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tOfficial Eastern Conference Playoffs Thread

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Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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Finally the playoffs are here!!! I want to see the Heat/Celts match up and also am hoping to see a Cavs/Detroit series (if Detroit makes it)

think Detroit's in aren't they...?

I don't think they advance, but they ARE tough enough to scrap out a couple of games imo...


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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think Detroit's in aren't they...?

I don't think they advance, but they ARE tough enough to scrap out a couple of games imo...
If they do make it I don't expect them to beat the Cavs either but am looking forward to the match up between the two.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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its not easy to ignore a lunatic.


its not so easy to ignore someone that is giving you the truth

We never see this from you.

Here's a hint: Just because you think it's the truth, doesn't mean it is. Also, when pretty much everyone on a website is disagreeing with you and calling you out for posting crap as often as it happens to you...you are the problem.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I have nothing to say man. honestly I just keep on repeating myself about how much I dont like anyone elses opinions. If know none of you care at all- especially since I'm a bitter-butt-hurt former OKC fan who was bandwagon enough to switch to the Cavs when Lebron came back i mean- i dont know what to tell ya. I cant believe I keep up at it- I get really annoyed at others whose teams have actually won something- i have no clue about anything to do with basketball. At my basest level I get really upset when someone who's team has won, what ? 16 championships? is making fun of the team who just clinched 1st in the East- has LeBron James, KI, Love- the highest payroll in the league...etc....and still has no championships I know it just comes off as sour grapes man. I am really bitter and angry.

Fixed for accuracy.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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See this is what happens when people use TVs as babysitters instead of spending time with their kids!

To be fair, if you had a kid like Wiggy, would you want to spend time with them?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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We never see this from you.

Here's a hint: Just because you think it's the truth, doesn't mean it is. Also, when pretty much everyone on a website is disagreeing with you and calling you out for posting crap as often as it happens to you...you are the problem.
once again- quote me the non-Lakers-HEat fans that are saying this. good luck. from you guys i take it as a compliment i must say. and everyone already knows that - it hardly even needs to be said. i mean- i think its kinda funny you guys get so upset you feel the need to attack the Cavs or me because of my opinions on sports- whatever they may be...but whatever floats your boat
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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once again- quote me the non-Lakers-HEat fans that are saying this. good luck. from you guys i take it as a compliment i must say. and everyone already knows that - it hardly even needs to be said. i mean- i think its kinda funny you guys get so upset you feel the need to attack the Cavs or me because of my opinions on sports- whatever they may be...but whatever floats your boat

You are aware you bring all of this upon yourself? I have respect for anyone who roots for their team but at times you cross in to the realm of the ridiculous.

The majority of us Lakers fans are perfectly aware of how shit Jim Buss is and how shit Byron Scott is. We are very aware of the fuck ups in the Dwight and Nash trade. We even know giving Kobe such a huge contract during his decline put our team back a few years. None of us are making excuses for those actions.

You on the other hand seem to be making excuses for EVERYTHING the cavs do. From the Blatt firing to the stupendous contract Gilbert gave away to below than average players. Then you defend your players to the death no matter who they get compared to (Thompson v Whiteside).

It's one thing being a dedicated sports fan, another being a blind homer and right now you are the latter.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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You are aware you bring all of this upon yourself? I have respect for anyone who roots for their team but at times you cross in to the realm of the ridiculous.

The majority of us Lakers fans are perfectly aware of how shit Jim Buss is and how shit Byron Scott is. We are very aware of the fuck ups in the Dwight and Nash trade. We even know giving Kobe such a huge contract during his decline put our team back a few years. None of us are making excuses for those actions.

You on the other hand seem to be making excuses for EVERYTHING the cavs do. From the Blatt firing to the stupendous contract Gilbert gave away to below than average players. Then you defend your players to the death no matter who they get compared to (Thompson v Whiteside).

It's one thing being a dedicated sports fan, another being a blind homer and right now you are the latter.
just so i get this straight- you feel totally cool personally insulting someone over the internet for their basketball opinion because you disagree with it so strongly? yah- that doesnt surprise me about you AT ALL.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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once again- quote me the non-Lakers-HEat fans that are saying this. good luck. from you guys i take it as a compliment i must say. and everyone already knows that - it hardly even needs to be said. i mean- i think its kinda funny you guys get so upset you feel the need to attack the Cavs or me because of my opinions on sports- whatever they may be...but whatever floats your boat

Uh, this has nothing to do with what I posted. More of your typical bullshit. Additionally, no one on here does more attacking over opinions, deflecting and claiming their opinion is fact, as you do.

There is a reason that only 1 person on this entire site claims to like you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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and the banner thing is just so ridiculius- ill be the first to say the Lakers are a storied franchise- tons of banners- tons of banners in LA alone- let alone LA and Minne. A ton of historical players. One of 2 flagships of the league- that held the league up in the 70's and 80's before big Tv money and Jordan.

You guys just dont like it when i remind you that all those banners are worth less than the ass-wipe in the stalls of Staples Center to free agents that grew up in the AAU circuit- and want to WIN, and or play with their friends.

IF the Cavs won the next 10 titles they wouldnt approach the LAkers title count. Not even close. No one sane would ever say the Cavs are a more succesful franchise when looking at the history of the league. When Kevin Love signed a max contract in Cleveland after not even taking a meeting with the Lakers- what did those banners mean?

The Lakers have been the class of LA and the Clippers a joke for as long as anyone could remember- that is- until the brilliant self-made man billionaire owner Jerry Buss passed away- one of the pioneers of the league and one of the major reasons why it succeeded- he has left it to his son- who- WHO KNOWS- maybe 15 years from now we look back and say- "of course the guy was gonna struggle the first 3-4 years on the job- who wouldnt?"---- or- as we have seen- the Clippers- now have a genius billionaire owner who spent way more than anyone thought was humanely possible to buy the team- and has 3 legitimate all star players, and one of the most respected coaches in the league. Would it SURPRISE me if their was a reversal of fortunes for the next decade in the Staples center? Certainly would not surprise- though anything is possible. Maybe CP3 busts his knee- Blake leaves and Doc retires- and Julius Randle becomes ZBO 2.0...

Plus- this isnt the NBA of 15-20-25 years ago when you had to be in a big market...heck, like 7 years ago- the two biggest marketing stars i nthe NBA were LEBRon and Dwight Howard in CLEVELAND AND ORLANDO....2 of the smaller markets- Orlando just tiny....you dont need to play for the Lakers or Celtics or Knicks to get huge endorsements. Not only that- but revenue sharing is a major part of the new CBA- 15-20 years ago the Lakers and Knicks werent paying tens of millions of dollars into a pool for the benefit of the franchises that spend the least amount of money.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.43
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just so i get this straight- you feel totally cool personally insulting someone over the internet for their basketball opinion because you disagree with it so strongly? yah- that doesnt surprise me about you AT ALL.

You're being insulted for your completely moronic posts, not just for your basketball opinion. Also it's not just me, it's the majority of the board.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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just so you get this straight- It makes me feel totally cool when I'm personally insulting someone over the internet for their basketball opinion because I disagree with it so strongly? yah- that shouldnt surprise you about me AT ALL.

Adjusted for accuracy.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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You're being insulted for your completely moronic posts, not just for your basketball opinion. Also it's not just me, it's the majority of the board.

You better watch it. He'll tell Mecca you're being mean to him.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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He just doesn't get it!

I'd be perfectly happy talking just plain ol' basketball with him if he wasn't so blind to the world!

I think most would. But the constant 5,000 word dissertations of bullshit, constant attacking everyone else's opinions while claiming his opinions are fact and insulting folks for not agreeing with him kind of gets in the way.

Pretty amazing how we can have several folks on here at the same time discussing hoops, keeping disagreements civil and generally having fun. Then Wiggy shows up and turns it into a shit show.
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