safety play, but all you can talk about is 3/4/5 players on Washington's D being better than any player Dallas plays. Shoot dean....read the thread

now here comes pday's homer view... That worthless Dallas team was 12-4 season b4 last, lost their QB for 11 games, their number 1 corner for the season, the best offensive threat was hampered and eventually lost for the season, and they had this horrid defense 95% of NFC east fans claim....and yet, in the 4th QTR Dallas was ahead or tied in 7 of their 12 losses and less than 7 behind in the 4th QTR in two other loses. The Cowboy organization thinks they are a 12-4 team and not a 4-12 team and drafted accordingly with the OSU back. I think they are as well and Dallas will win the NFC east. I think the only real chance other eastern teams have for the division is Romo missing 7 plus games. Must be a popular opinion, most mention Romo's health as the reason they went with washinton, NYG, philly to win the east.

There it is Dean....your hopes rest on Romo's health as much as mine.
Now... ain't that a kick in the pants?
laughing at the thought while I press the post reply button. :D


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
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Huhh? Michael Kendricks is an above average LBer. Our rookie LBer (Hicks) last year is looking like a complete star. Bennie Logan should have been a pro bowler but lacks name recognition. Conner Barwin is a great pass rusher and had 17 sacks in 2014. Vinny Curry is a best who was great in the 4-3 but was out of position in Chips 3-4 and will put up double digit sacks. Brandon Graham is a solid player and would start on any DLine in the east but won't in Philly. You just don't know the Eagles well. Not to mention the 2nd best DT in the entire NFL. The Eagles are loaded with pass rushers.

Kendricks sucks in coverage. My 89yr old grandma would beat him on 3rd and 5 for a 6 yard gain. Cox and curry are good and yes Logan is underrated but Kendricks wouldn't start on any other team in the NFCE. I also think Jenkins is a hellava player as well but CB's suck. There really isn't a top10 D in this division so I'm not sure which teams D will suck the least. They'll all be destined for a 15-25 league ranking imo


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The Giants D is awful. Just throwing that out there.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I am going to go out on a limb and say it'll be a decent defense. Breeland and Norman is a very strong pair of CB's and they have a young and interesting passrush. Not great, but it'll be worth watching.

I'm on a wait and see about Norman. Was he a product of the system or his he a legit shut down CB unlike B Maxwell was in Philly.

Fountain City Blues

Love Everybody
Jul 2, 2013
The Gates of Hell
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I'm on a wait and see about Norman. Was he a product of the system or his he a legit shut down CB unlike B Maxwell was in Philly.
It's a very similar system in Washington, so it's pretty unlikely he regresses significantly from his last two seasons, imo. It's not like Norman signed with a team that runs man-press coverage like the Chiefs. Should be plenty of zone and cover 3 for Norman.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Philly? Besides Cox and Jenkins I don't see much talent. Worst CB's in the division. No true pass rusher. Plus they are running a whole new defense this year. So their will be growing pains.

Chip Kelly was running a system with guys who didn't play in their natural positions. Now with JS running the D, guys are back in normal positions and should produce better d stats. Biggest key here is the D won't be on the field 70% of the game, they'll be fresher and quicker.


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Apr 23, 2013
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It's a very similar system in Washington, so it's pretty unlikely he regresses significantly from his last two seasons, imo. It's not like Norman signed with a team that runs man-press coverage like the Chiefs. Should be plenty of zone and cover 3 for Norman.

That's interesting. I really don't follow the Skins closely, so then this signing could pan out nicely for them.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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It's a very similar system in Washington, so it's pretty unlikely he regresses significantly from his last two seasons, imo. It's not like Norman signed with a team that runs man-press coverage like the Chiefs. Should be plenty of zone and cover 3 for Norman.
But do the Redskins have anything resembling Kuechly?

Fountain City Blues

Love Everybody
Jul 2, 2013
The Gates of Hell
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That's interesting. I really don't follow the Skins closely, so then this signing could pan out nicely for them.
Yeah, that was a pretty shrewd signing I thought all things considered. I'd be more concerned about Sean Smith going to Oakland where there is more off-man (@cdumler7 has also been on this bandwagon iirc) than pure press-coverage even if there are some similar concepts and principles in both schemes. Sean Smith was pretty mediocre when he didn't have very rangey safety help behind him in Parker, Abdullah, and/or Berry since he was signed here in 2013. Joseph, Nelson, and and co better be ready to replace Charles Woodson or I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of fans being quick to name Sean Smith the Byron Maxwell of the offseason. I am sure someone will say I am being a hater or homer though.

I don't think it's at all a coincidence that, by far, Sean Smith's worst year with the Chiefs when he was rated as 'mediocre' came (2013) when very weak coverage safeties outside of Berry were getting the bulk of playing time.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Yeah, that was a pretty shrewd signing I thought all things considered. I'd be more concerned about Sean Smith going to Oakland where there is more off-man (@cdumler7 has also been on this bandwagon iirc) than pure press-coverage even if there are some similar concepts and principles in both schemes. Sean Smith was pretty mediocre when he didn't have very rangey safety help behind him in Parker, Abdullah, and/or Berry since he was signed here in 2013. Joseph, Nelson, and and co better be ready to replace Charles Woodson or I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of fans being quick to name Sean Smith the Byron Maxwell of the offseason. I am sure someone will say I am being a hater or homer though.

I don't think it's at all a coincidence that, by far, Sean Smith's worst year with the Chiefs when he was rated as 'mediocre' came (2013) when very weak coverage safeties outside of Berry were getting the bulk of playing time.

When you're paying a CB top dollar, he better fit the system.


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Sep 21, 2014
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The Giants D is awful. Just throwing that out there.
It was awful... absolutely awful... last year.

Can't fault the Giants for not making definite moves to improve the situation on that side of the ball, though. Tough to know what to make of a lot of knew faces, but the Giants infused a lot of talent there. D-Line and CB's look to be a strength.

We'll see how it goes.

Fountain City Blues

Love Everybody
Jul 2, 2013
The Gates of Hell
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When you're paying a CB top dollar, he better fit the system.
There was a whole ton of bluster from random fans wondering why Sean Smith went for less than Janoris Jenkins; I think they're going to figure out he's a niche CB who just happened to be very good in the Chiefs' version of a man-press 3-4. But, that's just one man's opinion on the subject.