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Tristan agrees to contract agreement


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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The funniest part about this thread to me is how you try to reflect everything on the Suns instead of the real problem here… that hideous contract. Changing the subject time and time again won't change the fact that Tristan Thompson and Rich Paul just fucked your boy Dan so hard he won't be able to walk for a month.

OVERPAY. Nothing to do with Phoenix. OVERFUCKINGPAY.

/end thread


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Jul 17, 2014
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The funniest part about this thread to me is how you try to reflect everything on the Suns instead of the real problem here… that hideous contract. Changing the subject time and time again won't change the fact that Tristan Thompson and Rich Paul just fucked your boy Dan so hard he won't be able to walk for a month.

OVERPAY. Nothing to do with Phoenix. OVERFUCKINGPAY.

/end thread
lol....the EXACT opposite happened here if you were paying attention. The Cavs- despite public pressure from LeBron (on b oth sides) stuck to their guns and gave Thompson pretty much the EXACT contract they offered him on July 1- a contract that compares favorably with similar talent level/circumstance players. I mean- you can disagree all you want- Thompson got pretty much what the market was for a player of his talent level and circumstance- sure is Wesley Mathews probably more proven? Yah but hes also older with an injury history- is Kanter a much better offensive player? sure but Thompson is way better defensively and has proven himself in the playoffs- IS Robin Lopez as good as Thompson? I sure dont think so- ill take Thompson and his versatility and work ethic any day of the week.

Thompson at 16 million is probably a slight overpay- but shit- EVERYONE gets overpaid in free agency. Id rather have him at Robin Lopez level- 13-14million a year- but hes better then Lopez - ESPECIALLY for this Cavs team. I mean- on your own Suns - Tyson Chandler on a 4 year 56 million dollar deal is an overpay- giving a 33 year old center with major injury history a 4 year contract is a HUGE risk---- a 3 year contract would have been better- BUT THATS FREE AGENCY- in order to get the guy your gonna have to go slightly over what you are comfortable with--- but you dont go crazy like giving him a max deal.

The simple fact is that Thompson got a contract that was RIGHT IN LINE with another dozen NBA players.

I know you dont watch too much playoff basketball- but Thompson was the 2nd best player on that Cavs team for much of the postseason that was two wins from a title- and I can live with him getting paid just about the same amount as Jonas Valuncuinas or DeMarre Carroll, or what Harrison Barnes actually TURNED DOWN.....

and ID MUCH rather have Tristan Thompson at that contract figure then Brandon Knight at that contract figure. Tweener guards that dont have a position, that play no defense, and have not had a significant moment in their NBA careers are a DIME A DOZEN- and the Suns were dumb enough to trade a hugely valuable pick AND spend oodles of money on the guy. DUMB.

I do know one thing- Im glad that Tristan Thompson is in camp- and that the Cavs have an owner who is both willing to pay what it takes to win- but is also smart enough to be patient, and stick to his guns, and not let a player like Thompson try and hold him hostage. Dan G. and David Griffin played it extremely well. To act like 16 million a year for a 24 year old big man that is showing continual improvement and just kicked ass in his first playoff appearance is fine by me.
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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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The funniest part about this thread to me is how you try to reflect everything on the Suns instead of the real problem here… that hideous contract. Changing the subject time and time again won't change the fact that Tristan Thompson and Rich Paul just fucked your boy Dan so hard he won't be able to walk for a month.

OVERPAY. Nothing to do with Phoenix. OVERFUCKINGPAY.

/end thread
you were just insulting Gilbert- why I dont know- you still havent said why you think Gilbert is a shitty owner. I think you are just jealous that Gilbert is willing to pay what it takes to try and put his team over the top- while your owner- Sarver did the exact opposite. I think thats how it started on the Suns. I thought it was funny you thought Gilbert was a poor owner when you were a Suns fan- and then- much NOT to my surprise- you confirmed you think Sarver is awful.

Geez- i really dont want a lot from my owner of any sports team other than to look out for the fans, cut the checks, and hire the right management and then let that management do their job. - and of course- on the big things- make a difference- like bringing LeBron back. Combine that with all the work Gilbert has done around the City- and its easy to see why Cleveland fans embrace Gilbert. I mean, shit- the Cavs payroll is 111 million! the HIGHEST IN NBA HISTORY!!!! How can any fan not like an owner who is willing to spend above and beyond like Dan is?

Agent Orange

Harbaugh's shrink
Apr 25, 2013
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I don't understand. They could have just drafted another guy like that this year. His skill set isn't exactly rare... Not to mention they already have that Russian dude, Varejao, and Love... How is he going to get enough minutes to justify that contract?


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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I don't understand. They could have just drafted another guy like that this year. His skill set isn't exactly rare... Not to mention they already have that Russian dude, Varejao, and Love... How is he going to get enough minutes to justify that contract?

He won't. And even if he got enough minutes he wouldn't justify it.


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Jul 17, 2014
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I don't understand. They could have just drafted another guy like that this year. His skill set isn't exactly rare... Not to mention they already have that Russian dude, Varejao, and Love... How is he going to get enough minutes to justify that contract?
Love the Boehner picture...i have an old college buddy from DC who's dad was a lobbyist. He came to our campus to visit and brought Boehner and took my buddy, me and a couple other of our friends with him and Boehner to the nicest restaurant in the city. That was over 10 years ago now! crazy.

Anway....I kinda see what you are saying AGent Orange...but let me just tell you why I think Thompson was signed to that deal.

1. He was the 4th overall pick, chosen in the same draft as Kyrie (he was the Cav's actual pick- Kyrie was drafted with the pick from the Clippers and the Baron DAvis salary dump). The Cavs loved him when they drafted him and Griffin- their current GM - was on staff at the time as assistant to Chris Grant- so Griffin was one of the guys on board with Thompson all along.

2. Hes young. He has improved every year. His work ethic is off the charts. He never gets hurt. He can play huge minutes like he did during the playoffs- and still be the most active guy on the court the last 2 minutes of games getting offensive rebounds he has no business getting. Outside of LeBron James I think he has the best work ethic on the team- combine that with never being hurt- and he should continue to improve his game.

3. He shares an agent with LeBron- and LeBron likes playing with him. Dan wants to keep Bron happy- he wont do something stupid just to appease LeBron- but hes going to go out of his way to keep Bron happy.

4. He is a great leader. Just as back ground- hes from Canada- and seriously read articles- hes looked at as like the foundation and leader of a Canadian team that is young and should be pretty good with guys like him, Wiggins, Corey Joseph, Tyler Ennis, Anthony Bennett, Kelly Olnyk- it was why there was speculation he would go to toronto if things did not work in Cleveland. I cant stress to you enough just how much this guy is liked and respected in the locker room by his teammates.

5. HE was the 2nd best player on the team in the post season. Its hard to believe- but once Love went down and Kyrie got seriously injured and then out totally- Thompson stepped up and was probably the 2nd most important player on the team. He came into the starting lineup and was huge in transforming them into the best defensive team in the post season. He not only proved he can play in the playoffs- but that he can ELEVATE his game- which is not something all guys can do.

6. Check the going price for a decent NBA front court player. Valuncuinas got 16 a year, Kanter 17.5 Robin Lopez 13.5, Harrison Barnes turned DOWN 16 million a year, DeMarre Carrol got 15 a year! Do I think THompson should be more like 12 or maybe even 14 a year? YAh probably- but thats just the nature of free agency in the NBA- guys get paid a lot of money- especially with that cap creeping up and up and up over the next few years.

7. The Cavs do have depth as you said- but we saw how that can change so quickly last year. To go from where Thompson was at the beginning of last year- a guy from a losing team that was just learning in the NBA- to at the end of just his first year with LeBron- to be playing big time minutes in the post season against some really good teams- was- if not shocking- was certainly surprising. I always liked Thompson- but I have to admit that I didnt expect him in just his first playoff run to do what he did- or for that matter during the regular season stepping up at times.

8. I see your point- why not develop a rookie or sign a cheaper guy- but that leads me to MAybe the most important- if they let Thompson walk- they couldnt replace him- not for years anyway until the cap goes way up- because theyare already over the cap. If this was about using 16 million dollars in free agency on someone else if you didnt want Thompson- MAYBE its a different story, but i dunno. But because they owned his Bird Rights- they can go over the cap to keep him- they couldnt of even signed and traded him under the new rules. So- is having Tristan Thompson better than not having Tristan Thompson? ABSOLUTELY- especially 2-3 years from now when that 16M a year will be much more palatable --- JUST WAIT until you see what some of the guys are going to get next offseason- and that will become much more clear.


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Sep 2, 2014
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You can't even argue that this isn't a massive overpay by the Cavs IMO. Thompson is barely worth half this contract.

But if I'm a Cavs fan I'm not too upset about it....it's not their money and it's not like the Cavs had a ton of other options in finding a defensive, rebounding big for the next couple of years.


Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
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sounds about right. the kid deserves the money and is a key part of a team that will likely make it to the Eastern Conference semi's


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Jul 17, 2014
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LMFAO the hell are you talking about, punchline? this entertainment at it's FINEST...:pound::pound:
yah...comedy at its finest. A SUNS FAN- a team that has not made the Finals since '93 and has not made the playoffs in 5 years in a LEAGUE WHERE OVER HALF THE TEAMS MAKE THE PLAYOFFS- is trying to rip on The Cleveland Cavaliers.

Like I said- as far as teams that dont matter go- the Suns are up there. Definitely one of the most irrelevant franchises in the NBA over the last half decade. BUT THEY WIN MORE GAMES IN THE 90's! LOL....

Like I said- this guy just has to be jealous Gilbert would spend when Sarver wouldnt. Imagine adding Joe Johnson and Rondo (AMONG others) to those Suns teams. WASTED OPPORTUNITIES.

NO ONE can say that Gilbert has not gone the extra mile to put this Cavs team on the court with a payroll of - from what I have seen- is 111 million (and thats WITHOUT TAXES)--- the next highest payrolls in NBA history are the Nets in 12/13 with 102 million (thats not counting tax), and the Lakers in 10/11 when they had a 99 million dollar pay roll (again thats without tax computed in yet- since the taxes arent calculated until the end of the season).


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You can't even argue that this isn't a massive overpay by the Cavs IMO. Thompson is barely worth half this contract.

But if I'm a Cavs fan I'm not too upset about it....it's not their money and it's not like the Cavs had a ton of other options in finding a defensive, rebounding big for the next couple of years.

Pretty much sums up my feelings. Looking at the contract in a black box makes it seem a lot more insane than looking at it in context with the other options the Cavs had.

Also.... I don't know why people are so caught up on him being a 'backup'. It depends on what health issues the Cavs face this season... but I will be shocked if TT isn't at least in the top 6 for minutes this season. (He was #4 behind Kyrie, Lebron, and Love last season) He will be a very important part of the rotation throughout the season and the playoffs.


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Sep 2, 2014
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The one interesting thing about this deal is that the Cavs are almost now certain to lose Mosgov now after the season.

If the Cav's were willing to do this ridiculous contract, they shouldn't have traded two 1st round picks for 1.5 seasons of Mosgov.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
Ellicott City, MD
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He got hot for a few weeks in the post-season.
That does not suddenly transform him into some elite superstar.

TT is basically a guy who is good at offensive rebounding and nothing else. He sucks at defense despite any attempts to isolate and break down specific situational elements of defense. Overall he is a defensive liability.

He seems like a glorified Dajuan Blair to me....if you forcefed Blair minutes, They would be identical in skills.
The SPURS realized his failings, and did not want to give him a ton of money.

but since Lebron likes him, Gilbert is forced to do whatever the "real owner" demands and give a silly contract to a role player.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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this asshole held out since July 1st for an extra 2 million? UNREAL

just glad its FINALLY DONE.

Do you think this has any effect in the locker room? On the one hand, I'm sure his teammates are glad he's back and they no longer have the distraction.

On the other hand, at least some of them have to be thinking basically the same thing that you said, "this asshole raised all of this stink, all summer, over $2million."

Maybe not an issue right away, but if he struggles at all.......?


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Apr 18, 2013
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That's right -- not like the great Jim Buss -- who will tank 3-4 seasons just to pay Kobe. (that is an owner that everyone else will copy)

Where have I said that Jim Buss was an amazing owner? Wiggy and I'm guessing you on the other hand...


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Jul 17, 2014
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Do you think this has any effect in the locker room? On the one hand, I'm sure his teammates are glad he's back and they no longer have the distraction.

On the other hand, at least some of them have to be thinking basically the same thing that you said, "this asshole raised all of this stink, all summer, over $2million."

Maybe not an issue right away, but if he struggles at all.......?
I think that if it would have gone on into the season -and Thomspon was holding out while the Cavs were potentially struggling because of injuries it might have gotten a little acrimonious but like one of the other posters said- once April/May/June roll around no one is even going to remember or care that Thompson held out. Im just glad the Cavs stuck to their guns.


Sports discussion
Oct 22, 2014
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Thompson is a good player but this is way to much money for him.


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Jul 17, 2014
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He got hot for a few weeks in the post-season.
That does not suddenly transform him into some elite superstar.

TT is basically a guy who is good at offensive rebounding and nothing else. He sucks at defense despite any attempts to isolate and break down specific situational elements of defense. Overall he is a defensive liability.

He seems like a glorified Dajuan Blair to me....if you forcefed Blair minutes, They would be identical in skills.
The SPURS realized his failings, and did not want to give him a ton of money.

but since Lebron likes him, Gilbert is forced to do whatever the "real owner" demands and give a silly contract to a role player.
DeJuan Blair...please...gmafb....that guy didnt even have knee ligaments! lol...if you gave that guy more than a 2 year contract you would be playing with fire. lol.

Thompson has the 2nd longest active streak of games played in the league behind DeAndre Jordan at somewhere like 300.

And like I said- at this time last year- if you asked me how Thompson would do if he was forced into a starting role in the playoffs I would have been VERY NERVOUS. No one could definitively said what he would do--- much to the delight of the Cavs and their fans- Thompson not only held his own- he thrived - and garnered all types of praise for his performance.

And the people that say Thompson is not a good defender are clueless. Its NOT A COINCEDENCE that once Thompson started getting big minutes (along with Delly) the defense went from being solid to being legitimately great.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Thompson is a good player but this is way to much money for him.
its too much money - but i dont think its WAY too much money- everyone got "too much money" this offseason outside of guys like Bron who get shafted with the Max contract.