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What is Kevin Love really worth these days ?

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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Lol. And your only rebounder.

I know that :gaah:

I don't think you have career as a therapist ahead of you because you are just making it worse..........

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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The kid is such a waste :L

Would you want Horford or * gulps* Howard?

I was done with Sullinger the moment his agent said this:

Your Morning Dump… Where Sullinger’s agent wanted a max contract extension

“We didn’t spend one second discussing an extension for him,” said Sullinger’s representative, the estimable David Falk. “Danny [Ainge] wasn’t in a position to give the max, so there was really nothing to talk about.

“I’ve never done a contract extension for a rookie who didn’t make the max since 1996. You have to understand I’m not a rookie in this league. The GMs all know.”

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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Would you want Horford or * gulps* Howard?

I was done with Sullinger the moment his agent said this:

Your Morning Dump… Where Sullinger’s agent wanted a max contract extension

“We didn’t spend one second discussing an extension for him,” said Sullinger’s representative, the estimable David Falk. “Danny [Ainge] wasn’t in a position to give the max, so there was really nothing to talk about.

“I’ve never done a contract extension for a rookie who didn’t make the max since 1996. You have to understand I’m not a rookie in this league. The GMs all know.”

Good luck to Sully getting that kinda money on the open market.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Sully truly is wasting away his career. Nice hands but baby got back and can't move out of his own way. Shame really.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Sully truly is wasting away his career. Nice hands but baby got back and can't move out of his own way. Shame really.

Yeah. He could have been really good. With the way the game has evolved, skilled big men like him are hard to find. Too bad he has not worked harder to stay in shape and get better defensively.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Didn't stop the Knicks when they traded for Melo!

Perception of Melo at the time was significantly higher than Hayward's is now, plus there were salary cap concerns with Melo. These next few summers, most teams will have cap space due to the expected jumps.

Rex Racer

Ireverrent Member
Jul 15, 2014
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If that's what you call splitting the season series vs a 17 win team, go for it lol.

I was taking a dig at the Lakets futility against Boston in the playoffs, historically speaking.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Well it looks like Kevin did not have a good game 4. This was they year for the cavs. They sold their youth and future and boy did it cost them. Not only Love but I see the cavs needing to make major moves or LBJ is gone.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Well it looks like Kevin did not have a good game 4. This was they year for the cavs. They sold their youth and future and boy did it cost them. Not only Love but I see the cavs needing to make major moves or LBJ is gone.

It'll take some otherworldly creativity to reconstruct this Cavs team to look any different in the years to come. The roster, which allegedly was handpicked by LeBron, is already the highest paid in the NBA, and despite the salary cap jumping from $70 million to $92 million next year, the big contracts given out by the team in recent years mean that the Cavs almost certainly will be paying luxury tax next year. LeBron taking a significant pay cut wouldn't even be a factor. Unless he can convince a star to come to Cleveland for the mid-level exception —€” worth less than $4 million —€” there's little to no chance the Cavs can sign an impact player this summer.

The Cavs might even lose a key player, Matthew Dellavedova, who is a restricted free agent this summer and is likely to receive a sizable offer sheet, either from teams who want to land him or franchises looking to engage in some gamesmanship.

Cleveland's best chance to land an impact player would have to come via trade, but what value could the Cavs possibly get for expendable players Kevin Love or Iman Shumpert at this point? Whatever that value is, it isn't fair.

Oh, and the NBA Draft? Well, the Cavs own only one first-round pick in the next three years.

It's too funny.
Other then Love/Kyrie, the Cavs have a bunch of plug'n play pieces that would have followed James to any team plus an overpaid Tristan.

Not that I want him back here, but James, Wade/Whiteside>>James, Love,Kyrie.
Obviously Bosh>>>then any Cavs 4th player, but you can't include him in any roster projections because of the blood clots, and that doesn't even include Dragic/Winslow/Richardson.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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It'll take some otherworldly creativity to reconstruct this Cavs team to look any different in the years to come. The roster, which allegedly was handpicked by LeBron, is already the highest paid in the NBA, and despite the salary cap jumping from $70 million to $92 million next year, the big contracts given out by the team in recent years mean that the Cavs almost certainly will be paying luxury tax next year. LeBron taking a significant pay cut wouldn't even be a factor. Unless he can convince a star to come to Cleveland for the mid-level exception —€” worth less than $4 million —€” there's little to no chance the Cavs can sign an impact player this summer.

The Cavs might even lose a key player, Matthew Dellavedova, who is a restricted free agent this summer and is likely to receive a sizable offer sheet, either from teams who want to land him or franchises looking to engage in some gamesmanship.

Cleveland's best chance to land an impact player would have to come via trade, but what value could the Cavs possibly get for expendable players Kevin Love or Iman Shumpert at this point? Whatever that value is, it isn't fair.

Oh, and the NBA Draft? Well, the Cavs own only one first-round pick in the next three years.

It's too funny.
Other then Love/Kyrie, the Cavs have a bunch of plug'n play pieces that would have followed James to any team plus an overpaid Tristan.

Not that I want him back here, but James, Wade/Whiteside>>James, Love,Kyrie.
Obviously Bosh>>>then any Cavs 4th player, but you can't include him in any roster projections because of the blood clots, and that doesn't even include Dragic/Winslow/Richardson.

I agree that what the heat have now is better than what LeBron has in Cleveland, but I do not think it fits his skills. Cleveland's role players fit, it is Kyrie and Love that don't so much.

In Wade and Winslow, you have 2 wings that can't shoot. Dragic is okay, but not really a knock down shooter either. I honestly have not seen Richardson enough to evaluate him, but he seems like a better version of Shumpert (could be wrong there).

I would not be totally shocked if LeBron went back to Miami, but I honestly don't think the result would be any better than what has happened in Cleveland. Defensively that group would be sick, but they would have a hell of a time scoring in the half court.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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I don't know though.

Dragic, Wade, Winslow, LeBron, Whiteside would be good enough on D that the offense wouldn't matter as much.

Would they even have the cap space to get both LeBron and Whiteside? They would probably need Bosh to officially retire to have any chance.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I agree that what the heat have now is better than what LeBron has in Cleveland, but I do not think it fits his skills. Cleveland's role players fit, it is Kyrie and Love that don't so much.

In Wade and Winslow, you have 2 wings that can't shoot. Dragic is okay, but not really a knock down shooter either. I honestly have not seen Richardson enough to evaluate him, but he seems like a better version of Shumpert (could be wrong there).

I would not be totally shocked if LeBron went back to Miami, but I honestly don't think the result would be any better than what has happened in Cleveland. Defensively that group would be sick, but they would have a hell of a time scoring in the half court.

I agree the result would be the same as constructed, but I don't think we'd have the same roster/role players that we currently have.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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I don't know though.

Dragic, Wade, Winslow, LeBron, Whiteside would be good enough on D that the offense wouldn't matter as much.

Would they even have the cap space to get both LeBron and Whiteside? They would probably need Bosh to officially retire to have any chance.

Bosh wouldn't come off the books this year, regardless.

I think they would have to get rid of Deng and prob Dragic.

If James wanted to come back to Miami, with the best possible chance to win, he be better off to wait another season.


Watch out for Berniedoodles and Trumpers
Apr 17, 2013
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Thinking more about it I dont think LBJ could fathom departure #2 from Cleveland. I imagine the move is Love in a three way trade for a tough insider now. LBJ has lost a step, he is the top player on any team for only another 2 years or so. Package Love and his money to a team like the Kings, the kings get picks from third team and the cav first in years ahead. Something like that