Unexpected Member
This all started a little over 3 years ago on the ESPN boards with a single term: Lebronstipation. I added the next 5 entries and other posters started coming up with their own. Thus Lebrictionary was born. It also lived under the names Encylopedia Lebritannica and Lebrikepia. It never lived long because some Lebron haters got way to nasty with it and some Lebron lovers got so bent out of shape they reported it until it got deleted.
I saved my best entries and now I think it can have a permanent home. This was undoubtedly the most popular thing I ever posted at ESPN. Enjoy.
Lebronstipation: the inability to get going when you need to get going
Lebronchitis: a respiratory condition which causes lots of choking
Lebronorrhea: a superstar-transmitted disease which can infect an entire team, causing its performance to go from great to grotesque
Lebrontasaurus: a massive beast with a tiny brain that failed to adapt to changes in its environment and is now extinct
Lebronage a trois: a threesome that sounded great at the time, but after having it turn out to be underwhelming, and enduring much ridicule and scorn from friends, makes one feel really filthy
Lebrontinence: when a poor performance by the Heat cause fans to wet their pants. Or worse
Lebrostitution: term used to describe how fans of the Miami Heat spend lots of money on a questionable product, and get screwed in the end
1. Term used to describe when the Miami Heat are not playing up to expectations
2. Term used to describe those who consistently bet on the Miami Heat to win
Legoat: Leone who is to Leblame for Leloss (not to be confused with LeGOAT)
LeGOAT: the association of Lebron with the acronym GOAT, which stands for Grossly Overrated at Times
Lebronster: what you get when you continue to feed an ego that was already too big to begin with
Lebronese: a language consisting primarily of hundreds of adjectives describing the greatness of Lebron, which only makes sense to those who speak it
Lebrownies: Term used to describe brown nosers of Lebron
Lebronze: manufactured metal that no matter how you clean, polish, or treat it, is still not golden, and only good for third place in the Olympics
Lebotomy: the removal of the part of the brain that understands that Lebron’s stats are significantly below those of Michael Jordan and many others in the NBA finals
Lebreak: what Lebron tells his teammates he’s taking when he skips out of practice to go to the local jewelry store to verify his ring size
Lekingdom: where the faithful shall gather to celebrate the greatness of the King. Present location: Fantasyland at Disneyworld
Lebreakup: separation fans of Lebron feel when they finally realize that he is not meeting their needs. The process has multiple stages (denial, anger, etc.) until reaching acceptance of the situation and moving on with their lives
Leberation: feeling of freedom after going through a Lebreakup
Lechemistry: sub-branch of chemistry dealing with the combining of the most unstable and volatile agents and watching the reactions, usually from a very safe distance
Leblackout: term used to describe the phenomenon of the mass power off at the same time of TV sets watching the NBA finals. The effect in the Miami area was so pronounced the local electric company thought it was dealing with a power failure
Lebronade: drink made with lemons that, no matter how much sugar you add to it, it still tastes sour and unsatisfying
Casa Blanka: nickname for the Miami Heat’s arena, characterized by the fans’ blank shirts and blank stares
“Oh Lehumanity!”: phrase first said in the latter part of the NBA Finals, comparing the Heat’s meltdown against the Mavericks to the destruction of the Hindenburg
Lebronstitution: not to be mistaken for Lebrostitution, this is the term describing Lebron’s contract with the Heat. Around 90 percent of the document deals with how and when Lebron gets paid, and even includes a Bill of Rights, which summarized states that Lebron has the right to as many bills as Lebron desires.
Lebronsibility: unusual dual-natured property, in that at times is indefinable and not measurable. For example when the Heat win, Lebronsibility is as clear as day but when the Heat lose, it cannot be pinpointed.
Dirkorations: nickname for 2010-11 championship rings
Ridirkculous: term to describe Lebron's play in the NBA Finals
Wii Choke: new video game coming out for the Wii this summer, giving the player the experience of what it was like to play for the Miami Heat last season
Lebroncentration: the ability to stay focused on your public image and not be distracted by lesser things, such as how to win championships
“Lebronte’s Inferno”: latest nickname for the Miami Heat. Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7, not 8, but 9 circles of Hell. Abandon all hope ye who enter AmericanAirlines arena.
Lebrononucleosis: mysterious illness which strikes in NBA playoff games, usually in the 4th Quarter. Also known as the "missing disease."
LeStooge: sure Curly James gets the most attention, and Larry Bosh is often overlooked, but wiseguys and even knuckleheads know that it is Moe Wade that runs the show.
LeBroken Arrow: an event which triggers a major meltdown of one or more members of the Heat
Lebridesmaid: never a Lebride
LeBrontanamo Bay: “Training camp” superstars that don’t live up to expectations are sent
This all started a little over 3 years ago on the ESPN boards with a single term: Lebronstipation. I added the next 5 entries and other posters started coming up with their own. Thus Lebrictionary was born. It also lived under the names Encylopedia Lebritannica and Lebrikepia. It never lived long because some Lebron haters got way to nasty with it and some Lebron lovers got so bent out of shape they reported it until it got deleted.
I saved my best entries and now I think it can have a permanent home. This was undoubtedly the most popular thing I ever posted at ESPN. Enjoy.
Lebronstipation: the inability to get going when you need to get going
Lebronchitis: a respiratory condition which causes lots of choking
Lebronorrhea: a superstar-transmitted disease which can infect an entire team, causing its performance to go from great to grotesque
Lebrontasaurus: a massive beast with a tiny brain that failed to adapt to changes in its environment and is now extinct
Lebronage a trois: a threesome that sounded great at the time, but after having it turn out to be underwhelming, and enduring much ridicule and scorn from friends, makes one feel really filthy
Lebrontinence: when a poor performance by the Heat cause fans to wet their pants. Or worse
Lebrostitution: term used to describe how fans of the Miami Heat spend lots of money on a questionable product, and get screwed in the end
1. Term used to describe when the Miami Heat are not playing up to expectations
2. Term used to describe those who consistently bet on the Miami Heat to win
Legoat: Leone who is to Leblame for Leloss (not to be confused with LeGOAT)
LeGOAT: the association of Lebron with the acronym GOAT, which stands for Grossly Overrated at Times
Lebronster: what you get when you continue to feed an ego that was already too big to begin with
Lebronese: a language consisting primarily of hundreds of adjectives describing the greatness of Lebron, which only makes sense to those who speak it
Lebrownies: Term used to describe brown nosers of Lebron
Lebronze: manufactured metal that no matter how you clean, polish, or treat it, is still not golden, and only good for third place in the Olympics
Lebotomy: the removal of the part of the brain that understands that Lebron’s stats are significantly below those of Michael Jordan and many others in the NBA finals
Lebreak: what Lebron tells his teammates he’s taking when he skips out of practice to go to the local jewelry store to verify his ring size
Lekingdom: where the faithful shall gather to celebrate the greatness of the King. Present location: Fantasyland at Disneyworld
Lebreakup: separation fans of Lebron feel when they finally realize that he is not meeting their needs. The process has multiple stages (denial, anger, etc.) until reaching acceptance of the situation and moving on with their lives
Leberation: feeling of freedom after going through a Lebreakup
Lechemistry: sub-branch of chemistry dealing with the combining of the most unstable and volatile agents and watching the reactions, usually from a very safe distance
Leblackout: term used to describe the phenomenon of the mass power off at the same time of TV sets watching the NBA finals. The effect in the Miami area was so pronounced the local electric company thought it was dealing with a power failure
Lebronade: drink made with lemons that, no matter how much sugar you add to it, it still tastes sour and unsatisfying
Casa Blanka: nickname for the Miami Heat’s arena, characterized by the fans’ blank shirts and blank stares
“Oh Lehumanity!”: phrase first said in the latter part of the NBA Finals, comparing the Heat’s meltdown against the Mavericks to the destruction of the Hindenburg
Lebronstitution: not to be mistaken for Lebrostitution, this is the term describing Lebron’s contract with the Heat. Around 90 percent of the document deals with how and when Lebron gets paid, and even includes a Bill of Rights, which summarized states that Lebron has the right to as many bills as Lebron desires.
Lebronsibility: unusual dual-natured property, in that at times is indefinable and not measurable. For example when the Heat win, Lebronsibility is as clear as day but when the Heat lose, it cannot be pinpointed.
Dirkorations: nickname for 2010-11 championship rings
Ridirkculous: term to describe Lebron's play in the NBA Finals
Wii Choke: new video game coming out for the Wii this summer, giving the player the experience of what it was like to play for the Miami Heat last season
Lebroncentration: the ability to stay focused on your public image and not be distracted by lesser things, such as how to win championships
“Lebronte’s Inferno”: latest nickname for the Miami Heat. Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7, not 8, but 9 circles of Hell. Abandon all hope ye who enter AmericanAirlines arena.
Lebrononucleosis: mysterious illness which strikes in NBA playoff games, usually in the 4th Quarter. Also known as the "missing disease."
LeStooge: sure Curly James gets the most attention, and Larry Bosh is often overlooked, but wiseguys and even knuckleheads know that it is Moe Wade that runs the show.
LeBroken Arrow: an event which triggers a major meltdown of one or more members of the Heat
Lebridesmaid: never a Lebride
LeBrontanamo Bay: “Training camp” superstars that don’t live up to expectations are sent