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tOfficial "Tom Brady & the New England Patriots" Superthread


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Jul 3, 2013
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15 games to go, anything can happen.One year they lost the opener 31-0 to buffalo. they still made the playoffs and beat buffalo 31-0 to end the season. One game doesn't say anything to me. If they start the season 0-3 or 1-4 then i will start to think about it.

Agreed, 1 game doesn't say enough... Give the season 6-8 weeks and you start seeing what teams start emerging a bit....


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Yawn... better record post spygate. More points per game post spygate. Made 4 AFCC and 2 SBs.

They lost the 2 SBs on a single play in both games.

Not surprised blind haters would try to make it only about winning the SB. It's a weak line of logic but I get the sense that is common place here based on this thread.

You either have Alzheimer's or completely missed the cheat thread...we've been over this a million times but pats fans simply can't let it go. To answer your logic your team could conceivably have been far better post spygate (which many of us think that they were talent wise) hence the better legitimate record and near super bowl misses. In any case they still couldn't win with a better team and all of those opportunities yet with lessor teams they magically win 3 of 4...quite the coincidence don't you think? Just let it go bro you continue to make your fanbase look like a bunch of idiots who drank too much Belicheat koolaid.

My take on the pats is that it's too early to write anyone off but they're D looked lost and brady looked like an aging QB. They will most likely have a decent year but I can't see them being better than past years. They'll need to be to make a super bowl run. Next week will be very interesting....:suds:
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Aug 21, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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First off I came over from KFFL. So wasn't here for your special cheating thread. Based on this one I didn't miss much.

Team more talented now? Wow really? Other than 2007 which was stacked and "maybe" 2008. Not close at all. The Pats lack if defense since 2009 is why they have failed. The inability to get off the field on 3rd down. THAT is the main reason they have failed. Brady won the MVP in 2010 without the weapons he had in 2004. No running game and two rookie TEs who didn't fully know the offense yet.

But whatever. Doesn't matter what I say or how true it is. Because stealing defensive signals is why the Pats couldn't make a stop on the last drive in two SBs.


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First off I came over from KFFL. So wasn't here for your special cheating thread. Based on this one I didn't miss much.

Team more talented now? Wow really? Other than 2007 which was stacked and "maybe" 2008. Not close at all. The Pats lack if defense since 2009 is why they have failed. The inability to get off the field on 3rd down. THAT is the main reason they have failed. Brady won the MVP in 2010 without the weapons he had in 2004. No running game and two rookie TEs who didn't fully know the offense yet.

But whatever. Doesn't matter what I say or how true it is. Because stealing defensive signals is why the Pats couldn't make a stop on the last drive in two SBs.

I never said that they're more talented today but all I've heard in these debates is how good they've been after spygate yet now you're changing your tune and claiming those earlier teams were superior? Of course the results were superior because they were cheating! What's not to get? I imagine if they were allowed to cheat they would have had a few blowouts in those lost super bowls instead of the tight games they lost but instead just like everyone else it came down to some good bounces that's why it's hard to win a bowl. That’s why spygate was a huge advantage for them...comprende partner?


Jul 20, 2013
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Talent is most likely slipping off but the coaching will find a way to plug holes and make the playoffs again.


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Aug 15, 2014
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First off I came over from KFFL. So wasn't here for your special cheating thread. Based on this one I didn't miss much.

Team more talented now? Wow really? Other than 2007 which was stacked and "maybe" 2008. Not close at all. The Pats lack if defense since 2009 is why they have failed. The inability to get off the field on 3rd down. THAT is the main reason they have failed. Brady won the MVP in 2010 without the weapons he had in 2004. No running game and two rookie TEs who didn't fully know the offense yet.

But whatever. Doesn't matter what I say or how true it is. Because stealing defensive signals is why the Pats couldn't make a stop on the last drive in two SBs.

Forget about it BJW. Filming defensive signals is how they flumoxed the greatest show on turf in 2001, got the Charlotte kicker to botch the kick in 2003 and got McNabb and the Eagles to mosy on down the field in 2004. Those Patriots, they're tricksy.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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Sonny is the only Pats posters here who will admit what we all saw yesterday (and last season). Brady berated receivers all damn season long last year after he over/underthrew to them and then finally after the AFC CG admitted what he could no longer deny; that he sucked and the team couldn't win with him playing that way.

Brady just said that he'd retire "when he sucked." Well, he sucks. The problem now is that the Pats have been feeding the Brady hype for so long that now they're handcuffed and held hostage by a below average QB who is getting paid a LOT of money. They'll ride him to a playoff loss and by week 4 next season he'll be benched.

NEWS: Hammer predicts another playoff year for the Patriots - even with getting roughed up by Miami in the first game of the season!

By the way Hammer - there was more than enough blame to go around in this - a team loss. Brady sucked like everybody else.....


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Apr 17, 2013
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I wouldn't count on the Pats being done after 1 game opener on the road where they normally have a tough time.....And to say Brady is done, is just laughable.....
Sure he and Peyton are coming down home stretch, but it ain't today, they still have a few good yrs left, and I would never count either of them out of the race.....They're 1a and 1b and then there's the rest....

exactly they never play well in Miami... and there are still 15 games left and Brady will right the ship


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Jun 3, 2013
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its only 1 game and it was the 1st of the season. im sure there were alot of nervs out there on sunday. talk to me after week 5 and we can see if there done then. i see them being atleast 3-2 after 5 weeks


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Apr 17, 2013
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You don't seem very confident.

Not when the Patriots are going to play one of the leagues best RBs, after coming off a week where they were gashed by Miami's running game.


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Forget about it BJW. Filming defensive signals is how they flumoxed the greatest show on turf in 2001, got the Charlotte kicker to botch the kick in 2003 and got McNabb and the Eagles to mosy on down the field in 2004. Those Patriots, they're tricksy.

If it weren't for spygate they may have never even been in the lead in some of those games...heck they may have not even made it to the bowl without its assistance. That's why it's hard to win even one super bowl never mind 3 out of 4 years! Pretty big coincidence if you ask me....

Try simulating a game even on Madden knowing the offensive and defensive play calls you'll win more often than not. The players still have to perform but half the battle is already won before the play even starts.


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If it weren't for spygate they may have never even been in the lead in some of those games...heck they may have not even made it to the bowl without its assistance. That's why it's hard to win even one super bowl never mind 3 out of 4 years! Pretty big coincidence if you ask me....

Try simulating a game even on Madden knowing the offensive and defensive play calls you'll win more often than not. The players still have to perform but half the battle is already won before the play even starts.

I was just thinking about that when I was playing Madden. When the opposing player shows his play to see what hes doing and then you see it what will you do? Pretend not to see it? No, you will read what hes doing then counter it. You can do a lot with that knowledge. A LOT!


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Dec 30, 2013
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exactly they never play well in Miami... and there are still 15 games left and Brady will right the ship

Let's hope Brady and co. wait til week 3 to right the ship! :clap:


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Jul 9, 2013
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You spygaters are cute.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of talk about our excellent looking new prospect Garappolo. Is that because you guys can't bear to think of this dynasty continuing to roll along?


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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Forget about it BJW. Filming defensive signals is how they flumoxed the greatest show on turf in 2001, got the Charlotte kicker to botch the kick in 2003 and got McNabb and the Eagles to mosy on down the field in 2004. Those Patriots, they're tricksy.

I wasn't aware that the Pats advanced right to the SB once the playoffs started. Most everyone else has to play other teams from their conference first.

THAT'S where the tape came in handy.

In all three years in which the Pats won titles, they played teams in the post season that they also played in the regular season.

In 2001 it was the Rams.

In 2003 it was the Colts.

In 2004 it was the Steelers.

Lose in the playoffs and you never make it to the SB to win it all.

Since the NFL took away the tapes, you have zero titles.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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You spygaters are cute.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of talk about our excellent looking new prospect Garappolo. Is that because you guys can't bear to think of this dynasty continuing to roll along?

The dynasty stopped when the tapes stopped.

Personally, I'd love to see you go on losing SB's. It's quite entertaining. :pound:


Broncos Fanatic
Apr 18, 2013
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For the record, I hate the Patriots. However, it's silly to not respect their accomplishments. I know Spygate was a real thing but that organization has done an incredible job over the years of winning football games and always being in the mix. They haven't won a Superbowl since Spygate but a lot of other teams have not either. They have continued to win their division for an ungodly amount of time and seem to find their way back into AFCCGs and Superbowls despite. To accomplish what the Pats have in the last decade is not only difficult but very few teams have ever done it in the modern history of the sport.

No, I'm not a Brady, Belichick, Robert Kraft secret admirer. Like I said, I hate them but I hate them as a respected rival.

They may be in decline but it's tough to say with only "over-reaction" week one in the books. I'll have a much better opinion of where they are at around week 10 or so. I could say the same thing about my new-look Broncos to be honest.

Brady will be out of the league soon enough, as will Peyton. I for one will miss both of them, as they've been hella fun to watch over the years.


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If it weren't for spygate they may have never even been in the lead in some of those games...heck they may have not even made it to the bowl without its assistance. That's why it's hard to win even one super bowl never mind 3 out of 4 years! Pretty big coincidence if you ask me....

Try simulating a game even on Madden knowing the offensive and defensive play calls you'll win more often than not. The players still have to perform but half the battle is already won before the play even starts.

To me that's just superstitious thinking when there were usually much more realistic football reasons for their success.

One example: in the 2001 Superbowl almost all their scoring came in the 1st half (before the magic tapes could be analyzed) and 7 of those were defensive points. Their offense was almost non-existent in the 2nd half.

It was pretty clear that the primary reason for the Patriots success in that game was due to their defense against the Rams offense which the tapings weren't even concerned with.

But that doesn't matter. It's just easier for some people to attach some magic powers to the tapes. Particularly if you don't like the team or coach.
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Jul 2, 2013
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Please. The Pats could have an awful season by their standards and still be better than 70% of the league.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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To me that's just superstitious thinking when there were usually much more realistic football reasons for their success.

One example: in the 2001 Superbowl almost all their scoring came in the 1st half (before the magic tapes could be analyzed) and 7 of those were defensive points. Their offense was almost non-existent in the 2nd half.

It was pretty clear that the primary reason for the Patriots success in that game was due to their defense which the tapings didn't even look at.

But that doesn't matter. It's just easier for some people to attach some magic powers to tape. Particularly if you don't like the team or coach.

You sure?

One tape turned over by Walsh shows Patriots also stole offensive signals - NFL - ESPN

"From Day 1 of the Spygate saga in September, the controversy over New England's illicit videotaping practices has centered on the Patriots' efforts to steal their opponents' defensive signals. But the tapes delivered via FedEx to NFL headquarters in New York on Thursday morning also include evidence of an effort by New England to steal offensive signals, which would broaden the extent of the team's surveillance operation."

"[It] contains shots of Miami's offensive coaches signaling Miami's offensive players, followed by a shot from the end zone camera of Miami's offensive play, followed by a shot of Miami's offensive coaches signaling Miami's offensive players for the next play, then edited to be followed by a shot of the subsequent Miami offensive play," Levy said of the tape. "And that pattern repeats throughout the entire tape, with occasional cuts to the scoreboard."

Because Matt Walsh and the tapes he turned in disagreed with you.