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tOfficial Auburn Superthread

Which matches up better against FSU? OSU or Auburn?

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Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My opinion: This is the 2nd year in a row that a 5 star kid that lived in Auburn and went to Auburn HS has came to Alabama.

For some reason, they seem to want to get the fuck outta there. I'm betting this kid knew all along what he was going to do and just held the announcement off as long as possible for this very reason.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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According to the interview I heard this morning on my way to work his dad went to him and said he should base his decision on what was in the best interest of his desire to reach the NFL and said he and his family would support him 100% in whatever he thought would best get his skill set ready to play at the next level.

So it sounds like it had more to do with that than anything going on at Auburn. He thought he would get more exposure and better prepared for the NFL at Bama and who can argue with that?


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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According to the interview I heard this morning on my way to work his dad went to him and said he should base his decision on what was in the best interest of his desire to reach the NFL and said he and his family would support him 100% in whatever he thought would best get his skill set ready to play at the next level.

So it sounds like it had more to do with that than anything going on at Auburn. He thought he would get more exposure and better prepared for the NFL at Bama and who can argue with that?

I'd say he'd get better development. Auburn gets plenty of exposure.

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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Here is more of the story I pulled from an Auburn website:

Over the last week the recruitment circus of Rashaan Evans gave the state media an opportunity to get back to what it does best, slinging dirt at Auburn. It wasted no time turning that molehill into a mountain.

Rashaan Evans, as you surely know, is the son of former Auburn player Alan Evans who had the misfortune of playing the same position as Bo Jackson at the same time one of the greatest running backs in college football history wore Orange and Blue.

Alan Evans and his wife graduated from Auburn, made their home in Auburn, built their business and earned their livelihood in Auburn, and sent their son to Auburn High School.

Recruited by schools across the country the younger Evans whittled his list down to three schools: Auburn, Alabama and UCLA.

On signing day, in front of a national television audience he chose to attend Alabama. Predictably some in the Auburn community were upset. Not so much because of the decision, but the way in which it was handled.

The details are out there if you care to look. His recruitment became a spectacle that devolved to the point that coaches from rival programs were having dance competitions at his grandfather’s birthday party. The recruiting saga embodied everything that is wrong with the process and then took it two steps further.

While Rashaan Evans typically had little to say, his father seemed to relish the spotlight.

Once an almost forgotten footnote in the ascendance of Bo Jackson, the elder Evans gravitated toward the media attention he once briefly enjoyed 32 years ago. He constantly granted interviews and continually made drama-seeking comments that played one side against the other. From this vantage point he looked like the worst kind of stage dad trying to live a life lost and avenge what he has perceived as past wrongs vicariously through his son.

“A lot of situations that went on with him in college, it still haunts him to this day. Like, he can’t get over it,” said Rashaan of his father in an interview with the Opelika News just prior to signing day. “He still harps on that. He just doesn’t want that to repeat itself, history-wise, with me going to a place and having a bad situation where coaches are dishonest with me and things and I come over there and they tell me I’m going to start and end up being third string like he did.”

Recruits choose Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, LSU and other schools every year. When the recruiting battle is hotly contested between two schools, particularly rivals, there’s always disappointment from the side that didn’t come out on top. It happens.

The players and their families can expect a little backlash. It’s an unfortunate part of the cycle.

It’s not one we condone, because our position is and has always been that we are happy to have players who want to play for Auburn.

We’ve done pretty well over the years with those players. Auburn has more SEC championships over the last ten years than any other school in the league. Played in two of the last four national championship games. Currently have one of the nation’s most dynamic and productive offenses.

If a player doesn’t want to be a part of that, we consider it his loss not ours.

Still there are some who take recruiting personally and have in some cases lashed out at a player’s decision. That behavior is hardly limited to Auburn by any stretch of the imagination.

You’d be hard pressed to believe that based on the al.com-fueled reaction from Alan Evans in the wake of his son’s decision to attend Alabama. If al.com were your only source you’d likely believe that social media attacks were created and patented by and exclusive to Auburn fans.

Prior to his son putting on a crimson cap, the elder Evans fretted about fan reaction to his decision and publicly considered a change of venue. Within moments of the announcement, the elder Evans was front and center bemoaning the alleged criticism his son faced.

Given the circumstances of the decision and the manner in which he allowed it to play out, is Evans really surprised that a few people took offense? When you create a monster are you allowed to cry when it snaps at you?

Did Alan Evans truly expect that his barrage of “RTR, LOL” posts to Facebook would be taken in the spirit of fun? To many they seemed mocking and almost insulting.

When Alan posts pictures of himself with Alabama head coach Nick Saban along with the quote “Now that its over everything is out in the open no more sneaking around lol. Roll Dame Tide (sic)” does he not recognize that fans could easily interpret that to mean his family was not upfront with the Auburn coaches throughout the recruiting process?

If he truly wants the uproar to subside as he claims; if he is really concerned with the reaction and the backlash why does he continue to rattle the cage?

Is it possible that he is afraid that once the current media-fabricated furor finally goes away — as it certainly will — that he too will disappear from the media radar, this time forever?

For reasons still unknown, Rashaan invited two Auburn signees from Opelika to his announcement ceremony. What was the purpose of having them there other than to embarrass them by choosing their biggest rival?

When you make a public spectacle out of the recruitment, when you endeavor to get your name in the paper every single day, and then when it appears as if you and your family specifically set out to, in essence, “rub the other team’s nose in it”, you bring some of that backlash on yourself.

You can’t be a public figure, make a public display and then expect complete privacy. Doesn’t work that way.

Since signing day, Alan Evans has complained long, loudly and bitterly that people have been mean to him and his son on social media. Guess what, that’s part of the game.

The relative anonymity of social media sometimes brings out the worst in people. Just ask Chipper Jones of the Atlanta Braves or Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers. There was a great story recently in Sports Illustrated about the craziness of social media that detailed both of their dealings with Twitter warriors and Facebook foes.

Alan Evans has groused publicly that he’s heard people plan to boycott his business. These anonymous people have not been identified and no records of any such plans exist beyond his claims. That hasn’t stopped al.com from declaring it as an absolute truth without a shred of evidence to back it up.

Even if it were true, so what?

People have a right to choose. His son chose to play for Alabama. If someone considers that a valid reason to patronize a different store, they have that right. It’s their money and they can spend it where they wish. People have chosen to shop or not shop at a store for reasons far less compelling than that.

Choices have consequences. That’s a fact of life. Decisions, particularly public ones, do not exist in a vacuum.

Does Evans truly think that if his son had chosen UCLA or Auburn that there would be no unhappiness or recoil from Alabama fans? Is he naïve enough to believe that the entire state would wish him well had Rashaan made a different decision?

Please. Spare us. Ask any number of Auburn recruits from this year (or any other) how graciously their decision was taken by fans of rival schools.

Rashaan Evans is hardly the first to receive critical comments about his decision before, during or after the recruiting process. He is the first, however, to have his father bawl like a spanked baby and issue public pleas for people to stop being so mean on the Internet.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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Bottom line there is no defense of social media Trolls that have acted in a classless way but the Evan's family handled things in a way that maximized the embarrassment to Auburn and that didn't have to happen especially in front of other kids that were there to support you.

If the kid had announced earlier and given the coaches a heads up a lot of the sting would've been taken out of the situation but they chose to "stick it" too Auburn which is fine but you also have to understand people are going to get upset about that.

I hope the kid is happy and Auburn has a great class coming in regardless I just hope some of these theatrics will go away and people start acting like they have some sense of decency and that goes for all schools and the entire process.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Tigers' signees ignore criticism
Justin Hokanson
AuburnSports.com Managing Editor

The maturity level of a high school senior is tested when they make the decision to commit and sign with one university over another. How they handle the criticism tells a more important story.


Tre Williams is one of many Auburn signees that have decided to ignore criticism of rival fans.
Tre Williams is a five-star recruit from Mobile, Ala., and could have signed with any program in the nation. Auburn and Alabama were caught in a heated battle for Williams, who chose to commit and sign with the SEC champion Tigers.

Being an in-state recruit with offers from both Auburn and Alabama is pressure enough. Throw in that Williams is from the battleground city of Mobile and that pressure is ratcheted up even more.

"That should be one thing you're looking ahead to. You have to expect that from rival fans," Williams told AuburnSports.com. "I had to go through that, Deshaun (Davis), Stephen (Roberts) when he flipped from Alabama, we all got the negativity. My response? Who cares.

"I heard people saying I would never get a ring, I made a horrible decision, I'm overrated, I'm going to transfer in two years from Auburn. I heard all of it. My reaction is my grind everyday. Every day when they see my name in the newspaper, when my name pops up for being successful, that's my response instead of responding the wrong way."

Deshaun Davis, like Williams, signed with Auburn and was raised in Mobile. He's dealt with his fair share of fan criticisms after committing to Auburn and even following his ACL injury. Davis handled it with maturity of that of someone older than a 17-year old.

"Right after I committed, I injured my ACL and I'm having Alabama fans taunting me about my injury," Davis said. "But I don't respond. People are going to talk regardless, I don't really care. I save the comments and use them as motivation, that's it.

"Tre got the same thing. Stephen got it worse because he flipped, Kalvaraz (Bessent), too. It's just another day in the recruiting game. Move on."

Dontavius Russell grew up in Georgia and flipped from the home state school to arch-rival Auburn. Russell has endured the harsh words of a fan base scorned.

"When I said I was going to Georgia, all their fans were happy," Russell said. "As soon as I flipped, I was the worst player ever and I wasn't good enough for Georgia. My friends and I laughed about it, I never took it seriously. How can you take that seriously? I sure wasn't going to complain about it on Twitter. It just didn't matter to me.

"People cussed me out on Twitter, people called me an idiot, dumb, stuff like that. When I was younger, I was taught not to let others' actions impact my actions. They didn't get a reaction from me."
Nicholas Ruffin had big-time offers when he pledged to Auburn - he never looked back. Georgia came on strong, pushing for an official visit, but Ruffin declined the offer.

"It's inevitable, there's fans that feel they should criticize a child. Don't take it to heart; use it as fuel to add to my work ethic," Ruffin said. "If you tell me I'm not good enough, it doesn't bother me, but the fact that you think I'm not good enough will make me work harder.

"I never felt the need to react to fans. My brother went through the process and I learned there's no need to add fuel to the fire. When you react, it only makes things worse. It's better to prove people wrong. Words are meaningless, actions mean everything."

The recent scuffle between Oklahoma State basketball player Marcus Smart and a Texas Tech fan sheds light onto the current state of affairs between fans and recruits or student-athletes. To some degree, however, it's to be expected.

The decision to sign with one program immediately makes you an enemy of another - that's sports. That's a hard, but valuable lesson for a high school senior to learn.

"That's sports, that's fans," Williams said. "Before I even picked a school they were starting in on me about choosing Auburn. Since then, I knew it would be bad when I picked a school and it got worse, but who cares? You won't see me complaining about it. I knew it was coming and it doesn't faze me."

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My opinion: This is the 2nd year in a row that a 5 star kid that lived in Auburn and went to Auburn HS has came to Alabama.

For some reason, they seem to want to get the fuck outta there. I'm betting this kid knew all along what he was going to do and just held the announcement off as long as possible for this very reason.

Reuben Foster decommitted because he was pissed about Auburn letting Trooper Taylor (his main recruiting contact) go until then he was hardcore even had an Auburn Tattoo put on his arm. Trooper Taylor stays he is on Auburn's team but I'm glad that cancer is gone even if it cost a recruit.

The Evan's family (mainly the dad) obviously has a beef with Auburn going back to his playing days so the bolded quote you have up is a more than a little misleading. Notice they never mention that he only played one year and transferred because he was playing behind Bo Jackson and Lionel James and couldn't wait his turn but Auburn still helped him finish his degree and paid for it through a program that helps former players graduate if they want to come back. Not one damn word.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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And that was exactly what the Evan's family was trying to accomplish.

You are stupid if you believe that. They have a business in Auburn and actively cheer for Auburn and you think this is what they wanted.

If anything, they just wanted what was best for their kid. How fucking horrible!


No Limit Holdem Refugee
Mar 29, 2012
Alabama River/LouLouville KY
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And that was exactly what the Evan's family was trying to accomplish.

"You’d be hard pressed to believe that based on the al.com-fueled reaction from Alan Evans in the wake of his son’s decision to attend Alabama. If al.com were your only source you’d likely believe that social media attacks were created and patented by and exclusive to Auburn fans."

al.com is owned by Aubies. We affectionately refer to them as au.com for good reason. Nothing there but Bama hate and Barner spin. When a hater like Kevin Scarbinsky asks the Aubie fanbase, "What's wrong with you," it's all over over with.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You are stupid if you believe that. They have a business in Auburn and actively cheer for Auburn and you think this is what they wanted.

If anything, they just wanted what was best for their kid. How fucking horrible!

Exclamation point was a nice touch but we all know that every 5 star gets this crap after they commit and if the Evan's had ignored it all (like 99% of the kids do) this all goes away. They have chosen to stoke the fire and bring the trolls out all this has been handled badly and didn't have to be like this.

It doesn't excuse the trolls though grow men who even follow these kids need a life to troll them is bush league trash period and that goes for every fan base.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Exclamation point was a nice touch but we all know that every 5 star gets this crap after they commit and if the Evan's had ignored it all (like 99% of the kids do) this all goes away. They have chosen to stoke the fire and bring the trolls out all this has been handled badly and didn't have to be like this.

It doesn't excuse the trolls though grow men who even follow these kids need a life to troll them is bush league trash period and that goes for every fan base.

I seriously doubt the average recruit deals with things like this to the same degree.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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BAMA players sure do whine a lot.



Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I seriously doubt the average recruit deals with things like this to the same degree.

Only because they ignore the trolls and don't engage or yes they would dealing with it because that encourages the idiots out there.

Lance Armstrong

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Aug 8, 2011
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Gotta love the Auburn fan's spin on this. "They asked for it"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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Only because they ignore the trolls and don't engage or yes they would dealing with it because that encourages the idiots out there.
It is sad. Grown men harassing a 17-18 yr old kid over his college decision. I can not think of better evidence than that to begin culling the genetic pool..

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It is sad. Grown men harassing a 17-18 yr old kid over his college decision. I can not think of better evidence than that to begin culling the genetic pool..
