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Tristan agrees to contract agreement


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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All those players listed outside of maybe Kanter, who was also overpaid, are starting or would start if they were healthy(Wes). I also don't think any of them have a guy on their team who plays the same position getting paid 20+mil/year for the next 5 years. It's crazy enough to pay 16mil a year for a guy mostly known for his rebounding and defense, but even worse when he doesn't start.


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Apr 16, 2013
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According 538, Thompson is only worth about $11 mil.

When you're bridesmaids again, let me know how all that wasted money spent feels.

By the way, Gilbert is piece of shit hypocrite.

Wiggy will somehow find a way to say the Cavs season was a success when they lose in the finals AGAIN


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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obviously you failed to watch the playoffs since the Suns missed them- not only that- but you haven't seen what comparable talents are signing for in the league- or even what they are turning down.

He's TRASH. Suns have nothing to do with it, quit being a homer. Jesus.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Jonas Valuncuinas- 4 years 64 million- 16 aavg

Draymond Green - 5 years 82 million- 16.4 aavg

Enes Kanter- 4 years 70 million - 17.5 aavg

Robin Lopez- 4 years 54 million- 13.5 aavg

Harrison Barnes- TURNED down 4 years 64- 16 aavg

REggie Jackson- 5 years 80 million- 16 aavg

Wesley MAthews- 4 years 70 Million-- 17.5 aavg

Brandon Knight- 5 years 70 Million -- 14 aavg

Thompson- 5 years 82 million- - 16.4 aavg

ALL of these deals were signed this offseason. (or not signed)

While I certainly think- and have written on this board MULTIPLE MULTIPLE times- that the Cavs are paying a premium for Thompson because of the circumstances (the fact they cant replace him if he leaves since they are currently over the cap, the fact that he was probably the teams 2nd best player in the playoffs, the fact the cap is going up in a huge way, the fact that LeBron wants him here - etc. etc. etc.)

I am just glad they stuck to their guns and gave him basically the same exact deal they offered him on July 1st since it was VERY VERY fair both now and back then. Great call by David Griffin to stand firm and call Rich Paul's bluff.

Cool, you just created a list of players better than Tristan Thompson, nice work.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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According 538, Thompson is only worth about $11 mil.

When you're bridesmaids again, let me know how all that wasted money spent feels.

By the way, Gilbert is piece of shit hypocrite.
Gilbert is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better owner than the famously cheap Sarver. Honestly- Sarver may be the owner I would LEAST like owning my basketball team in the whole NBA. This guy PROVEd that when his team was ready to compete for a championship that he would not step up to push them over the top.

Gilbert is the EXACT opposite of that POS Sarver. If the Phoenix Suns fans had any kind of self respect they would have ran that guy outta town a long time ago.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Cool, you just created a list of players better than Tristan Thompson, nice work.
In the mid-2000s, the Phoenix Suns were poised to become the NBA's next dynasty with a core of Steve Nash, Amar'e Stoudamire, and Shawn Marion. All the team needed to do was plug in a couple more pieces and they would be unstoppable.

Sarver decided to use the draft to improve ... his wallet. In 2004, the Suns traded the seventh pick (Luol Deng) to the Bulls for Jackson Vroman, cash, and their first-round pick in 2005. They could have gotten Andre Iguodala, who would have meshed perfectly with the 'Seven Seconds or Less Suns.'

In 2006, in a stroke of genius, they picked superstar Rajon Rondo. However, they quickly turned around and traded him to Boston for more cash and a 2007 first-round pick. In 2007, they took Rudy Fernandez, who they quickly turned around and traded to Portland for, yep, you guessed it, more cash. The Suns essentially drafted nobody in the mid 2000s, and their already rich owner got a little bit richer. Predictably, now they are a bad team with no future. —Johnny Goodtimes (AP

arver’s first few years as owner were admittedly…questionable. He jettisoned a boatload of first-rounders, wouldn’t pay up for Joe Johnson, and traded Kurt Thomas, along with two draft picks, in what has to go down as the most blatant salary dump in NBA history. These were all finance saving moves.

I can definitely see why a Suns fan would hate Gilbert so much- an owner that has stepped up and is paying the largest payroll in history to try and give his team the best chance to win a title.. PRETTY MUCH THE OPPOSITE of Sarver


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
$ 811.96
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Cavs all-time winning percentage: .459
Cavs all-time playoff appearances since 1970: 19
Cavs all-time championships: 0

Suns all-time winning percentage: .552
Suns all-time playoff appearances since 1970 (when Cavs became franchise) : 29
Suns all-time championships: 0

10 less playoff appearances than us in the same span of time. Never talk down to me again bitch, Cavs fans do not have the right to condescend when talking about PLAYOFFS. WE TALKING BOUT PLAYOFFS? PLAYOFFS?


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Cavs all-time winning percentage: .459
Cavs all-time playoff appearances since 1970: 19
Cavs all-time championships: 0

Suns all-time winning percentage: .552
Suns all-time playoff appearances since 1970 (when Cavs became franchise) : 29
Suns all-time championships: 0

10 less playoff appearances than us in the same span of time. Never talk down to me again bitch, Cavs fans do not have the right to condescend when talking about PLAYOFFS. WE TALKING BOUT PLAYOFFS? PLAYOFFS?

@WiggyRuss you just got owned bitch


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Jul 17, 2014
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All those players listed outside of maybe Kanter, who was also overpaid, are starting or would start if they were healthy(Wes). I also don't think any of them have a guy on their team who plays the same position getting paid 20+mil/year for the next 5 years. It's crazy enough to pay 16mil a year for a guy mostly known for his rebounding and defense, but even worse when he doesn't start.
Kanters metrics said he was the worst defensive player in the league last year- he is without a doubt a much better offensive player than Thompson- but if you are talking about who is actually better? you could certainly make a reasoned argument for Thompson- that whole list- there are guys on their you could make the argument for either way- Wes Mathews- great player- but hes coming off a torn achilees which is not good at all- Id take Thompson over Robin Lopez in a second- The Bucks got rid of Knight since they had no intention of paying him big money and the Suns backed themselves into a corner to after Dragic left- and its not like Knight has done much in the league- Valuncuinas same thing----- Besides Draymond Green- not one guy on that list has proved he can be counted on to be a major factor in the playoffs- plus Thompson NEVER gets hurt and has continually improved.

When you look at what other players signed for- OR TURNED DOWN- freaking HARRISON BARNES turning down 16 million a year- i do not know how yo ucan say Thompson's contract was out of whack in a major way.


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Oct 21, 2015
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No doubt about it -- the Cavs "overpayed". But they are in the fortunate position to be able to do it -- and TT should be an important guy in the rotation.

I hate to jump in late -- but this is what I thought would happen. TT had to know the whole time that $80M was fair -- and he wasn't going to blow off the team pushing for more $$$. (the extra $2M was a bone they threw to Paul so he didn't look too bad) Even though Lebron said it was a distraction, no one will remember in the month or two that he signed late. But if had dragged on another month or two -- it could have had an impact. We'll probably never hear about it -- but it wouldn't surprise me if TT went to Paul in the last few days and said "we're gonna sign the contract ... I'm not screwing up a great situation".

Now the big question is if Kyrie can stay healthy ... and if the Cavs offense moves the ball or if they go back to holding the ball and playing 1-on-1.

I see all the empty seats in Miami tonight ... reminds me of some playoff games.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Cavs all-time winning percentage: .459
Cavs all-time playoff appearances since 1970: 19
Cavs all-time championships: 0

Suns all-time winning percentage: .552
Suns all-time playoff appearances since 1970 (when Cavs became franchise) : 29
Suns all-time championships: 0

10 less playoff appearances than us in the same span of time. Never talk down to me again bitch, Cavs fans do not have the right to condescend when talking about PLAYOFFS. WE TALKING BOUT PLAYOFFS? PLAYOFFS?
What the fuck does that have to do with comparing Sarver and Gilbert? Is this you just trying to change the subject because you KNOW that the Gilbert makes Sarver look like a jerkoff? Its well known how much the Suns fan base hates the guy.

When was the last time the Suns made the Finals? When is the next time they are LIKELY to even GET CLOSE to making the Finals?

yah. thats what i thought.

dont worry- when the Suns season ends in May- you can continue watching the Cavs until June....that goes for last year, this year, next year etc.....


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, in the postseason he averaged 9 & 10, how amazing is that!
What the fuck does that have to do with comparing Sarver and Gilbert? Is this you just trying to change the subject because you KNOW that the Gilbert makes Sarver look like a jerkoff? Its well known how much the Suns fan base hates the guy.

When was the last time the Suns made the Finals? When is the next time they are LIKELY to even GET CLOSE to making the Finals?

yah. thats what i thought.

dont worry- when the Suns season ends in May- you can continue watching the Cavs until June....that goes for last year, this year, next year etc.....

You brought up "not watching the playoffs" because the Suns weren't in it. My god you must have short term memory loss or something. Talk shit get hit… with facts. Don't Cry when Bron Bron loses in the Finals again this year. Hell, if they even make it.


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Jul 17, 2014
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Yeah, in the postseason he averaged 9 & 10, how amazing is that!

You brought up "not watching the playoffs" because the Suns weren't in it. My god you must have short term memory loss or something. Talk shit get hit… with facts. Don't Cry when Bron Bron loses in the Finals again this year. Hell, if they even make it.
did u make the playoffs last year? OH no you didnt. Will you this year? Nope. Next year? probably not.

Sarver ruined the best chance you had by being cheap. When is the next time you get a Nash in his prime- and a Amare in his prime? a 2 time MVP like Nash? IT COULD BE DECADES!!!!!!!! Your owner squandered your chance because he was a cheap asshole. At least Gilbert can say he did everything in his power to help his team.

I just hope you enjoy that THRILLING fight for the 8th seed in the West! maybe if your lucky you could even get it and have the privilege of getting the shit beat out of you in the first round!

STARS win in this league. High level talent. The Suns were poised to have a dynasty. Imagine if thy resign Joe Johnson- or keep Rondo- or dont GIVE AWAY 2 first rounders just to make Kurt Thomas go away.

TOTALLY BLEW IT. and it is going to be a long long long long LONG LONG LONG LONG

time before the Suns are poised again like they were.

In the meantime? Watch this Cavs team Dan Gilbert and David Griffin have put together. Elite talent, AND Depth- because Gilbert isnt going to short change his quest for a title. SARVER could learn from him- but ya know what? ITS JUST TOO LATE.


Guy Who Never Responds
Apr 17, 2013
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In fairness, the SPURS were perfectly built to beat those Nash SUNS teams.
The SUNS probably could have won a title or two, but the Spurs simply had the exact lineup to defeat them.

The 2003-2007 Spurs came within an overtime game 7 (after a Manu brainfart) and a Derek Fisher .4 second miracle shot of winning 5 straight titles.

The Spurs got old and had to reinvent themselves during some lean years in 09 and 10 with makeshift teams that diminished the core's accomplishments together. But they were damn good at their peak.

There is no real shame in Phoenix losing to them at their peak.
Lebron knows damn well how good those Spurs teams were after the 2007 Finals.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
$ 811.96
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did u make the playoffs last year? OH no you didnt. Will you this year? Nope. Next year? probably not.

Sarver ruined the best chance you had by being cheap. When is the next time you get a Nash in his prime- and a Amare in his prime? a 2 time MVP like Nash? IT COULD BE DECADES!!!!!!!! Your owner squandered your chance because he was a cheap asshole. At least Gilbert can say he did everything in his power to help his team.

I just hope you enjoy that THRILLING fight for the 8th seed in the West! maybe if your lucky you could even get it and have the privilege of getting the shit beat out of you in the first round!

STARS win in this league. High level talent. The Suns were poised to have a dynasty. Imagine if thy resign Joe Johnson- or keep Rondo- or dont GIVE AWAY 2 first rounders just to make Kurt Thomas go away.

TOTALLY BLEW IT. and it is going to be a long long long long LONG LONG LONG LONG

time before the Suns are poised again like they were.

In the meantime? Watch this Cavs team Dan Gilbert and David Griffin have put together. Elite talent, AND Depth- because Gilbert isnt going to short change his quest for a title. SARVER could learn from him- but ya know what? ITS JUST TOO LATE.


You're upset that you got hit with facts and couldn't handle them. Go have a margarita or something and lighten up Wiggy. You're normally a decent poster but now you just sound like an angry toddler.