The Power of RED
Mernin' NE1
Mernin' RA
Hey, ya notice the older a feller get's the less likely ta sleep in it becomes?
It seems the older I get, the earlier I wake.
Mernin' NE1
Online shoddy fortune teller says huskers will definitely win every game they play.
Nice bo ye got thar, jed
Like my Andy??
We are always looking to improve our site and our product for you, so we've been kicking something around deciding whether or not to do it. We'd like to get as much feedback from our members as possible, both in a vote in this poll and a reply in this thread further elaborating on your votes.In a similar vein to*HTO's suggestion, we recently received an email request from one of our more nationally notable and prominent HOL/RSS members who never posts here.
He is a huge Husker fan who 100% of our members would recognize.The member who emailed us asked us to consider creating an additional board, we'd call it the RSS Platinum Board, where we would designate a select group of our more well known and respected members who have earned their "board cred" over time to post on the new board.All of our paying members would be able to access and read the RSS Platinum Board, but only those designated members would be able to post their thoughts on it
. The thinking behind the new board is that we would be able to get some of our more thoughtful and informed posters to give extended takes on the state of the Huskers' program, pre- and post-game breakdowns, recruit evaluations, etc. And hopefully interact with each other about those takes.Our hope is that it would encourage the sharing of more substantive dialogue and opinions without the fear of being descended upon by a gang of petty, critical sniping that has led some like GAHusker to stop offering their informed opinions on RSS.It's not guaranteed to be successful but we could give it a try to see how it goes. It would hopefully be an added value to your memberships to this board, and whatever is posted on the RSS Platinum Board could also be fodder for discussion on the original RSS.Please vote your preference on this and give us your feedback below. Thanks.
Mernin' RA
Hey, ya notice the older a feller get's the less likely ta sleep in it becomes?
It seems the older I get, the earlier I wake.
Mulling over a similar idear for BRS, JJM, HH, chuck, and myself here.. so we can spread our knowledge for the rest of you drones
Snow again this mornin'
Me neighbor's daughter visited from Alaska this summer and said "I can tell from the spiders and flies that you guys are going to have an early and long winter".
Resisted the urge to ask WTF but maybe she right.
Mulling over a similar idear for BRS, JJM, HH, chuck, and myself here.. so we can spread our knowledge for the rest of you drones
I would have asked. I like that kind of lore. My grandparents had a lot of that type of stuff.
Grandpa taught me what days to fish and hunt.
Hey guys.
Jist dropped wife at airport. She's on her way to Omaha.
I was already expecting her tonight.