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tOfficial Eastern Conference Playoffs Thread

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Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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You better watch it. He'll tell Mecca you're being mean to him.
omg no, the tears won't stop...:rain:

I understand you guys like keeping trolls around as long as they're entertaining, but I have to say this guy's kinda getting borderline there, and i'm guessing a lotta folks here would agree...
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GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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You are aware you bring all of this upon yourself? I have respect for anyone who roots for their team but at times you cross in to the realm of the ridiculous.

The majority of us Lakers fans are perfectly aware of how shit Jim Buss is and how shit Byron Scott is. We are very aware of the fuck ups in the Dwight and Nash trade. We even know giving Kobe such a huge contract during his decline put our team back a few years. None of us are making excuses for those actions.

You on the other hand seem to be making excuses for EVERYTHING the cavs do. From the Blatt firing to the stupendous contract Gilbert gave away to below than average players. Then you defend your players to the death no matter who they get compared to (Thompson v Whiteside).

It's one thing being a dedicated sports fan, another being a blind homer and right now you are the latter.
Please don't forget to mention the personal insults included in those bibles he thrusts across these boards daily.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Irving delivered the type of fourth-quarter performance Monday the Cavs are going to need time and again between now and June. He scored 13 of his 35 points in the fourth quarter on a night the Cavs flexed their muscle for the rest of the NBA to see. They won’t finish with a historic win total, but the Cavs still believe they have enough talent to win a championship. Irving and James are big reasons why, combining for 69 of the Cavs’ 109 points Monday and offering a glimpse at their combined potency to conclude what has been an inconsistent and sometimes frustrating season.

James ends his season averaging the same 25.3 points he averaged last season, but he took a far different path to get there. He didn’t need two weeks off in the middle of the season, his back wasn’t an issue and he has raved for weeks about how good he feels entering the postseason.

“It’s a mind switch,” James said before comparing himself to a golfer who is always tinkering with his swing. “I can understand sometimes when those guys change their swing sometimes, and they can maybe even change their golf clubs, they feel like just one little switch can get them to drive that ball 400 instead of 360. That’s the way I felt.”

He’s averaging 28.4 points, 8 rebounds and 8.5 assists in his past 10 games. He’s shooting 63 percent overall and nearly 52 percent from 3-point range.

“There’s a clock that goes off in his body,” James Jones said. “It starts to wake up and round into form.”

James has played as well these last three weeks as he has during any stretch in any of his Most Valuable Player seasons. He won’t win it this year — Steph Curry should be a unanimous selection — but James is playing his best basketball at exactly the right time.

“Zero dark thirty. It’s about that time,” Tristan Thompson said, referring to what James calls his mindset during the postseason. “You see it every year. It’s about to go down. Let’s do it.”
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Jul 17, 2014
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I think most would. But the constant 5,000 word dissertations of bullshit, constant attacking everyone else's opinions while claiming his opinions are fact and insulting folks for not agreeing with him kind of gets in the way.

Pretty amazing how we can have several folks on here at the same time discussing hoops, keeping disagreements civil and generally having fun. Then Wiggy shows up and turns it into a shit show.
i get along fine and civil with everyone but heat and lakers fans because they dont like what- i at least- think about their teams. Sht in the 30 team draft thing everything went great...for some reason Lakers and Heat just cannot stand my opinions on their teams- even though the vast majority of those opinions are rooted in the content put out by people in the league- gms, scouts, writers, broadcasters, players etc....


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Jul 17, 2014
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* settles in for a lengthy battle *

View attachment 106667
no battle....

just read 17 teams have room to offer a max contract

5 teams will have room to offer 2...

its going to be an EXTREMELY competitive free agent market and the class is not exactly deep to begin with. a lot of teams are gonna spend a LOT of money.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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i get along fine and civil with everyone but heat and lakers fans because they dont like what- ..

LmfAo...Dude, that's like 75% of the folks that post on a regular basis.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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no battle....

just read 17 teams have room to offer a max contract

5 teams will have room to offer 2...

its going to be an EXTREMELY competitive free agent market and the class is not exactly deep to begin with. a lot of teams are gonna spend a LOT of money.

Clippers have 2 rusty nickels and a Canadian dime.


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Jul 17, 2014
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LmfAo...Dude, that's like 75% of the folks that post on a regular basis.
EXACTLY...im mean shit mecca--- at least 75% of my opinons are at least somewhat based in the great amount of reading i do- its not like the vast majority is stuff that is just WAY out there in left field or doesnt have logic to it....its from guys that are MUCH smarter than me, much smarter than any of us- guys that have devoted their lives to the league- its their PROFESSION.

heat fans just dont like to hear that they wont even be able to bring back their current team with their cap situation...when they say dumb stuff like Durant might come there- and i tell them why that just does not seem even remotely feasible- they get angry- try and personally insult me to discredit me- and have some kind of general statement about how good they used to be and how the Cavs have never won a title...it cracks me up.

i mean seriously- ill say- ya know- money wise- it just makes absolutely no sense Durant is coming to Miami- not only that- but with Wade getting older, and Bosh in the shape he is in- i mean- it would NEVER happen...and for some reason writing down the obvious truth for some reason really chaps their ass.--- it goes down to - WELL AT LEAST WE COULD GET A MEETING- to then WELL WE WON TITLES- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! LOSER! HAHA!!

i mean, the brain power we are working with is not exactly university material here.
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Jul 17, 2014
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Clippers have 2 rusty nickels and a Canadian dime.
you have CP3, Blake, Griffin, Reddick...at least 23-24 teams- AT LEAST would kill for that. including the one you share a locker room with.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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You mean like when someone repeatedly watches your profile page, copies and pastes your status updates, and studies posts you've made months ago?

Sound familiar? I almost expect you to be across the street from me with some binoculars and a box of donuts.



Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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you have CP3, Blake, Griffin, Reddick...at least 23-24 teams- AT LEAST would kill for that. including the one you share a locker room with.

Yeah....for 1 more Season.

After next year, Paul, JJ and Blake can bounce.

They have to do something this off-season or we are fucked.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Yeah....for 1 more Season.

After next year, Paul, JJ and Blake can bounce.

They have to do something this off-season or we are fucked.
that is a LOT of potential turnover

think of how much its gonna take to sign Paul too....Ballmer will pay it...that will help you keep him unless he does something crazy. I mean a Chris Paul extension could EASILY look like 4 years 120 million. I think hed be worth it though- at least the first 2-3 years- probably all of em....30 mill is gonna be the going rate for a big time star pretty soon....the other guys- the DeMar Derozans are gonna get 25...


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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that is a LOT of potential turnover

think of how much its gonna take to sign Paul too....Ballmer will pay it...that will help you keep him unless he does something crazy. I mean a Chris Paul extension could EASILY look like 4 years 120 million. I think hed be worth it though- at least the first 2-3 years- probably all of em....30 mill is gonna be the going rate for a big time star pretty soon....the other guys- the DeMar Derozans are gonna get 25...

Yeah, they have to offer that.

Problem is, will be accept?

Doesn't the cap jump again after the next Season?

This is CP3 last big contract.

He wants to win and being the Warriors butt boy is not something I think he's gonna want to do for his last good years.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Yeah, they have to offer that.

Problem is, will be accept?

Doesn't the cap jump again after the next Season?

This is CP3 last big contract.

He wants to win and being the Warriors butt boy is not something I think he's gonna want to do for his last good years.
where do you go though? especially if u want ot get paid- which these guys will -especailly at the dollars that are gonna be out there.....

i dunno - going into that stuff so far into the future is ridiculous- like Windhorst says- you never know- even in their free agent season- like with Love- all the national guys were predicting he would leave....you can never know until you get there.


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Apr 17, 2013
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and the banner thing is just so ridiculius- ill be the first to say the Lakers are a storied franchise- tons of banners- tons of banners in LA alone- let alone LA and Minne. A ton of historical players. One of 2 flagships of the league- that held the league up in the 70's and 80's before big Tv money and Jordan.

You guys just dont like it when i remind you that all those banners are worth less than the ass-wipe in the stalls of Staples Center to free agents that grew up in the AAU circuit- and want to WIN, and or play with their friends.

IF the Cavs won the next 10 titles they wouldnt approach the LAkers title count. Not even close. No one sane would ever say the Cavs are a more succesful franchise when looking at the history of the league. When Kevin Love signed a max contract in Cleveland after not even taking a meeting with the Lakers- what did those banners mean?

The Lakers have been the class of LA and the Clippers a joke for as long as anyone could remember- that is- until the brilliant self-made man billionaire owner Jerry Buss passed away- one of the pioneers of the league and one of the major reasons why it succeeded- he has left it to his son- who- WHO KNOWS- maybe 15 years from now we look back and say- "of course the guy was gonna struggle the first 3-4 years on the job- who wouldnt?"---- or- as we have seen- the Clippers- now have a genius billionaire owner who spent way more than anyone thought was humanely possible to buy the team- and has 3 legitimate all star players, and one of the most respected coaches in the league. Would it SURPRISE me if their was a reversal of fortunes for the next decade in the Staples center? Certainly would not surprise- though anything is possible. Maybe CP3 busts his knee- Blake leaves and Doc retires- and Julius Randle becomes ZBO 2.0...

Plus- this isnt the NBA of 15-20-25 years ago when you had to be in a big market...heck, like 7 years ago- the two biggest marketing stars i nthe NBA were LEBRon and Dwight Howard in CLEVELAND AND ORLANDO....2 of the smaller markets- Orlando just tiny....you dont need to play for the Lakers or Celtics or Knicks to get huge endorsements. Not only that- but revenue sharing is a major part of the new CBA- 15-20 years ago the Lakers and Knicks werent paying tens of millions of dollars into a pool for the benefit of the franchises that spend the least amount of money.

Stopped reading once I saw Wiggy refer to Balmer as a genius billionaire. The guy is a joke in the tech community, and I don't give a fuck what his bank account looks like. Fuck Windows, Linux is better.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Stopped reading once I saw Wiggy refer to Balmer as a genius billionaire. The guy is a joke in the tech community, and I don't give a fuck what his bank account looks like. Fuck Windows, Linux is better.

Mecca- these are the people I am dealing with- these people who think they know better and know more than a former GM or a writer who has devoted his entire LIFE to covering the league as their profession.....or this guy ripping on Steve Ballmer.

Can you imagine the ego it takes to tell someone like that they are wrong- and ME- IM RIGHT ME!!!! and ill make fun of anyone who argues! SCREW the "professionals"....I KNOW BETTER THAN THEM!!!

imagine the ego that it takes to think that way.

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